Les trouvailles préférées - U.S.


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My United States favorite find is the Coin Cache of 4 Spanish Reales, an 1819 Capped Bust Quarter, and an 1812 Capped Bust 5 Dollar Gold Piece, found by William F. from Connecticut with his AT Pro.

Will’s story: “I was invited to a first of the year hunt by new frends. We hunted a 1770’s homestead that is now converted to a bed and breakfast type retreat. My two buddies, Kevin and Doug, receive 100% credit for my finds because without their generosity this would have never happened. Swinging my AT Pro I hit an area near an old oak tree and got an iffy signal but on every other pass I would get a sweet high tone that was registering as high as 87 on the I.D., so I dug. 3 to 4 inches down I begin finding pottery and glass, then I hit an old iron nail which explains the messy tone. Further digging I see the rim of a silver coin…my excitement exploded. I called to Doug and he came running to video the dig. Upon pulling the coin and running water over it we discovered it is a Spanish Reale. We were both floored, and as any detectorist should do I rechecked my hole and bam ANOTHER Spanish Reale. Now I think this is not happening to me on new year’s day. At this point the homestead owners come out because of the excitement and I recheck the hole. BAM! Another target. I literally had to sit down…my legs were jelly…and you guessed it another Spanish Reale. Fast forward a few moments and more digging reveal 1 more Reale and an 1819 Capped Bust Quarter! So I figured what the heck let’s scan the hole again and you guessed it…another target only this time it wasn’t silver but a Capped Bust 5 Dollar Gold Piece from 1812!!!! At this point I’m ready to run down the street screaming because I’m not this lucky EVER!! And here I am, a year into metal detecting on January 1st digging what some people have tried to find for over 50 years. This is a day I will never ever forget. And a big thanks goes to Garrett for your top notch products. I thank you all for letting me share such a great experience, and have a happy new year!!!”

William F. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second United States favorite find is the C.S.A. Buckle, found by Joseph H. from Alabama with his AT Pro.

Joseph’s story: “It was my first day off from work in 2016. My buddy Brad and I got out for the first hunt of 2016. Instead of going to some fields that we know pay off we decide to hit a park that was only finished a few months ago. At one time 3 houses and a general store sat on the site that is now a park. I was hoping at best some wheats maybe a little silver. Then early into the hunt only my 4th hole I get this crazy loud signal. Figuring a can I dig just to clear out the trash. Then before I know what happens a bent but beautiful C.S.A. Buckle is looking up at me. I could not believe what was in my hand. I snapped some pictures and sent them to a friend that knows more about Civil War items than I do. Needless to say my 2016 year started with a bang. This just goes to show that even new places have once been used for something else. Thanks Garrett for making great detectors.”

Joseph H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for December 2015 is the 1820-1840 Militia Belt buckle, found by Mike P. from New York with his AT Pro.

Mike’s story: “Got a permission at a private property with a circa 1820’s house I’d been waiting for a long time. The owner couldnt have been more pleasent, and said my favorite words, “have at it!” The first few signals weren’t anything special, a few wheaties and one Rosie. I took a step back and noticed two large oak trees in the center of the lawn. I could imagine the previous resident sitting under their shade, doing laundry, all sorts of things. I decided to circle the trees and work my way out. About halfway around, I got a deep 84-86 with a sweet tone. I worked my way into a root filled plug, and got my hand around the edge and worked it out of the hole and was shocked to find my first military belt plate!”

Mike P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second U.S. favorite find is the Civil War Sweetheart locket, found by Joe E. from Florida with his AT Pro.

Joe’s story: “I was hunting a construction site in a very old part of Pensacola dating back to 1559. Working a dug up area, I swung my AT Pro over a dirt pile when I got a slamming signal. Out of that bulldozed dirt pile came this awesome Civil War sweet heart locket. Eagle button on one side, and two crossed muskets with a 13 star flag on the other.”

Joe E. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third U.S. favorite find is the Brass belt buckle w/anchor, found by Rob S. from Florida with his Garrett Ground Hog. Although this find was made nearly 40 years ago, it is timeless, and was found with the finest metal detector from the 1970’s invented by my father, Charles Garrett.

Rob’s story: “The year is 1976 in SE Wisconsin. New to the detecting hobby, I was out with my brand new Garrett Ground Hog, searching around a crumbling mid-1800s fieldstone foundation of an old homestead. Finding all sorts of “treasure”, my detector hit on this brass belt buckle adorned with an anchor. I have yet to identify it, but I’ve been told it’s not U.S., Spanish or English. In short, the expert didn’t know but in my opinion that would leave the French, who explored the area in the 1600s to early 1800’s. After 39 years, it is still a mystery. Any input would be much appreciated.”

