Favorite Finds - International


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My favorite international find for July, 2013 is the Middle Bronze Age Bracelet, unearthed by Gerd M. from Baveria, Germany with his Ace 250.

“Well this morning it stopped raining and I had about one hour time to do a test run over one of my permissions”, Gerd states.“It started with the usual finds in my area, a WWII cartridge, Ox shoe, a 1903 coin, and then on the last test row…a Bronze Age bracelet! (But I did not recognize it at the time due to the dirt).”

Gerd continues as time is running out. “Finished the line in one direction and turned around to do the other side of the line. On about the same height, wow, another great signal! Made my plug, and out popped another bracelet which looked like bone fragments. At this point it dawned on me that this is an historical find and needs to be secured for the Heritage Office to take over.” Gerd recorded the coordinates on GPS, took pictures and a made a finds log with the Baverian Heritage.

“The next day I got the information that the Bronze Age bracelet was predicated to be from 1500 B.C. Middle Bronze Age, and the other one from the same period, Gerd says. “The bracelets will be picked up this Wednesday, June 5 to get preserved. How it goes on from here I don’t know as it’s my first find of this National importance.”

Great job! Thanks Gerd for submitting your story!

Gerd M. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!

MAY 2013 WINNER!!!

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My Favorite International find for May 2013 is the Hoard of 200 Bronze Roman Coins, discovered by Gary S. from Dorset, England with his Garrett Euro Ace.

Gary tells the beginning of a successful discovery. “I started out on one of my permissions. It was cold but dry. I wasn’t getting many signals all day, so I decided to head back as it was getting late. As I walked across a couple of fields to get to the car I decided to turn the machine back on and have one last try whilst walking back. Wait one minute! It was a lovely little sound coming through my headphones… I dug it and to my amazement it was a little bronze roman coin. I was well happy. After that I dug another 4 coins all being Roman bronze in a little area.”

It gets better. Gary states, “The next day I hurried back to the same spot and found they were coming out from everywhere! I made myself a little square so I could determine as to where they were most concentrated. I phoned my FLO (Finds Liaison Officer) and asked for advice as by this point as I had about 50 roman bronze coins! I got advised to only dig down in the top soil until my FLO and archaeologist could arrive the next day.”

Gary shares the exciting conclusion. “Over the course of the three days I dug just over 200 Roman bronze coins ranging mostly of Radiates and ranging between mid to end of the 2nd century! As these were found on ploughed land, the ploughing over years had disturbed the vessel or bag of some kind holding these coins, which caused it to disperse over a little area of the field. Very happy with the result and so chuffed with my Garrett Euro Ace! The coins are off with my FLO and to the museum. LOL”

What an exciting discovery Gary! You told the story so well I felt like I was right there!

Gary WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for April 2013 is the Pair of Early Bronze Period Battle Axes, discovered by Oliver D. from Sebis, Romania.

Oliver was invited by a friend some 150km away to go detecting in a big plowed field with dark brittle soil. Oliver used his Garrett Ace 250 with a large Detech coil and his friend used his GTI 2500. Oliver wasn’t having as good of luck compared to his friend, but that soon changed.

Oliver shares the moment. “I was a little disappointed of my bad luck, when I got a cracking signal, the signal I was waiting for all day. Pinpointed on the spot, then got on all four and dug like 30cm deep to find “something” that at first glance I thought it was a tractor piece. But a closer look, and once I lifted it from the ground…Wow! I knew by its weight and form: THIS IS SOMETHING AWESOME! I called my friend who was a few meters on my left and showed him. He was astonished! Then we started scanning the area right away for more. A few meters away popped out the second one! Then, nothing else, although we scanned a third time.”

Oliver shares the discovery. “The artifacts are two battle axes from the early bronze period (cca. 3500-2200 B.C.) of which one has a deep cut from their glorious war days! Now they are resting in the regional museum, following to be restored.”

Oliver concludes. “With this I would like to thank Garrett for creating a wonderful detector that gave me the opportunity to make such a find, and through this to help enrich my country’s historical knowledge and patrimony.”

Congratulations Oliver and your friend. Those are an awesome pair of ancient battle axes! Oliver D. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for March 2013 is 778-840 A.D. Louis the Pious Golden Coin, found by Lecat R. from France.

Lecat detects with his EuroAce on the weekends, and digs everything. He said this coin was a “big surprise” and a “premium piece”. Lecat estimates the age is the 8th century, size is 12mm, and weight is 1.20g.

The cross in the middle of the coin symbolizes the person of Christ. The four small dots are symbolic of the four Gospels proclaimed to the four corners of the earth, beginning in Jerusalem. During the days of the Crusades and the Byzantine Empire, this coin was known as a Besant. Besant was also called Solidus, a gold coin of the Roman empire used in Europe.

Congratulations Lecat. What a brilliant find!

Lecat R. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for June 2013 is the Romanian Ritual Rings and Coins, discovered by Adrian C. from Bucharest, Romania with his Ace 250.

