Favorite Finds - International


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My International Favorite Find is the Bronze Age Gold Clothes Fastener 1200bc approximately, found by David M. from the UK with his Ace 150.

David's story: I've only been detecting for one year after buying an Ace 150 November 2016, but I've already found some fantastic pieces of history. I've had 57 silver coins dating from 1302 to 1945, one 9 crt gold ring, and 4 silver rings. One of which turned out to be Viking and is currently being put through the Treasure process with the Ulster Museum, Belfast. I was also lucky enough to find a Bronze age socketed gouge dating to around 800 bc.

On Monday 18th December I headed out to a local barley field where I've had 9 silver coins, hoping to find number 10. I wasn't having much luck and had only found a few buttons when I decided to move to a field on the opposite side of the permission. First target was a George VI ship half penny from 1943 then nothing for the next 150 meters. I had reached the far side of the field when I made the decision to head back to the first field. I'd walked 20 feet when I had a decent signal. I dug down about 6 inches but the target was still in the hole so I took another scoop, this time about 8 inches, and set it to the side.

Using the pin-pointer I located the target. It was still encased in dirt and was heavy for its size making me think it was lead. When I rubbed some of the dirt away I nearly had a heart attack! Staring back at me was the gold object in my photos. I knew this was something very special and suspected it was Bronze age. My suspicions were correct and initial findings say it is in fact a Bronze age clothes fastener dating from around 1200 bc. The items is currently with the Ulster Museum for further analysis but this is without doubt a find of a lifetime and something I will remember forever.

I find it unbelievable the things my little Ace 150 has found but I hope some day I'm in a position to upgrade to one of the high end Garrett's.

Many thanks, David

David M. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for November 2017 is the Roman Two-Headed Horse Fibula, found by Luka R. from Croatia with his Ace 400i.

Luka's story: This weekend I was planning to go detecting with my friend but we didn't know where to go because all our good locations were really far. So we decided to go on one roman location that is kinda near us but it is pretty worn out, because there was a lot of other detectorists with all kind of metal detectors. When we came there the dark started to fall, but the moon was full and there was a lot of moon shine so we could see really good. There was a lot of new holes so we didn't have any big expectations...

We started detecting and second signal, in middle of 3 holes, bam, found a Denari, then I knew that it will be good day for me. After 3-4 hours of swinging we took a little break because both of us were tired. We started searching again and after few minutes I have some mixed up signal few centimeters from some old hole, I started digging (20 cm deep) found some iron piece, put it in my bag, took my Garrett Ace 400i and swung again over that hole and bing bing bing, great signal. I'm digging but i can't find that "signal" so i take my Pro-Pointer and signal is even deeper. Once more I put my shovel in hole (it was 40-50cm deep at that time), take out dirt and there arent any signal in hole anymore, so I take propointer and started searching. Finally I see something like dragon head poping out of dirt, took it out and boom baby boom, beautiful Roman two headed horse fibula in perfect condition. After 1800 years the needle is still working.

Luka R. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for November 2017 is the Iron Cross Hoard, found by Lucian L. from Romania with his Garrett Ace 300i.

Lucian's story: Greetings from Romania! I'm very happy to present my new military treasure, found with my new metal detector Garrett 300i. It's about 170 pieces of WW2 German Iron Cross class 2, found with my new 300i near a former German military base from WW2, near Bucharest.

I'm a member of Romanian Military Arrcheology "Asociatia Pro Detectie" (a metal detecting association), and from what I know is the largest hoard of Iron Crosses found in the whole world. I hope I caught your attention ...and I wish you all the best!

Lucian L. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third international favorite find for November 2017 is the WW2 American Soldiers Sterling Silver Ring, found by Stephen W. from the UK with his Ace 250.

Stephen's story: I was detecting a field on the coast in Weymouth, Dorset, England. When I got a brilliant double-dinger signal on the Ace 250, I thought it was going to be a copper or silver coin but then to my surprise a big silver ring popped out! It had the American seal on the front and Eagles on both sides and a lot of decoration. I knew it was American but after doing some research I found out an American soldier would have bought it before coming to England! And dropped it after spending time in Weymouth before leaving for France to fight. A lot of American soldiers would have got on boats and landing crafts in Weymouth ready for the beach landings in France on D-day. It's the best American WW2 item I've found and one of my best rings!

Stephen W. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My fourth international favorite find for November 2017 is the Buckle with Lion Figure, found by Ezequiel R. from Argentina with his Ace 350.