Rob S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My 1st U.S. favorite find is the 1853 2 1/2 Dollar Gold Coin, found by Glenn S. from New York with his AT Pro.

Glenn’s story: “I’ve been detecting for about 25 years and have had many great finds. On November 15th I was out with my MD partner / nephew Chris, got a solid # 53 VDI and dug only 4-6 inches and unearthed an 1853 2 1/2 Dollar gold coin with a broken bezel and necklace, I yelled CHRIS!!! He couldn’t believe his eyes and I couldn’t either. My luck this year is the best in all of my years of metal detecting. My advise to everyone always is swing “Low & Slow”, real slow and good things will be discovered. Thank you Garrett for producing one great machine-the AT Pro.”

Glenn S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 2nd U.S. favorite find is the Federal Officer's Civil War Buckle, found by Perry W. of Pennsylvania with his AT Pro.

Perry’s story: “Took a trip to an old foundation I have been wanting to get to for over a year. Hunted there for 6 hours with not one dig signal. Thought the day was a bust. There is a small cemetery on top of hill behind the foundation and was heading there to pay my respects before leaving. Detecting my way up hill only went about 20 ft. and got a hard hit and reading of 85, but kept losing the 85 because of a lot of iron in ground. Started digging, pulled out a bunch of old hand cut nails and a small piece of plow. Was down about 12 inches still getting the 85. Kept digging, probe kept saying deeper, at 15 inches deep buckle came into view, I almost passed out. Was never expecting to find a buckle. Went to cemetery, paid my respects and headed home to research the buckle and found it is a federal sword belt plate.”

Perry W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 3rd U.S. favorite find is the War of 1812 4th Regiment Eagle Button, found by Kelly H. from Maine with his Ace 250.

Kelly’s story: “Me and my friend Ritchie were detecting a corn field down along the river. I drifted off the field and down to an old river crossing. My Ace 250 sounded off on a solid target. Down only a couple of inches I recovered this amazing War of 1812 flat button. You can see the 4 in the lasso representing the 4th Regiment.”

Kelly H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for October 2015 is the Confederate Belt Plate, found by Craig W. from Virginia with his Ace 350.

Craig’s story: "I live in a house built in 1838. I attended a civil war show this past July and purchased a Garrett Ace 350. Yesterday afternoon in my back yard just twenty feet from where I park the car, I dug this C.S. tongue of a two piece confederate interlocking sword belt plate. You can see in the photographs how the plate actually molded the clay to the shape and form of the buckle. The Pro-Pointer was a must in this recovery. This was truly a life thrilling, heart pounding find and I am proud to share it! Thank you Garrett for an easy to use great machine, the Ace 350!"

Craig W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite find for October 2015 is the Indian War Sword Belt Plate, found by Brian P. from New York with his AT Pro.

Brian’s story: "After scouting an area for new cellar holes I return to find this Indian war 1874 Pattern Officer & Calvary Sword Belt Plate about 30 feet from the front of the house. A day I’ll never forget."

Brian P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third favorite find for October 2015 is the 1828 Capped Bust Quarter, found by Wayne C. from New Hampshire with his AT Pro with the 5x8 DD coil.

Wayne’s story: "After hours of detecting with a group in Vermont using big coils, I scanned an area full of nail signals and grunts that they had just swept over, and was still learning how to separate the signals. I was able to isolate an 82-85 even in the thick of the nails so at this point I was not only impressed with the 5x8 coil, I was glad I purchased it. Then I proceeded to dig and was not prepared for what was in the hole. It turns out I found a rare 1828 capped bust quarter in immaculate condition considering it came from the dirt. My mind was blown and I truly owe the credit to my equipment cause I am fairly new to the hobby and this is a sought after coin by seasoned professionals. So thanks Garrett for your outstanding products that make this hobby/obsession so great."

