MAY 2015 WINNER!!!

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My International Favorite Find for May 2015 is the collection of Four Golden Roubles, discovered by Yurii K. and a friend with the GTI 2500. Yurii is from Ukraine where he discovered these coins, and now lives in Alberta, Canada.

Here is his story, edited. "I started my way in metal detection from 1999 in Ukraine. Every day I looked for ancient settlements and I found bronze crosses and icons, copper and silver coins. I dreamed about golden coins. One day my schoolmate dug the foundation of a garage and he found a silver coin. He called me and I was ready to go to him in five minutes! I looked with my Garrett GTI 2500 and after one hour I found my first golden coin: 5 Roubles, 1900. I was so happy. If you find a golden coin in your life you can understand my joy. Next day I continued and I found another golden coin: 10 Roubles, 1899. The coin was 8.6 gramms of gold. I could not believe my eyes! All of the time I used Garrett, however my friend decided to use a plastic box for fruit. He shaked the ground and found a couple of silver coins also. I checked every centimetre of the place. In conclusion we shoveled about 3 tons of ground, spent 4 days of our time and we detected 4 golden coins and 18 silver coins! It was my first small treasure. It was awesome."

Eureka Yurii! Great job staying with it for four days! Treasure hunting is about desire, persistence, and good equipment. You have it all.

Yurii K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!