Adrian exclaims, "I am happy to announce that this month I got the strike! On the edge of a country road, in the shade of a forest, my metal detector got crazy. I thought I got over a can, but curiosity made me dig to see what was hidden there. Something yellow got hooked in a clod and started to roll. I was thinking it was an ordinary stopper from a bottle of beer, and silly me was dreaming of gold pieces. I took the clod and crushed between my fingers. I could not believe it! A beautiful gold ring stuck between my fingers! My pulse got crazy, and the mosquitoes who were attacking me could taste me for a long time."

Adrian's quest continues, "I took the ring and put it in my pocket, and right after, my detector made its duty again. One by one, coins began to emerge from the ground! I quit the shovel because there were so many that I had to pass every clod of earth under the detector. Those mosquitoes have called all their friends at lunch and I just kept collecting coins. It took me about an hour to recover them all. During this time my heart was going crazy for every coin or ring found!"

Adrian describes the treasure. "The gold ring weighs 16 grams and is 18k gold, and the other ring is silver. The silver coins are Polish (Groschen) and Turkish (Akce) dated around 1599. It seems that my treasure was part of a burial ritual where the gold ring represents the sun, the silver ring represents the moon, and the coins were the fee for entering the world that begins after death."

Adrian concludes. "Under the laws of Romania, I could enjoy my little treasure for 48 hours, but the pictures I can enjoy a lifetime. I delivered the treasure to the National History Museum of Romania. After they finish the assessment, the experts will release a report." Adrian adds, "Thank you Garrett for the Ace 250, which since 3 years ago is my perfect companion and I am very pleased with it."

Congratulations Adrian. That is a fascinating discovery and story. You soon will be able to view the treasure you found and respectfully contributed to the national museum.

Adrian WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for February 2013 is the Silver Slovak Armed Forced Badge of Honour.

Lubos from Ocova, Slovakia, ventured out with his Garrett AT Pro on a very cold Saturday. He detected the banks of a small creek near his village for a couple of hours and finally got a good signal. Lubos tells us, “Thinking it was another piece of junk or something, I was absolutely shocked when I realized what I found. It was a Slovak Badge of Honor for service on the Eastern Front! 1st Class! After a few seconds of silence I began shouting Yes Yes Yes and jumping with happiness like an idiot. It was an amazing moment. I’m really interested in the second world war and I’m collecting relics from both world wars. I’ve always wanted to have this badge in my small collection. Finally, my dream came true. It’s my best find ever!”

Description of badge: Members of the Slovak armed forces who served on the Russian front were rewarded with a Badge of Honour instituted on April 22, 1942. This badge shows the Slovak steel helmet on which is the Slovakian cross and the date 22.VI.1941 (the date of Hitler’s invasion of Russia). Behind the helmet is a sword which pierces and shatters the Russian emblem of star, hammer, and sickle. Behind the sword is a sunburst. The whole is enclosed in an oval wreath of laurel leaves which narrows toward the apex.

It was awarded in silver for combatants, bronze and silver for support units, and bronze for rear echelon personnel.

Congrats Lubos for discovering this amazing piece of WWII history. Lubos WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International Find for January 2013 is the Brass Fire Department Belt Buckle. Andrew G. from Ontario, Canada recovered his father-in-law’s fire department belt buckle in time for Christmas. It was the best gift money couldn’t buy. Rather a very special sentimental gift that only a thankful son-in-law could find, and return to its owner.

Andrew recounts some background on this story. "In 1994, my father-in-law Albert was responding to a fire in the township’s tanker as a Volunteer Fire Fighter when an inner dual tire blew on a curve. Having the choice of hitting a rock cut or rolling the truck, he aimed for the ditch and hoped for the best. His actions saved his fellow Fire Fighter’s lives. My father in law was ejected and his chest was impaled by a port-a-tank carried on the truck. He went Vital Signs Absent once, on route to the trauma center, but somehow pulled through. He spent years trying to recover, but never could be part of the fire department again. One thing that bothered him after all the trauma was the loss of the brass Fire Department buckle. He went back to the crash scene many times searching for that buckle."

Andrew himself is a paramedic. Several months ago after undergoing emergency back surgery and forced to bed rest, he researched and discovered the incredible hobby of metal detecting via the internet. Andrew tells us, "I vowed that once I was able to get up, I was going to get into ‘detecting’ and make it part of my physiotherapy routine to learn to walk properly again. Three months later, here I am. Walking, exercising, and thanks to donations from my family and a November birthday, I am the proud owner of a Garrett EuroAce."

Now for the recovery, best told by Andrew. "The ground was frozen down 2". It was below freezing, and I was losing my light, but damn it, that EuroAce hit on it like nobody’s business! I wasn’t sure if I was gong to laugh or cry. In reality, I’m not afraid to say I did both. I showed my wife the pile of aluminum cans and trash I had found, but then I handed her that freezing cold buckle, and the tears in her eyes were priceless. I’m going to get a new leather belt tomorrow, and mount the dirty, scratched and beat-up old buckle on it for Christmas. I'm not even going to brush it off. Thank you Garrett! You have no idea what this is going to mean to all of us in two weeks when we give it to him for Christmas."