Wayne C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My fourth favorite find for October 2015 is the 1.15 ounce gold nugget, found by Randy W. from Colorado with his AT Gold. Randy’s story: "I bought my Garrett AT Pro about a year and half ago and really like using it, so I decided I wanted to get the AT Gold and try prospecting for Gold this summer and I could now take my son with me. I finally found someone that would let me metal detect for Gold on their claim. I was out for 45 minutes when I got my first good signal. I was seeing a solid 47 on the detector and when I turned on iron audio there was nothing and it showed about 2 inches deep. I started moving rocks around and finally I found what set off the detector. At first I thought I had a lead bullet but as soon as I cleaned it off I knew I found my very first gold, wow what a feeling! It was 3.5 grams and when I showed the claim owner one of the first things he asked was what detector I was using. I was happy to say Garrett AT Gold. I went back to detecting and later got another hit that blew my ears off. It was a solid 55 on the detector and about 4 inches deep. When I dug this one out I almost fell over. I would never have figured to find something so big. It is a 1.15 ounce nugget. I found a nugget on my first time out that people look a life time for! Garrett I just want to say I love using both my AT Pro and AT Gold, these are great detectors." Randy W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite U.S. Find for September 2015 is the Inscribed Zippo Lighter belonging to Jerry Lynn Dyer, U.S. Army, discovered by Brian W. from Ohio with his Ace 350.

Brian brings this unique find to light and returns it in a special way. (edited) “I obtained permission at a friend’s vacant lot on July 29, 2015, and near the brick sidewalk I got a solid mixed tone signal about 8 inches deep. Digging it up I realized it was a zippo lighter with handwritten inscriptions: Jerry Lynn Dryer, Aug 1942, 101st Airborne. I researched online with no luck, then used the phone book and found his brother. From him I learned that Jerry (Gerald) was born August 1942, served his country from July 13, 1960 to February 1967. He served in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne and received the National Defense Service medal as well as a sharpshooter medal. Since his return from active duty due to a brain injury, Jerry became estranged from family and old friends and became a loner.”

Brian continues, “The locals remember seeing Jerry around town and gave him the nickname Sgt. Walker because he was always in his uniform walking around town. Jerry died in 2005 and was buried at Veterans Square of Greenlawn Cemetery. I went there to find Jerry’s grave and return his lighter, a lighter that must have meant so much for him to put all that information on it by hand. Sadly I was not able to locate and pay my formal respects to Jerry, as there are several gravesites that do not have stones, just flags and war era flag holders. I did return his lighter to the flagpole of the cemetery. I felt it was the right thing to do. Most people would have only found a lighter. But for me I found a story about a man’s life who was willing to give everything so I could live in this great country of ours, swing my coil over the soil and find his lighter. I love finding history one beep at a time. First Capital Digger out.”

Brian W. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite U.S. find is the Massachusetts Militia Officer Sword Buckle Plate, found by Patrick L. from Massachusetts with his AT Pro.

Patrick discovers a rare find. (edited) “I bought my first entry level detector in September 2014. By January 2015 I was addicted to the hobby and bought my beloved AT Pro. Finding this buckle was the result of 30% research, 20% intuition and 50% luck. Last winter I researched locations trying to hit a promising virgin or lightly detected spot. One of them was by a riverbank, so in late August I loaded the kayak and went on my first river hunt. I searched the shallows and the water’s edge. Was lucky enough to put my coil on the right spot. Gave me a mid to high 70 at 8” deep. Now, being still relatively new to the hobby I learned a lesson that day: Come prepared with the right tools, and if you start a dig, go all the way. It was under a bunch of river bushes and roots and I had nothing but my hands and a small shovel to cut them. Painful. Took me a while. The only reason I kept going was the sound in my headset: Nice and crisp. Finally got it in my hands. I knew immediately it was a buckle and I recognized the state of Mass emblem but did not realize what I was looking at. Just though "Nice!" and put it away. A few minutes later about 5' away I found what I believe to be the top of a lantern. When I got back home I could not find much information about the buckle, so I posted a picture on Treasurenet.com and quickly realized that I had found an extremely rare and unique item: a State of Massachusetts militia officer sword buckle plate.”

Patrick L. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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August 2015 WINNER! My U.S. Favorite Finds for August 2015 are the Three Small Gold Nuggets found by Wes and Nick S. with their AT Gold and Ace 250 detectors.

Wes and Nick’s father, Michael S., submitted the story. "On vacation last week in Colorado my boys struck gold. I recently bought your Garrett AT Gold a couple of months ago for our trip. We were nugget shooting north of Jamestown, CO. Wes found 2 small gold nuggets using the AT Gold weighing 1.9g total weight. That machine work awesome, love the iron audio and the ground balance display. Most of the time the ground balance read between 74-90. Nick found a nice 1.8g dime-sized flat gold nugget 4 inches in the ground using the ACE 250. With the soil being as hot as it was, the ACE 250 worked great. I was not expecting that, it ran very quiet and did not false much at all. Even after I turned the sensitivity way up it hardly had any falsing. Thanks, MS."

