Favorite Finds - International


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My international favorite find for October 2018 is the Treasure of Heavy Copper Russian Royal Coins, found by Anatoly O. from Ukraine with his AT Pro.

Anatoly's story: Hey. For six years I have been digging with Garrett AT Pro. He never failed me. In one frosty morning, I accidentally found one copper coin. Immediately popped the second. After them two more. And the number of ID showed further 94 - 96. The soul went to the heels! There were thousands of them! This was my first treasure. A huge treasure of heavy copper Russian royal coins! Indescribable feeling! Joy knew no bounds! I thank Garrett for the high-quality and reliable metal detectors that give joy and happiness to treasure hunters!

Anatoly O. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite find for October 2018 is the 1731 Netherlands Ducat Gold Coin, found by James M. from the U.K. with his AT Pro International.

James's story: Ahoy detectorists! Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you to Garrett for making such amazing machines and allowing us to find pieces of history and treasures from the past. I recently discovered my best find yet after just 9 months of detecting using my AT Pro. It all started a couple of months ago when I was researching the area where I live and found that centuries ago the large ships would dock a few miles away from the city centre. I had a theory that perhaps the sailors would walk over these certain fields on their way to the city and thought perhaps they may have dropped stuff along the way. After a couple of months of trying I had found many things alas nothing to tell the story of the great sailors of the past. However this didn't stop me as I was determined to find something.

It was a rainy day with dark clouds above and I was determined to go out detecting. I was in the corner of the field and looking out towards the sea when I began to imagine a time when there once would have been great big ships with white sails anchored just off shore, just like something out of a classic pirate movie. Then whilst dreaming of pirates and treasure it happened. I got a good signal, a low clear signal in the 60s. I didn't think anything of it as silver and coins usually come up higher. I broke open the clod and there I was face to face with something round and gold with an image of a knight in armor staring back at me. I wasn't sure if I was still daydreaming or if it was really happening. It wasn't until I held it in my hand before I realized what I had. Not only was I holding a nearly 300 year old gold coin! But a 1731 gold Ducat from the Netherlands!

I was right! Just imagine the story of this coin, it had traveled across land and sea over hundreds of miles! On an epic journey perhaps on a ship with white billowed sails. Did it belong to a captain or perhaps even a Buccaneer? We will never know. But one thing is for sure, with a little research, a awesome detector and a lot of determination anything is possible.

James M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for September 2018 is the Silver Coin Hoard and Gold, found by Ben B. from the U.K. with his AT Pro International.

Ben's story: I had arranged to meet my detecting buddy on farmland I had recently obtained permission to detect. Whilst walking up the hill to the location we had arranged to meet, I happened to noticed a church spire in the distance and decided to switch on my AT Pro. I was about 1 mile from where I was supposed to be but just had a feeling. I had only stepped two paces when my Garrett gave a crystal clear beep with a constant 53 on the ID. I dug the target and low and behold it was a lovely hammered Henry II Tealby penny. I was over the moon with a big grin on my face. I took a photo and text my buddy to come meet me. As I stood up and checked my hole, i got a further signal, another Tealby Penny, then another. By the time my friend (using my spare Garrett Ace 250) arrived I was stood there with 4 small silver coins in my hand and the smile still on my face. Overall my detecting buddy and I found a total of 105 Silver Henry II Coins dating back to 1154-1189 AD.

Furthermore I decided to detect in line with the current plow formation and had a clear signal of 46 which turned out to be a solid gold strap end dating as early as 500-900AD just 30 yards from the coin hoard. We have reported this hoard of treasure to the portable antiquities department and are currently awaiting more information to hand them over to the Finds Officer here in Hampshire, England. I am extremely pleased with this detector, especially using it in Pro Zero mode.

Ben B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite international find for September 2018 is the Bronze Axe Head Treasure, found by Denis P. from Ukraine with his Ace 250.

Denis's story: Greetings to the company Garrett. In October 2014, I found a unique find. It was a whole complex of things from the late Bronze Age, dated around 3,500 years BC. 12 bronze axes, sickle, 4 harness buttons and coins, rings. In total there were 18 subjects. This find was of historical and cultural value for the native land. And was transferred to the city museum, where, after the restoration, is still there today.