Andrew concludes by saying, "You (Garrett) are wonderful people running a wonderful business and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to give back to the family who has done so much for me. Thank you!"

Great job Andrew! I wish you a continued recovery and continued success with your new hobby! Your father-in-law is fortunate to have a grateful son-in-law.

Andrew G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My first Favorite International find for December 2012 is the Blue Enameled Fibula Head Stud Brooch. John W. from Rosyth, Scotland discovered his dream find using his Ace 250 which he received for Christmas from his wife last year. After many months of practice yielding over 500 coins, John was granted permission to hunt a large estate.

John shares his excitement. “I got a loud solid signal. Expecting another coin I dug down six inches to discover a stunning Roman fibula head stud brooch at least 1,500 years old! Despite its age it is stunning. I informed the treasure trove officer here as required by law, and they say the find is of major historical significance and the brooch is taken into their care for preservation and cleaning. It is now officially been declared ancient treasure and will be put on display in the museum of Scotland for all to see, with my name attached as finder. Never when I got the Garrett ten months ago did I think for a second I would soon be holding something so old and beautiful in my hands. Happy with my detector just doesn’t say enough!”

Excellent discovery John W! Thank you for submitting your story.

John W. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
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My second Favorite International find for December 2012 is the Ancient Czech Republic Copper Axe. Roman C. from the Czech Republic discovered a real trophy using his Euro Ace.

Roman states, “In the woods of Wallachia Region in Czech Republic, I found an ancient copper axe about 40 cm deep! The axe was donated to the regional Wallachian Museum in Vsetin. Archeologist Dr. Eva Cermakova examined this object and determined that is a copper axe, estimated 4,200 to 6,500 year old! This makes this the oldest metal tool found in the region and perhaps the Czech Republic! With this note I want to thank Garrett for enabling me to fulfill my dream about finding a real treasure.”

Great discovery Roman C! Thank you for submitting your story.

Roman C . WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for November 2012 is the collection of Olympic Metals-bronze, silver, and gold. Denis Jean Saint G. from Le Bouscat, France, followed the advice of his friends and bought an Ace 250.

After having some luck finding coins on the beach, Denis traveled with a friend to Salleboeuf to find greater treasures. He shares this amazing story and discovery with Garrett. "I found a door handle and a cartridge case. Then a Napoleon 5 cents -very worn bronze. Next a second, third, and a fourth-all bronze Napoleon. I hear a loud sound, a large piece, it is silver! A Napoleon silver 5 francs! I tremble while watching my friend!” Then Denis discovered gold, a Napoleon gold 20 francs! He exclaims, "It glows yellow! This is the first time I discovered gold! I cannot sleep for four days. I just had bronze, silver, and gold! Even in my wildest dream, I thought it was impossible. Bravo your metal detector, which gives me a joy so intense!"

To find the Olympic metal colors of bronze, silver, and gold is amazing, and to find them in that order is extraordinary. Denis, thanks for sharing this inspiring story.

Denis Jean Saint G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for October 2012 is the 14k Gold Hamilton Pocket Watch.

Mark E. from Bermuda discovered this gorgeous pocket watch with his Sea Hunter Mk II in the waters off Elbow Beach. Mark tells us some details. “With 3 feet of sand gone due to Mother Nature and low tide, I remember the depth of my dig being 7 to 8 inches while I was standing knee deep in the ocean. Of course with a large object like a watch, it gave off a healthy sound!” Mark dug deep with his scoop several coral sand stones, but the largest one about the size of a fist, gave a strong beep. He put it in his pouch and later dropped it into a bath of weak acid.

This is where it gets interesting. Mark elaborates, “Slowly a beautiful gold colored pocket watch was revealed in the shape of a shield with a large “B” inscribed on the back. There were no stamps or watch-maker’s marks anywhere to be found. I took it to my daughter Hannah, a goldsmith, to run tests on the metal. It was 14k gold!”

There was still the mystery of how such a beautiful and expensive watch found its way into the waters off Elbow Beach. One plausible idea was that the watch was from the wreck of the Pollokshields, a British steamer which met its fate on coral nearly ashore on September 7, 1915 during hurricane conditions off Elbow beach! All of the crew survived to tell about the disaster, but Captain Ernest Boothe was swept overboard and astern by tremendous waves, just ten feet from a sharp coral rock. The crew was powerless to help him. Captain Boothe sacrificed his life attempting to get a lifebelt for one of his crew.

Mark theorizes, “Could the “B” on the watch I found stand for Boothe? Was the watch in his pocket when he was swept overboard? Could this be the watch of a brave man who lost his life for the sake of another man?”

Fascinating story Mark. Thank you so much for sharing your discovery with us. This is one of my all time favorite finds!

Mark E. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!