Ezequiel's story: Hello, some time ago I bought the Garrett Ace 350 detector and it has given me once again the satisfaction of having found a unique piece in what was a battle scenario during the war of the triple alliance in the province of Corrientes Argentina. (1865-1870) The piece is a beautiful buckle with the image of a lion belonging to an officer of the army of Paraguay. I feel besides a great joy, a tremendous respect because this type of find reminds me of those men who left their lives in those fields. Really this activity is the most exciting that can exist. Regards!

Ezequiel R. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for October 2017 is the Roman Head Stud Brooch circa 1st Century AD, found by Steven E. from the UK with his Ace 400i.

Steven's story (edited for length): Sunday 22nd October 2017. Forty minutes more and got to set off back home, so take aim at my tiny red car park at top of slope. About 30 paces from edge of field heading back up and first signal worth digging … zero in on it and up comes the plug, tipped to the side and swing again to see if it's in plug or hole still. Missed it by a smidging, looks like it's in one side of hole. Down on my knees and getting to business, soils damp and half clayey and first sight … heck it's shiny black metal looks too new, appear to have found some modern metal junk. Still pry it out of side of hole and start rubbing dirt loose, strong metal line with thinner bit on other side of gap in middle … maybe a bit of squashed pipe? Bits of sticky dirt reluctantly coming away and it's starting to look a bit like one of those Roman brooches, nah can't be, looks too shiny new to be that old … puzzled? It's definitely the right shape? Very hopeful and uncertain so look around for second opinion. Need one of the old hands to look at it, don't want to get all happy and look a Muppet if I'm wrong … one look and a casual "Nice one Steve Roman trumpet brooch that, in good nick too. Still got the pin and everything".


At last I've done it ! I'm a proper detectorist now, I can find stuff that's not junk. That's 18 months of learning, getting mucky and tired finally paying off thanks to my Garrett. Next week I'll be back out with confidence and a bit of swagger, I stuck it out and it was worth it. Sitting at home writing this with what is a late 1st/2nd century AD Roman headstud brooch in what I think is awesome condition! The last person to hold this brooch before me walked the earth when England was occupied by Roman legionnaires … priceless feeling.

Steven E. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for October 2017 is the 18th Century Sword Guard, found by Vania R. from Italy with his Ace 250.

Vania's story: One of my best findings ever: an 18th century sword guard decorated with angelic figures that brings two parer scrolls. There are peculiar features that belong to a refined work of engraving, and so this guard belongs to a rich aristocrat memento of the noble class of my country. There are some visible scratches that proves scuffles with other blades. Infact, it was discovered in a site of cruent battles where a lot of men lost their lives.

Amazing, when you find something really nice thanks to a history book and passionate determination.

Vania R. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third international favorite find for October 2017 is the Gold Roman Coin, found by Tomislav B. from Croatia with his Ace 400i.

Tomislav's story (translated, edited): I started dealing with detecting three years ago but only when I was able to buy a Garrett I started to find good results. I always wanted to have something super.

So I set up my detector and searched for a relic … I climbed very high through the summit of the mountain … I was led by 400i … I was tired … when I suddenly get a signal … I look at the screen and the numbers … I started barking as I went off of the ground … I was holding up a tree branch so I did not slip …adrenalin… the excitement … it came … showed golden money …. Roman gold coin … Joy and excitement was not over.

Tomislav B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for September 2017 is the British Navy Button (Napoleon Era), found by TG H., from Norway with his AT Gold.

Tor's story: It was a rainy day and I was home after a stressful day at work. Since I have the wonderful AT Gold I decided to go detecting in the rain. Better to be outside and let the detector and the rain wash away the stress. :-) After an hour or so I found this beautiful button with gold plating. After a bit of research I found out it is from a officer from the British Navy during the Napoleon war era. It made my day. The stress was gone and I went home feeling good. ;-)

Hope you enjoy my little story and the beautiful Navy button. Best regards, TG

TG WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for September 2017 is the Richard III Half Angel Gold Hammered Coin, found by Michelle V. from the U.K. with her AT Pro.

Michelle's story: The day was absolutely fantastic thank you. Myself and hubby were on a charity dig in Rugby, UK, with my amazing AT Pro detector I call Robyn. Second time out with her I found an Extremely rare Richard III Half Angel gold hammered coin. I found it on a plowed field about 17 inches down. The ground was like a clay substance, quite thick. I had her on Pro mode and the target ID was 65, although a little scratchy. Apparently it's so amazing, I didn't realise what I had actually got. I'm looking into having it straightened soon. I really am excited about this coin as there hasn't been any found for many many years. Yes I was also made to do my first hammy dance.

