Les trouvailles préférées - U.S.


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My U.S. favorite find for March 2020 is the Sons of Liberty Cap Button, found by Michaela O. from New Hampshire with his Ace 200.

Michaela says: Hey everyone at Garrett! Recently I purchased another brand metal detector off Facebook. I hadn't been metal detecting before this year. It was an okay metal detector but I wanted to experience more. So I decided to purchase one of your Garrett Ace 200s. I have been able to find so many great treasures from my hometown. My favorite find was just in these last 2 weeks. It was a Liberty Cap button worn by a member of the Sons of Liberty. A secret organization.

The Liberty Cap button is dated between 1775-1815. I found this button metal detecting an area I had already hit pretty hard. Finding all sorts of things from the 1700s. It came up at as a 58 on my Ace 200 and it was about 2-4 inches deep. At first I did not know what I had, so I had to do my research and I was beyond excited when I learned its origin. Thanks for allowing me to enter in your contest.

Sincerely, Michaela

Michaela O. WINS an ACE 300 Metal Detector!

Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300 Metal Detector! You could be the next winner!

February has THREE WINNERS!!!

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My U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the 71st Regiment of Foot Button (from Fraser's Highlanders), found by Craig T. from New Jersey with his AT Max.

Craig’s success story: My friends and I were detecting private property with permission in South Carolina. It had been extremely hard to find anything on the 1000 plus acres of property. There hadn't been any battles or encampments on the property. All we knew was it had been used during Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil War. We were there for only a weekend so time was not on our side. Hardly anything was found on the first day, small things like a few flat buttons, a trigger guard, etc. The second day started just as the first day had, very few signals and very far between. Then late in the morning, my friend called me and said to come check out this area of the woods. He was finding flat buttons. I figured I wasn't finding anything staying where I was so I went over to where he was.

I was only there a few minutes when I got this great signal on my AT Max. I dug it up and saw this button but had no idea what it was. At first I thought I had a colonial button. I saw another of my friends and asked him to come over and look at it. He looked at it and knew what it was and said he's never seen one come out of the ground in such great condition. It was a 71st Regiment of Foot Button (from Fraser's Highlanders). There were 2 Battalions. Later I started showing it off and everyone said it was a bucket list item.

I want to thank you Garrett for building such an awesome machine. My friends use another brand and are always telling me to get one. Now they know what I know, that my AT Max can run against any detector on the market. You just have to know your machine and trust it, which I do.

Craig T. WINS an ACE 300 Metal Detector!
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My second U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the 2 Reale Coin, 1754, found by Emi E. from Indiana with his Ace 200.

Emi’s success story: My family was on a trip to Florida so I decided to bring my trusty Ace. I immediately started swinging on the beach. After about 30 minutes, the Ace screamed an 85-86 at 6 inches, right by the water’s edge. I scooped out sand, happily expecting a silver quarter, but the edge I saw was very thin. When I pulled it out, my mind flooded with memories of my hometown in Spain, which I had recently left to come to the US. Tears came to my eyes as I stared at the 1754 Spain Seville 2 Reales coin I had just dug up. Thank you Garrett, from the bottom of my heart for reuniting me with my home.

Emi E. WINS an ACE 300 Metal Detector!
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My third U.S. favorite find for February 2020 is the 1852 $10 Gold Piece, found by Kevin B. from California with his AT Max.

Kevin’s success story: I have bought a new AT Max metal detector for my daughter's birthday for us to go metal detecting together. After trying it out in the front lawn and finding a hand full of coins, I was so impressed with the performance and wireless technology that I liked it so much and immediately got one for myself. I use it every weekend, tearing up my wife's lawn. I have found many items with this detector including old and modern coins, gold rush belt buckles, and other treasures.

However, my best find was when my brother and I were metal detecting last week in gold country. After hiking for miles and not finding much, I heard a good ping and starting digging. I had pulled from the ground a 1852 Wass Molitor and Co. 10 dollar gold piece that was at a depth of 8 inches. I was so excited that I could not control myself. After sharing my discovery with my neighbor, he ran out and bought an AT Max for himself, and I am getting a new AT Gold for my birthday, and am so excited. Thank you Garrett.