Congrats to the whole family! Go back to your hot spot with your new Pro-Pointer AT.

Wes and Nick WIN a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My first favorite U.S. find for July 2015 is the Returned Wedding Ring, found by Jason M. from Mississippi with his AT Pro.

Jason’s story (edited): "On July 5th I saw a Facebook post from a Louisiana Woman that had lost her wedding ring while watching fireworks in Biloxi, MS. I wanted to hunt the beach for the lost ring. When I arrived at the location described in the post I quickly became concerned I was too late. The beach sweeping tractors were in the process of collecting the 4th of July trash. I searched for an hour with no luck. Not wanting to give up I sent a friend request to the young woman. She accepted, and I was able to message her for more specific details to narrow down the search area, which rejuvenated my search effort. During my two and half hour hunt I got rained on 3 times. If it weren’t for my waterproof AT Pro I would have been forced to pack up and head home. Persistence, great equipment, and a little luck allowed me to locate the missing ring! I sent a picture of the freshly recovered ring to its owner. She was ecstatic! I told her I would be near her home town on Monday at my metal detecting club meeting (Southern Historical Research and Recovery Association — S.H.R.R.A.) The local news channel WLOX caught wind of it and made arrangements to be at our club meeting to film the exchange and interview both of us. The exchange went great! My club members really enjoyed being part of the return. We received great publicity for the hobby, our club, and the city of Biloxi, Mississippi. To top it off the city of Biloxi honored me at their city council meeting the following day with a certificate of appreciation."

Jason M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite U.S. find is the Civil War CSA Belt Buckle along with the Eagle Breast Plate, discovered by Casey D. from Georgia with his AT Pro.

Casey’s story (edited): "I was out hunting a corn field in the sweltering heat not having much luck. I decided to go up closer to the road. I’m steadily sweeping my detector with not much luck and then…Bam! A great signal. At first I thought probably a beer can. I dig about 8 inches down and out pops this round thing. I start wiping away the dirt. I see an eagle. At this point I know exactly what I’d found. A breast plate! I thought man, that’s pretty good for my first civil war find! After the excitement wore off, I hit an area covered in old junk on the other side of the field. I’m digging everything hoping for civil war artifacts…pull-tabs, bottle caps, cans, junk metal. Almost ready to give up, I hit another solid signal. This one was about 10 inches down. and out pops this square piece of metal. I wipe off dirt and I see that it says USA. I think hmmm what could this be? I’m staring at it…wipe a little more dirt away…wait, that says CSA. Oh my goodness! This is one of the holy grails of civil war artifacts! A CSA belt buckle in my hands! Wow! I was in shock just looking at it. A CSA buckle and an eagle breast plate on the same day AND my very first civil war finds. Luck was surely on my side. The AT Pro comes through again. I know I would have never found either of those with my prior detector. Man I love my AT Pro!"

Casey D. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third favorite U.S. find for July 2015 is the George Washington Inaugural Cuff Button, discovered by Chris R. from New Hampshire with his AT Pro.

Chriss story: "It was very hot and humid but I had a "feeling" that I might be missing out on something special. I normally use the smaller coil but today decided to use the standard coil. I went to a old abandoned road that has 5 house sites. This one just looks like a pile of stones. After 15 minutes, I had a faint hit with a mid-to-high repeatable signal by the edge of a 7 ft boulder. So I start to dig. 10 inches down I get this small cuff button with the link still attached. I think "neat", throw it in my pouch and keep going. I dug up 3 more buttons before the heat got me. I get home and start to look at it. It looked like it might have a tree branch on it but it was dirty. I soaked it in mineral oil for a couple of hours then took it out. Using a toothpick, I scraped away at the dirt and could now see a profile. I thought I saw something like this before on a George Washington inaugural buttons site. Sure enough, it was an inaugural cuff button! Only 3-5 known specimens EXIST. Ultra rare! I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited, I dropped it in the sink, and had to take out a part to get it. My AT Pro comes through again, big time! Thank you Garrett for this "once in a lifetime find."

Chris R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!

Thanks you Jason, Casey, and Chris for submitting your exciting stories of treasure discovery. Enjoy your new Pro-Pointer AT’s.
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My first U.S. favorite find for June 2015 is the collection of 20 Civil War Buttons, found by Logan R. from Tennessee with his AT Pro.