Kind Regards, Michelle V.

Michelle V. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third favorite international find for September 2017 is the Henry VI Gold Noble 1421, found by Simon M. from the UK, with his Ace 400i.

Simon's story: I was attending a club paid dig. Looking around there were about 40 other people, many with very expensive machines, but I was working on the theory you have to walk over it. We all started off and everyone headed in different directions. Not a lot was coming up in this field so I went to the next, and there were people everywhere. I saw a small gap and headed to the centre of the field, again not many good signals, so I headed for the next gate when I finally got a good clear signal. I dug down and there shining in the sunlight was gold! I did first think it was just a bottle top, so I flicked it out of the hole, that's when I could see for sure it was a gold hammered coin.

Find of a lifetime.

Simon M. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My International favorite find for August 2017 is the 17th century Gold Fede-ring, found by Wilfred de H. from the Netherlands with his AT Pro International.

Wilfred’s story: In the first week of my holiday, I decided to take my AT Pro for a walk. The field I had in mind was searched very often, also by other detectorists. The first 2 signals were junk but then I got a signal which sounded like a pull-tab. I decided to dig. When I opened up the hole, there was a nice yellow color. In disbelieve I picked it up and looked at it. WOW in my hand I had a very nice gold ring. After 10 minutes of wondering I was able to search again. The rest of the afternoon I found a few more coins and relics. At home I found out that it was a 17th century Fede-ring. What a way to begin a holiday!

Wilfred de H. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for August 2017 is the Crescentic Terret Ring fron an Ironage Chariot, found by Paula P. from the U.K. with her AT Pro.

Paula’s story: I was out on a club dig with my AT Pro, the field we had was huge and I decided I wanted to detect in a dip at the far end. I had detected about two thirds of the way there and my batteries drained. I went back to the car and changed them and headed back to the dip. I had been detecting for about 5 minutes when I got a scratchy signal. I dig down about 8" and the signal started to hit the 90s and I thought deep iron. As I had dug so far I decided to continue and at about 16" this beauty popped out. I was speechless at first and shouted to a fellow detectorist to for an I.D. We knew it was something special. I was shaking for hours after finding it. The buzz it created amongst other members on the day made it a day to remember. There are only another 8 that have been recorded and this is said to be one of the best and dates to 100bc.

Paula P. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third international favorite find for August 2017 is the Visigothic Gold Coin, found by Antonio P. from Portugal with his AT Pro.

Antonio’s story: On the day I found this coin, because of forest fires, I couldn’t reach one of my favorite sites. The fire department wouldn’t let me drive through the main road. It was a frightening site. On the horizon I saw at least 4 different fires. I tried different roads to get to the spot using GPS, but had to turn around. I was not feeling safe because a while ago over 60 people had lost their life on a road in Portugal surrounded by fire.

But I overcame my fear (or was I just plain stupid?) and decided to try my luck on a small forest road already filing up with smoke, with the fire raging not far away. Well, I made it through and got to my spot, a small hill with lots of fragments of roman pottery scattered all around it. I noticed right away that a farmer had decided to plant some rows of water melons on a patch of land and had ploughed the ground, and I decided to start there. And I cannot describe my joy and happiness when my first (!) signal was this amazing gold tremis from the Visigoth King RECESVINTO – (Raikaswinþs 649-672 ad) (1,39gr 20mm) minted in Toledo.

This was a day I will never forget.

Antonio P. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for July 2017 is the Gold Roman Coin, found by Germano F. from Italy, with his Ace 250.

Germano’s story: Hello, This is what I recently found with my Ace 250: a rare gold denarius coined under the (almost forgotten) roman emperor Antemio, dated 453 a.d. The curious thing is that i found it in a nazi "fox hole”. Satisfaction was out of bounds, Heart stopped for some seconds. How much i love this hobby and my "lucky Yellow boy".

Germano F. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for July 2017 is the Six Deniers 1711 Coin, found by Mario L. from Quebec, Canada, with his AT Pro.

Mario’s story: Nice coin find with my Garrett AT-Pro on a signal of 63. Currency of 1711, Domination Six Deniers. This coin is made of old guns of the navy fleet of Louis XIII. Find a coin like this one in Quebec in an exceptional state of conservation is a miracle. :)

Mario L. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third international favorite find for July 2017 is the Sword Eposca of the Colony, found by Juan C. from Chile, with his AT Pro.