Kevin B. WINS an ACE 300 Metal Detector!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300 or ACE 300i! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for January 2020 is the 1700's Gold Wax Seal Signet Ring, found by Louis G. from Massachusetts with his AT Pro.

Louis’s success story: So to start detecting in January in Mass can be a cold one. However on this fine festive Saturday it was a crazy 65 degrees. A few other detectorists and myself went to a 1700's permission I had gotten last summer. We had been there a handful of times and every time we left with many colonial items. We arrived nice and early as we knew it was gonna be such nice weather. Got out there and started swinging. I was using my all powerful and super star AT PRO that I purchased last spring after 7 yrs or so of using an Ace 250 & 400. Everyone was pulling colonial coppers, and relics out of the ground. After about six hours of swinging and the day winding down I was in an area we all definitely went through either that day or in the past.

I got a nice 57 signal and said “c'mon gold" and dug up a pull tab. After you find gold every 50's signal you will always say “c'mon gold". LoL. About five feet away I got another 56/57 signal. Dug down 6 inches or so and low and behold what came out but the shine of GOLD!!!! I was so excited I called over a couple people. One thought I was playing a trick on him. They were both blown away as I was. After removing dirt what lay in my hand was a 1700's Wax Seal Signet Ring. The other person that came over said he was just in that area not that long before I was and must have missed it. I was thrilled beyond belief as to what I had found later on that evening when I posted it on social media and some others chimed in with more information. To me, finding colonial gold itself is a find of a lifetime, but for it to be a lost personal item that has a story to be told, that makes it all the more incredible. Research on it will be ongoing until all possible avenues are looked into.
Louis G. WINS a ACE 300 Metal Detector
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My second U.S. favorite find for January 2020 is the Warrant Officers Lapel Pin, found by Rick W. from Georgia with his AT Max.

Rick’s success story (edited): One Saturday morning the weather was bad but I wanted to go metal detecting. I recently had some luck working curb strips in and older part of town. I loaded up my gear and headed into town. As I arrived at the location it began to rain. At this point I was thinking about heading back home but then I thought wait I have an ATMax. It's water proof. Certainly a little rain won't hurt me. So I began working the side walk strip. I set up my AT Max on zero mode with zero descrim. I like to hear everything because of the fact that this is a very old part of town and I knew that the sidewalk was very old as well as it had not been updated or replaced. After ground balancing my Garrett 5x8 coil I began slowly moving forward sweeping the coil right to left and back again. Lots of iron signals could be heard and I felt like I was in a good spot as I worked my way up the street. I found several pennies and was ok with that as I was taken back to my childhood playing out in the rain like kids do.

I looked around at my whereabouts as sometimes I kind of forget exactly where I'm at. I see a for sale sign in the yard of the house I am standing in front of. So I called the realtor and introduced myself and explained to her what I was doing and asked would it be ok if I detected the yard. She said that it would be fine, so after thanking her I stepped into the yard and began methodically working my way up and down the yard. I began digging penny after penny as the wind picked up and light rain started. I hit a screaming signal. It was an old gold plated pocket watch. As I'm cleaning it up I'm thinking could my day get any better?

As I slowly worked my way through the yard I was greeted by another mid to high tone kind of faint but solid. As I removed the plug I began to see what looked like gold. Immediately my hands began to shake as I slowly unearthed it from its years of slumber into the light of day. I could see the eagle and his wings. It was a gold plated Warrant Officer Badge from WWll. I had never seen anything so shiny and beautiful in my life as I sprayed some water on it. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs as I have not had a day this good in what seemed like forever. My excitement was cut short by the emergency alert system as we were under a severe weather storm warning.

This is what I found out about the piece. It is a warrant officers lapel pin that was used from 1920 to 2004. It is 24 carrot gold plated brass but was unable to date it. Judging by the depth and age of all the items that I found I would place it around the 1940’s. There was a Air Force base east of the location that housed B52 bombers during WW2. Hundreds of soldiers moved in and out of the area. If I can find who owned the property before it got zoned commercial I would love to return it to any surviving family member that I can find. To me it is a piece of American history and a reminder of the generation that came together to rebuild America after a War far from home and family.

Rick W. has generously donated his Ace 300 to the kid’s hunt during the upcoming CG Memorial Hunt 4! Thank you Rick for your generosity!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300 or 300i! You could be the next winner!