Logan relives the discovery, “Recently I upgraded to an AT Pro, immediately the finds started coming. Within about 5 months I've dug around 70 silver coins and numerous other great finds! This picture right here is from a hunt a couple of days ago that will defiantly go down as one of my favorite hunts ever. I recently got a new permission at a mid 1800's home in my town. The owner told me that the place had been pounded by detectorists already but I was more than welcome to look around. I was pretty confident that with the right set up, I could maybe pick out a few small relics that may have been missed, I had no idea what was coming to me. Digging nothing but junk, I was starting to lose hope, but I wasn't gonna stop there. I came up on an odd squeaker tone and decided to dig it. I was very surprised when an eagle cuff button popped out! I excitedly ran to the truck and put it in a safe place and went back to digging. When I got back to the hole, I checked again with my Pro- Pointer and got a beep! Another cuff button! I did this for an entire hour, pulling buttons out left and right, some coat buttons and some cuffs. I wound up digging 20 eagle buttons out of this one spot! One of my best hunts and all because of my AT Pro!”

Logan R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite U.S. find is the Civil War Eagle Sword Belt Plate, discovered by Larry S. from Iowa with his AT Pro.

Larry tells his tale. “I bought my AT Pro in November of 2013 and have been constantly amazed with the glimpses of history I get with every target I retrieve. On May 13th this year my hunting buddy and I were allowed to detect a beautiful 1900’s limestone home in a small town in Northeast Iowa. I picked up a solid high tone about 3 feet from the base of a large pine tree. The soil was soft and moist making for fairly easy digging, or I may have given up on the best find of my life. At about 7” under a 3” root I finally extracted my prize. How did a standard issue officer’s 1851 civil war eagle sword belt plate end up under this pine tree? The property owners have the deed and abstract and offered to help me try to track down the details to this mystery. My mild interest in “old stuff” has turned into a quest for the answer to an intriguing puzzle. Thanks for letting me share my little tale, hopefully I can track down and share the truth behind this beautiful artifact.”

Larry S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third U.S. favorite find is the C.S.A. buckle, found by Travis R. from Louisiana with his AT Pro.

Travis shares his story. “Second trip out with the AT Pro and almost had a heart attack when I pulled this CSA plate from its prior resting place 10 inches down in south Mississippi. There is no way my prior detector would have been able to pick this up. I am blown away with how much time I am spending digging quality target instead of digging trash. This is because of the awesome capabilities of the AT Pro and ease of use. Thank you Garrett!!

Travis R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My United States Favorite Find for May 2015 is the Union Civil War Belt Plate, found by Seth E. from Pennsylvania with his AT Pro.

It’s so exciting to see a young man discover history with a Garrett! Seth shared his story with Garrett, and so here I share it with our readers.

"I was metal detecting at a 1700’s Log Cabin Site that was used up until the late 1800’s and came across a solid 81 signal on the AT Pro. It was about 8 inches deep and had to dig through a ton of roots to get it, but I finally pulled it out of the hole and saw it was my very first U.S. Belt Plate from the Civil War! All the hooks are attached and has all the lead back filling! I just started metal detecting about a year ago, I am 15 now and plan on detecting forever!"

Great job Seth! May you be an inspiration to all treasure hunters.

Seth E. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My first favorite find is the Civil War ID Badge, discovered by Karen S. from Macon, GA with her AT Pro.

Here’s Karen’s story. "All I can say is WOW! The AT Pro and and the pin pointer didn’t fail me with this great find. Searching in a local park in downtown Macon, GA. About an hour into the hunt, I got this great signal and about 6 inches down I got this Civil War ID Badge. It reads:
A.S.L. Ent
Co D
118th Regt P.V.
J.N.K (small letters on bottom)
With the help of some club members, I traced this to Algernon Sydney Logan Ent that was with the Pennsylvania Volunteers, "The Corn Exchange" Regiment, 1st Sergeant.

Enlisted 8-15-1862. Mustered out with his company 6-1-1865. Thank you Garrett for helping me uncover this AMAZING piece of history!"

Rare historical find in great condition! Maybe there are some ancestors who can be notified. I love it.

Karen S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite find is the Anchor Crucifix, discovered by James B. from Bedford, TX with his AT Pro.

Here’s James’ story. "I went out for a short hunt in Bedford Texas. I hunted for about 40 minutes and found this Anchor Crucifix about 2 inches in depth. It’s now my more unique find since I have 18 months in this hobby. This Mariner’s Crucifix is made of 925 silver and its meaning is hope and security in a storm. Other unique thing about this item is that I found it in Bedford Texas which is about 300 miles from the Gulf of Mexico."

Great find! This is a special find to me because it’s symbolic of my father’s interests, Navy and Christ.

James B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!