Your Garrett detector may be available for free updates or paid upgrades, depending upon your model.
Choose from a series below to see what updates or upgrades are available.

Follow the instructions to manage your device and discover available updates or upgrades


DOWNLOAD GarretT Installer

Download the Garrett Installer on your computer. If you already have installed Garrett installer please start at step 2.


Launch GarretT Installer

Launch Garrett installer on your computer.


Login and Plug-in Your device

Connect your device and follow the instructions.

Already Installed?

Click on the button to launch Garret Installer

Download Install Guides

Video Guides

Apex Software Update Instructions
Vortex Firmware Update 9.08
Vortex Update & Upgrade Instructions
Vortex Update Tips

Updates & Upgrades FAQ’s

Minimum System Requirements

To update your Garrett detector, a PC computer running with Windows 7 or newer operating system and Mac OS 10.13 and higher is required.
You need to be connected to the Internet to perform your install.

Note: You must be a registered user on the website to avail of these updates.

How can I get the latest firmware updates?

Click here to get information on downloading the latest firmware

How do I locate my detector’s serial number?

What if I have a conflict with my serial number during the update process?

Please contact Garrett Customer Support