December has THREE WINNERS!

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My U.S. favorite find for December 2019 is the Diamond Ring Return by Scott C. from New York with his AT Max.

Scott’s story: Garrett Success Story. I was detecting in a local swimming area where a lot of boats anchor. As I was going along, a boat arrived and some kids jumped off into the water and were splashing around. A guy on the boat started teasing me about finding big treasure. I finally moved on and they left soon after. About 20 minutes later, they came back.

I was getting ready to leave when the guy that had been teasing me earlier started yelling to me, calling me "metal man". I came over to the boat and he asked if I could find a ring. I asked if he knew where he lost it and he said about where the boat currently was. I started looking around for it. He got in the water and kept following me around. After about 10 minutes, the other two guys on the boat started insisting that they had to go. I gave them my cell number and told them to send me a text and I'd get in touch if I found it.

Just as he started to wade back to the boat, I got a screaming signal and was sure it had to be the ring. It took two scoops to get it up, but it was his ring. I've never seen a ring so large (other than the 1953 World Series ring I found for the widow of the owner about 10 years ago). It was huge, heavy and had all these diamonds on it. I handed it to him and I thought he was going to cry. He thanked me over and over and sent a long text about how much he appreciated my finding it for him. I'm sure he'll never tease another person with a metal detector again!
Scott C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find for December 2019 is the Sterling Silver Friendship Ring, found by Guy M. from Ohio with his AT Max.

Guy’s story: I was using my Garrett AT Max at a park that been hunted out and I have not found much with other brands there until I used My AT Max. I got a very loud Signal at 6" deep reading Quarter.

So I dug down did not find it quick, until a flash of heavy silver ring pop up form the dark deep dirt. It was a very large sterling silver friendship ring. Thank you Garrett family. Many family members want to buy and try their luck now..

Ps. I have notice Garrett machines ground balance very well.
Guy M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third U.S. favorite find for December 2019 is the Civil War Era Complete Spur, found by Wil M. from Alabama with his Ace 150.

Wil’s story: Found in Alabama where Wilson’s raid took place in 1865. Largest cavalry force ever assembled in the Western Hemisphere. All found within 30 yards of each other: Civil War era complete spur, General Service Cuff button, Cavalry cuff button, and a Three ring Bullet.
Wil M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Submit your story! You could be the next winner!

November 2019 has four WINNERS!!!

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My first U.S. favorite find for November is the Civil War era Cavalry Hat Pins (company B letter and crossed sabres), found by Tony F. from Colorado with his AT Gold.

Tony’s story: While searching a permission across the street from a confirmed civil war era Cavalry site, I was able to find a Company B letter and crossed sabres from a Cavalry issued hat. Both items were found in the same hole approximately 5 inches down. The Company B letter is in perfect condition and the sabres were slightly bent. For being in the Colorado ground for approximately 154 years, they are in beautiful condition. I found these two hat pins while using my Garrett AT Gold machine and my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT.

Tony F. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find is the 1853 Type 1 $1 Gold Coin, found by Connor B. from Ohio with his AT Pro.

Connor’s story: My name is Connor Bennett. I am 12 years old. I have been detecting for 3 years. I do all of the research and found some old house sites on an 1875 Indiana map which is now a cornfield. This was the first time me and my dad had been back to this field this season. The day started off awesome with my first 3 cent nickel that I eyeballed on the surface. A couple of hours later I got a 49-50 signal thinking it was trash. But I dig everything 40 and up in this iron covered field. After seeing this gold coin pop out, I ran all the way across the field to hug my dad but he didn't believe me! I kinda feel guilty because people detect their whole life without finding a gold coin. I will never forget that day with my dad!

Connor B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third U.S. favorite find is the 1790’s George Washington Cufflink, found by Keith S. from Pennsylvania with his AT Max.

Keith’s story: I went detecting on November 10 at a permission that keeps on producing awesome relics. I had already found a few flat buttons and a three ringer when I got a faint signal. After I dug the plug I found this little cufflink but couldn't really see any design on it. This was the first cufflink I had ever dug so when I got home I cleaned it and saw it had something like a picture and I could read G Washington on it, so that's when I looked it up and found out what it was and how old it was. This is definitely the coolest thing I have ever found.

