Les trouvailles préférées - International


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Congratulations to our September International Favorite Finds winner Janette D. from the UK!

Janette was at the Rodney Cook Memorial event and found an early Anglo-Saxon silver sceatta dating between C. 680 - C. 710 with the Garrett 400i.

Janette D. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner!


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Congratulations to our Favorite Finds international winner Timofe F. from Romania!

He found two gold pendants with his EuroACE on a site where Roman coins had previously been found! The finds were handed over to authorities for further examination.

Timofe F. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos

July 2022 WINNER!!!

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Our July winner for Vaughan Garrett’s Favorite Find contest is Abrudan from Europe! One meter from the side of a roadway, he discovered this beautiful 18th Century brass and silver wine vessel with his Apex near the site of an old Evangelical church.

Abrudan WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner. Submit your story !


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Congratulations to Omar I. for being our June Favorite Find of the Month international winner!

Omar found a Roman brooch in the United Kingdom with his AT Pro! After contacting his local finds liaison officer, he learned that this type of brooch falls under the Polden Hill Harlow double lug class and dates from the end of the first century into the second century AD.

Omar WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos

MAY 2022 WINNER!!!

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Congratulations to Connor E. for being our international Find of the Month winner! After searching an early 1800s homesite, Connor got a screaming signal on the way back to the car with his AT Pro International.

He shares, "In the hole were two identical disks with very detailed snakes on them; they looked like gold! I took them home and J Three B (Jeremiah) did some research. He discovered that I found a set of solid gold early Victorian Cloak Clasps. These two snakes would join their tails to keep a woman’s cloak closed."

Connor E. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos.


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Congrats to Vaughan’s Favorite Find international contest winner, Jeremy L. from Newfoundland.

Success Story: “We started our walk back to the trail off the field and I searched for that ‘one last target’ on the way. I locked onto a target that sounded so nice. It was fairly consistent in the high 60s but would also jump into the 70s and even 80s a little. ‘This is the one,’ I said. I dug my last target. I removed the top layer of sod and then carved out a nice size chunk of soil with my knife and popped it out. Sitting there almost perfectly was an absolutely stunning one-of-a-kind Love Token/Cufflink made from two gold coins: a $2 Newfoundland and an 1855 $1 US gold coin. We looked at the hole shocked.

“I had hit NL Gold, US gold, and a Love token all in one. I didn’t just hit one gold coin, but 2. The engraving is such a beautiful example. My emotions were so high that I actually ran around the field aimlessly!”

Jeremy L. WINS an ACE Apex metal detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for March 2022 is the group of Three Ancient Silver B.C. Coins, discovered by Firiceanu C. from Europe with his AT Max.

Firiceanu's story: Hi Garrett Team! Hi Vaughan! I want to share with you one of my favorite findings. On an unusual warm and sunny winter day (almost no winter this year), my friend and I decided to go on a short hunt on a beautiful and full of history forest, near the city! Unfortunately, the part of the forest that is close to the main road is trashy, and usually we don’t explore that part.

But this time, being very impatient, I started my trusted AT Max quickly and in a few meters I have the first signal, weak but constant and on the silver part of the scale. So I decided to dig. First time when I saw it, I was thinking, hmm another small lead seal, but after a quick clean I notice the 2 faces and I realize that I found an ancient coin. A quick research on Google and YES, my first ancient coin, a silver Trihemiobol from Moesia region, Istros, dated between 450–350 BC. YEEEEE.

We keep hunting and after 50–60 meters, near a tree, a strong 89–91 signal. And between the roots of the tree, 2 more big and heavy silver ANCIENT coins. This time Greek Tetradrachms–Phillip II coins dated between 300–200 BC. YEEEEE What a great day!!! The coins now are at the Prahova County History Museum! Thank you and have a great day!

Firiceanu C. WINS an ACE Apex metal detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos.


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My International Favorite Find for February 2022 is the Gold Byzantine Coin, discovered by Peter P. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Peter’s story: I went to a hill, quite far to succeed, but I believed that there could be findings because from that hill there is a beautiful view of the surroundings, which was important for fortifications in ancient times. After I succeeded, I saw a lot of holes. I quickly realized that someone was looking carelessly. I thought I was late but after hiking so much I decided to taste my luck.

I found a few coins and a ring in the first half hour, and then, a gold coin! What a surprise I couldn’t believe! A real Byzantine gold coin solidus Justinian I. The feeling when you find a gold coin is hard to describe, especially when you find it in a location that is already dug up when you know that someone was so close but was unlucky. And who knows how many I skipped. Trust your intuition and never give up. Thank you Garrett ACE 250 :)

Peter P. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for January 2022 is the 3rd century A.D. Gold Roman Coin, discovered by Sergey Y. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Sergey’s success story: Hello dear Garrett team! Once in the fall, there was one amazing and incredible day in my life! It was connected with my Garrett AT PRO and a Roman gold coin I found in the field, at the depth of a spade bayonet. When I first took this find in my hand, I had the impression that I touched a history that was two thousand years long! It’s just great! This coin represents the gold aureus of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Probus, 3rd century AD. Thank you for really cool and lucky metal detectors! Garrett, best of the best!!

Yours sincerely, Sergey

Sergey Y. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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My second International Favorite Find for January 2022 is the lot of 14 Silver Roman Coins, discovered by Costache F. from Europe with his EuroAce.

Hello. I went out again with my friends for a detection game. A whole day I wandered the whole forest without special results. On the way to the car I came across a glade with big grass and many rose hip bushes. I had a clear signal...I dug a great discovery...a world of Roman silver! I wiped the coin from the ground and I noticed that it was a republican denarius with the abduction of Sabina. I continued to detect another signal again. I managed to discover 12 Republican denarii from different periods. The next day I went to that place again and I discovered 2 more coins. The feeling is unique. I am very satisfied with my Garrett EuroAce device. I am actually in love with him. Who seeks, finds.

Costache F. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner! Submit your story and photos


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My international Favorite Find for December 2021 is the Roman Magnentius 350-353 A.D. Coin, discovered by Oleksiy U. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Oleksiy’s success story: Hello it’s Alex from Europe. In 2019 I discovered a new place near my city, using Garrett ACE 150 and I found a couple Roman coins near small river. Since 2019 I was there maybe 15 times without any finds and now on the end of 2021, I found this one with Garrett ACE 250.

It’s Miliarense. Magnentius 350-353 A.D. Draped, holding globe and scepter. Very rare specimen.

Best regards, Oleksiy

Oleksiy U. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner. Submit your story and photos