  Juan’s story: Dear a pleasure to share with you my find with my Garrett, on a hillside of a great battle called the Battle of Palo Seco. I send a great greeting.

Juan C. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for June 2017 is the group of German Military Objects, found by Nicola P. from Italy with his Ace 250.

Nicola’s story: I want to show you my findings. For me it is incredible, it’s not easy to find German military objects (for me). I usually find allied objects… but I’ve got them all together. A wound warrant, a cross on war merit, two iron crosses, and a land combat badge for the German aviation (Luftwaffe). I am proud and very happy about my recovery, I think we are not finding objects, but they find us, choose us. I use a Garrett Ace 250 and I find these objects in Italy.

Nicola P. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for June 2017 is the Gold Coin Dukaten Sigismund Von Ungarn 1394, found by Benjamin K. from Germany with his AT Pro.

Benjamin’s story: Found at a castle with Garrett AT Pro.

Benjamin K. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for May 2017 is the Gold Roman Coin in Mint Condition, found by Harry M. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Harry’s story: After a week of no metal detecting I had a sudden feeling that I needed to get out. I had been at work all day but something told me just go to the field for a hour, so I dusted off my Garrett AT Pro and headed out. The hunt started out as normal. I found a button and then a found a small crusty bronze Roman coin. I carried on detecting away when I got a tone reading in the high 70s, so I dug and out popped a gold disk covered in mud. My first thought was the dreaded bottle top or something similar but when I picked it up it had some weight to it. I saw through the mud lettering and I immediately dropped it and freaked out. I pulled out my phone to film for my YouTube channel and so I wiped the mud off, and in front of me was the most beautiful mint condition gold Roman coin. This is my first gold find and for it to be a Roman coin is truly amazing. I’ve been detecting over a year now first with a Garrett Ace 250 and now with the Garrett AT Pro. I’m still buzzing. Thanks to Garrett for the awesome machines.

Harry M. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second favorite international find for May 2017 is the Gold Iceni Quarter Stater, found by Roy H. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Roy’s story: Talk about an amazing find…I’d always hoped to find a gold coin before leaving England and the AT Pro came through Big Time!!! I was out on a field for several hours and the day was coming to an end. My wife called and asked if I could leave the field and pick something up for her before the store closed. I said yes (of course) and was preparing to head back to the car when she called back. “Nevermind”, she said, “I found something here I can use instead.” No more than 6 feet after I picked back up the hunt, I got a scratchy and erratic tone. But…it was enough to get me curious. The Pro was showing a signal about 8 inches deep, but was only about 4 inches down (the quarter stater is only about 1/2 inch across and pretty thin) BAMM!!!, there it was. It was sticking out of the clod and since I’d always promised not to keep my first gold a secret, I left the field and took the Iceni home, still in the clod. I showed it to my wife and we freed it from the dirt together, over the kitchen sink. It was fantastic to share the moment with her. Thanks Vaughan! Now back to the field…

Roy H. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third favorite international favorite finds for May 2017 are the 3 Nuggets, 73.26 grams, found by Angus L. from Australia with his ATX.

Angus’s story: I was out on our family lease with my best mate, my dad and his mates when I found these nuggets. We all use the Garrett ATX’s due to their superior ground balancing and shielding which is vital in Western Australia to handle our harsh ground conditions and to use the machines close together behind machinery as we push the ground for the best efficiency and result.

Angus L. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My International Favorite Find for April 2017 is the 18 karat Gold & Diamond Ring, found by Martyn P. from Natal, South Africa with his AT Pro International.

Martyn’s story: Found while on a beach hunt in Richards Bay Natal south Africa. Did not think it was real until my wife cleaned off sand and found proof markings.

Martyn P. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My International favorite find for March 2017 is the Gold Aureus Maximianus Coin, found by Bartlomiej S. from Poland, with his AT Pro.

“This is my first found gold. It came out of the field where previously there was no spectacular discoveries. As you can see you can never give up! Regards & Best Wishes, Bartolomeo.”

Gold aureus Maximianus I (Herculiusa) 286-305 A. D., minted by the Mint of Thessaloniki in the years 300-303 N.E. mint mark “T.S.” Very rare coins are from the Mint with the description “Consul”. The degree of rarity of this coin is R5, weighs 5.3g and the description looks like this: obverse “Maxim-NVS-PF-AVG” with a portrait of the consul reverse “CONSVL-CAESS-T.S.” and the image of the emperor’s toga Consul holding a globe and other hand abandoned scroll to the right of the form mint mark ‘epsilon’.

Bartlomiej S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!