Keith S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My fourth U.S. favorite find is the Kentucky Militia Civil War button circa 1850, found by Michael and Reese B. from Kentucky with their AT Max.

Michael’s story: I reinterred the hobby about a year and a half ago. I wanted a hobby to share with my youngest son who was 11 at the time. 600 hours and 85 permissions later we are obsessed and loving every minute spent together saving history.

On this particular day school happened to be out on a warm fall Monday. We had a wonderful permission at a Civil War General's mansion. No one lived there and we had a standing invitation to hunt whenever we wanted. We were honored to just be spending the day in such a beautiful and historic location. It didn't take us long to determine that the place had been hunted because there simply weren't any high tones. Our usual approach at a spot that had been hunted is to concentrate on nickel tones and think out side of the box.

In this case there was a small amount of wooded area separating our permission from the next property. The area was grown up and full of leaves and our first signal was an unimpressive 68 to 70. It was scratchy and iffy at best but you don't skip signals at a 250 year old permission. We popped a plug and dug down about another inch and saw gold! It only took a second for me to yell that I thought we had our first Civil War general service button! But as we gently continued cleaning it off I exclaimed that I thought it was a Kentucky Militia button! We had skipped right past general service button to what I considered the Holy Grail! Our hearts were beating out of our chests so we took a break to do a little investigating on the internet. It turned out to be an 1850 manufactured Kentucky Militia button KBI from the Kentucky Military Institute! We could not have been happier. Thank you Garrett for your awesome products. Our AT Max never lets us down. We enjoy every minute of every day spent together in the field with the ghosts of history.

Michael and Reese B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!

October 2019

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My U.S. favorite find for October 2019 is the 100 year Celebration Pendant 1896, found by Doug W. from Ohio with his AT Max.

Doug's story: My friend Joel and I detect together and try to get out every week. I live out in the country and I am always looking for permissions. There is an old homesite within view from my home. I have always wanted to detect there, but never stopped to ask. Finally, one day I saw someone outside and decided to stop. The owner was very gracious and seemed almost as excited as I was to see what might be there. He did not know the actual age of the home, but we both knew that it was pre-1856. We planned a date for Joel and I to come and we couldn't wait to get there.

The day turned out to be more amazing then we could have ever imagined! We found a shield nickel, Barber quarter, Walking Liberty half dollar (I wish that was my find!), tokens, Indians, and I even found a Draped Bust large cent among other great things.

Now this is where the story got exciting for me. I got a very good repeatable tone in the upper 70's that I thought was a coin. When I pulled it from the ground, I could see that it was an odd shape, but it was covered in dirt. Just then the homeowner happened to walk out of the house to ask if we were having any luck. I quickly told him YES as I was just pulling this "thing" out of the ground, but had no idea what it was! I wiped and brushed it off to see it for the first time after all these years. I remember bursting out, "IT HAS WRITING ON IT!" Still not knowing what it was I cleaned it a little more and handed to the homeowner to read. We were both so excited as he read it!

"100th Anniversary Wayne County Ohio 1796-1896, Gen. Mad Anthony Wayne Celebration, Wooster, Ohio Aug 11-16."

When I got home, we cleaned it up more and then started to research it. That is when we discovered that it was a 100th Anniversary Celebration of General "MAD" Anthony Wayne, the man that Wayne County was named after! He was born on Jan. 1st 1745, and passed away Dec. 15th 1796. The celebration was for 100 year after his passing. This pendant would have been worn by people who would have attended this celebration back in 1896! It was beautiful, and my favorite find of the day! There is so much amazing history about Gen. Anthony Wayne that I would encourage everyone to research him to see what he had accomplished.

The other picture is a shot of the celebration on Friday Aug. 14th 1896. Every time I see this picture it makes me smile and look back, wishing I could have been there to be a part of it!
Doug W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find for October 2019 is the 1850's double date Mexican 1 Reale, found by Ronnie R. from Texas with his AT Pro.

Ronnie's story: While hunting a ghost town in Texas with three friends, I was using my AT Pro and they were using high end competitor machines. After about four hours of hunting me and the AT Pro came up with the only coin of the day. It was a Mexican silver one Reale minted in the 1850's with a double date in very good shape minus where a plow hit while it laid in that field for about 160 years… Thank you Garrett family.
Ronnie R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!

