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My international favorite find for July 2016 is the Hoard of 203 Republic of Latvia silver coins, discovered by Ivans M. from Latvia, with his AT Pro.

Ivans stated, “Hi. My name is Ivans and I am from Latvia. I went with friends on a long-known place with local diggers. Finds there have been little, but what else could be found? I had bought a Garrett AT Pro and walked near the car and adjusted the settings. When among the signals from the nails and other debris which repulsed the desire of other diggers, I heard a pleasant bell tone. I was curious and decided to dig up the signal. I can only say WOW and I immediately lost my voice. :) It turned out that this is only part of the signal. The excavated soil revealed glittering coins. Many coins. As it turned out, there were 203 silver coins of the first Republic of Latvia. Coins of 1, 2 and 5 lats. More than 2 kg of silver coins. It was really very surprising and unexpected discovery. My best discovery I found with Garrett AT Pro.”

Ivans M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second international favorite find for July 2016 is the 8 Escudos 1788 Gold Coin, discovered by Matias Z. from Uruguay with his AT Pro.

Matias states (edited), “July 12, 2016 on vacation at a plantation area. A few minutes into an interesting signal, I dig a nice piece of colonial spur, some modern ammunition, and an interesting deep signal. I draw out a clod of earth, again broadening and deepening and I see … my first impression is “this is a joke …can not be true” a large gold shield! Brushed some dirt off. My hands were shaking. 8 escudos, 1788. It’s impossible to describe the joy of discovery, called my friends, traveling photos and conversations that happened … we name it “Scarface” affectionately as a plow or some machinery to work the land passed over leaving her loveless mark. hehe. My first gold coin … and currency!”

Matias Z. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third international favorite finds are the Roman Coins and Fibulas, discovered by Piotr W. from Poland with this Ace 150.

Piotr stated, “I want to show you what I found recently with my Garrett Ace 150 in the forest. There are four silver Roman coins and two Fibula, all within a radius of 1 meter and a depth of about 20 cm. Imagine my joy when I saw what comes out of the ground. The first time I was able to find such old items. My Garrett really gives me so much pleasure and joy that I can hardly describe. Garrett made that possible. Now I have a great passion and contact history. I will collect money for a higher model of the detector and it will, of course, be the detector from Garrett.”

Piotr W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My fourth international favorite find is the Pearl Necklace, discovered by Roman S. from Germany with his AT Pro.

Roman states, “July 6. It was a rainy day, cloudy and cold. Best weather to pic the AT Pro and do a li’l trip into the woods. Hours and hours....gun cartridge, gun cartridge, gun cartridge. There was one 76 signal after the next…PENG…80+… ok, a cane …bored about the cartridges I dig it out, and this on the pic comes out!”

Roman S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!