September 2019

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My U.S. favorite find for September 2019 is the 1899 US $10 Gold coin S mint, found by Keno R. from California with his AT Pro.

Keno's story: Well it was my first time meeting up detecting with a new friend. He was swinging a competitors machine, and me my trusty Garrett AT Pro. Both finding a lot of nails and remnants of an old fire. A few hours in was started to get dark. I decided to check the far corner of the property near the old sidewalk. Two cute eledery women come walking down the sidewalk and one playfully says "Find any gold?" I play along and say "no just these" and held up one of the many recent pull tabs. I start to walk away and have this funny feeling to go back to where I was with the lady and her gold comment. I get a choppy but decent repeating signal of 80 along with 30's nail signals. My mind is blank as I start to dig, perhaps daydreaming of a screaming high silver signal, and out of the dirt 4 inches down blops a beautiful near perfect 1899 US $10 Gold coin S mint!! I call over my new buddy, he was like "I checked that spot 3 times before you got here!!!" I was beside myself! What a day!
Keno R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find for September 2019 is the Grand Army Of The Republic Belt Buckle, found by Trevor M. from Michigan with his AT Pro.

Trevor's story: I went on a weekend metal detecting road trip with two friends with the idea of stopping by old towns and door knocking on the way to our club picnic. Our first stop and first permission was awesome. My first plug was a coin spill with two wheat pennies and a silver dime. About 10 minutes later i got an absolutely beautiful signal with my AT Pro. About 6 inches down i found a small piece of leather and this buckle. Its a Grand Army of the Republic belt buckle. The Grand Army of the Republic was a Michigan organization for Civil War Veterans. My best relic to date by far and a beautiful piece of history.
Trevor M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third U.S. favorite find for September 2019 is the Priests Ring Anointing Oil Jar, found by Scott A. from Massachusetts, with his AT Pro.

Scott's story: With my AT Pro, I came across a fluctuating but strong signal near the base of a strategically placed barrier rock near the entrance/parking lot. Running the Pro Zero full program with iron audio set at 40, the digital target ID was consistently running between 48-52. A somewhat trashy site, I decided the target was a worthwhile dig and found the cylinder roughly 5" below the surface. Needless to say, I couldn't readily identify the object. The elements of possessing a fold-put ring and screw off cap baffled me when trying to ascertain what it was. It took some consultation with my fellow hobbyists and an ultimately a local Catholic church to determine what it is.

Turns out… it is a Swift & Fisher priests ring anointing oil (OI) jar with the now emulsified anointing oil (now a greenish color) still inside. Swift & Fisher apparently furnished a line of religious items from 1915 through 1965. An interesting twist is that this OI jar should be accompanied by two other jars. (The three jars hold the sacred chrism oils; the meaning behind the oils is OI stands for Oleum Infirmorum and is the Oil of the Infirm, OC stands for Oleum Catechumenorum and is the Oil of Catechumens, and finally, SC is Sacrum Chrisma which is the oil that will be used in the administration of the sacraments). As to how this OI jar found it's way to the park or what the disposition is of the other two jars is anyone's guess at this point.

Definitely one of my eyebrow raising finds to date. The AT Pro has been by far my favorite machine to get out and hunt with. I've been detecting for roughly two years now. Thank you for the opportunity to present.
Scott A. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My United States favorite find for August 2019 is the Boston Artillery Breast Plate, found by Thoren P. from Maine, with his AT Max.

Thoren's story: This is my first year metal detecting, and since I got the AT Max I have found things I couldn't even imagine, along with this find.

My friend Billy and I were planning to do some island hopping on old homesteads, when he decided that we should go down and check out a field before we left. Approximately 5 minutes into the field search, Billy struck across a 1843 large cent. 15 minutes after that is when I ran my Max across what I believe to be now, the best signal I'll probably ever get in my lifetime, screaming an 84 at 4" deep. I proceeded to cut my plug, and the pin-pointer could pick it up.

I saw something oval, had some hook and stud looking things on the back, and rolled it over to read "Boston Artillery" after doing much research, and talking to some war historians, they believe it to be the only known surviving example of this style plate. Got offered a good amount of money, but the memories made on an day like that don't have a price tag.
Thoren P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second United States favorite find for August 2019 is the 1851 Liberty Head Gold $1 Coin, found by Aaron S. from Indiana with his AT Pro.

Aaron's story: My favorite find. My bucket list coin of my life. With my son by my side.

On August 24th, I started out by asking a man who wanted me to do some work for him if I could metal detect his yard and I was thinking the answer would be no, but he surprised me and said yes go ahead. Well then I called my son and we grabbed our gear and headed out. I first dug a gold ring and I hollered at my son and said hey Spencer I found a ring! He ran over and asked if it was gold? I said I believe it is, and we started detecting again. I then dug a lead piece and he dug a wheat penny.

I then got a 51 signal on my AT Pro and said hey son I think I got a nickel here at 4 inches. I took my ATX shovel and dug down by the sidewalk of this 1840's home and said oh my God. He came a running. I looked down at another gold thing. Pulled it out and we was both in awe. An 1851 liberty head gold $1 coin. We hunted for another hour. Took our finds in and showed the owner. Very exciting day and another memory made with my son.
Aaron S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for July 2019 is the CSA Button, found by Matthew C. from TX with his AT-Max.

Matthew's story: A buddy of mine took me to a permission of his and we had started early to try and beat the heat. We hunted one spot for a while and had some good luck there. It started to get really hot and we decided to hop in the truck and catch some AC while we drove to another spot on the property before the heat became too much.

I was about 20 minutes into this new site when I got a sweet sounding high tone on my AT-Max. Now keep in mind the ground is hard as a rock and our shovels just weren't doing the trick so we were having to dig with a pick ax. As I started to dig I started to find large chunks of old bone (probably deer) and I was still getting a great signal and was thinking it was probably going to be a bullet. I got down to the bottom and saw what looked like a button and then I saw it was a CSA button I was so excited because I had never found one before because we just don't see stuff like that too often. We are confident with the other items we found that we might have found a confederate camp site. We both got a little over heated but we had a great time anyway. I can't wait to head back to that location maybe when the ground softens up a bit.

Matthew C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite find for July 2019 is the Civil War Era 7th Corps Badge made from a post-1853 Seated Dime, found by Jason O. from Minnesota with his AT Pro.

Jason's story: Went out to my heavily hit fields which was a site here in MN from the Sioux Uprising. Have been hunting these fields for a good 5 years now. Continued to a spot I have pulled some great items out of. Took my time and swung slow and low. Got a choppy upper 70s, and my ID, I would say it was about 4 inches down. Didn't think much of the piece at first but ended up having to take a break due to a storm rolling in. While sitting in my car did some brief research and turns out this is a Civil War era 7th Corps Badge made from a post-1853 Seated dime! You can see the stars and part of the date and arrows near the bottom.

Jason O. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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WINNER #1 My favorite U.S. find for June 2019 is the 1850's Document Embossing Seal, found by Douglas G. from Maryland with his AT Max.

Douglas's story: I was out with my uncle working a large farm field with my AT Max while he was swinging his AT Pro. A few buttons and bullets and such had been found by us both. A few swings later in what seemed like the middle of nowhere I picked up this super sweet deep signal. I dug pretty deep and found what looked like a small metal hockey puck. To my surprise it had an older style eagle on it and some lettering around the edge. It took me a few minutes to realize everything was reversed.

After a fair bit of research it turns out that I found a US Consulate Office document seal embossing stamp. It would have been used to place seals on documents for a foreign consulate office. This one is dated from the 1850s or so for a US Consulate Office that once existed for a few years in Realejo, Nicaragua. I found an example of its use online from a different city office from the 1850s. It was a perfect match. I also reversed the image to give a better idea of what it would have looked like. This is probably the most unique and coolest thing I have ever found thanks to my AT Max.
Douglas G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite U.S. find for June 2019 is the 1809 Classic Head Half-Cent, found by Brian S. from Vermont with his AT Pro.

Brian's story: I normally detect alone but was invited by my friend Sam to detect a permission he had acquired. I dug a few targets that were ok but not anything exciting. Started swinging the coil around an old large maple tree trunk on the edge of the property and immediately had a perfect sounding tone that was too good to be true. Six inches or so down the round shape with a greenish patina appeared and I immediately knew I had something special! The AT Pro always comes through!
Brian S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!