Denis P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third favorite international find for September 2018 is the Silver Emerald Ring, found by Idalino G. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Idalino's story: This is a silver 950 ring with emeralds, very rare, old and unique. I love my Garret 250 but very soon I go receiving my new AT Pro. And for sure treasures just wait for me. Thanks to Garrett. It's a blessing to have this metal Detector in my life. Garrett Forever!!

Idalino G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My fourth favorite international find for September 2018 is the Roman Ring with Blue Agate Stone, found by Daniel J. from Europe with his AT Pro International.

Daniel's story: Hi. I discovered this Roman ring with a very beautiful blue agate stone in an area where I did not expect to be anything medieval or even Roman. I found it with AT Pro International and for me it is the best detector.

Daniel J. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for August 2018 is the 1852 California Gold Coin Souvenir, found by Greg D. from Ontario, Canada with his AT Max.

Greg's story: My best day out with the Max yet!!! Hitting my 1800's park where I've previously found old silvers, buff's, indian head pennies, large cents. This day started slow with a little clad and then a couple 1800's relics. Ive been digging everything to really try and clean this park out. I had a really iffy 59 reading and a faint scratchy signal in my headphones. Little did i know I'de be about to dig my best find to date. Out from the hole popped a tiny gold coin stamped 1852 with an indian head and California gold stamped on the back. I jumped for joy! I instantly popped online to look it up. Turns out jewellers created these gold coins as souvenirs in the 1800s. I am still on cloud 9!!!!

Greg D. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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WINNER #2 My second international favorite find for August 2018 is the Buenos Aires Nugget, found by Damian G. from Argentina with his Ace 400i.

Damian's story: Hi, I live in Benavidez Buenos Aires, Argentina. I take advantage of the time I can going out as a family, and of course I do not miss a single exit if I take my detector. What happened is I went to a mountain place with my Garrett Ace 400i. I was encouraged since this is not mining equipment, and it was great to detect me a gold nugget! I could not believe it! You imagine my happiness.

Damian G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for July 2018 is the Bronze Coin, Roman Emperor Domitian (81-96. A.D.), found by Mario H. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Mario's story: Dear Garrett team, I've been looking for more than 5 years with my detector. Few months ago I was very lucky. At one construction site was a huge pile of dirt and soil and I decided to take a look. After 1 hour of detecting and almost quitting because there was so much waste, my heart almost stopped beating. One excellent gold/bronze signal at top of the pile turned to be a Roman Sestertius coin of emperor Domitian, struck in the period 95-96 A.D. The coin was in excellent condition. My luck was unthinkable that day thanks to your great metal detector ACE 250. This is the best find of my life. Thank you for that Garrett team! Greetings.

Mario H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for July 2018 is the 17th Century Promise Ring, found by Sébastien from Europe with his Ace 400i.

Sébastien's story (translated): Hello. This is one of my best finds made with my Garrett Ace 400i. It is really a great detector as it is powerful and versatile. So this find is a beautiful promise ring of the 17th century, also called a Rebus ring by the message that she lets appear. It has an L, and a heart for my heart is hers. These rings were offered by the gallant young man, and so the young lady who was wearing it on her finger meant to other pretenders that her heart was already taken. That's much more than nice money. This small object has strong symbolism and a moving story. Regards.

Sébastien WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for June 2018 is the Roman Gold Ring ca. 150 - 300, found by Maik M. from Europe with his AT Pro International.

Maik's story: Dear Garrett Team, My name is Maik, I'm 31. I've been looking for more than 6 years with my detector (AT Pro International) for treasures that lie dormant in the ground. I am very, very happy to present you today my best find to date, which I found a few days ago, in a field! I can not believe my luck, and it's hard to express that great feeling in words as I held this find in my hands!

I found a Roman gold ring!!!! Even the gemstone is still there! Something like that doesn't come so quickly. And thanks to your detector (AT Pro International), I have made the best find of my life so far! Thank you so much! I wish you all the best! Your Garrett treasure hunter, Maik.

Maik M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for June 2018 is the Roman Republic and Imperial silver coins, found by MORARU C. from Buzau with his AT Pro International.

Moraru's story: At the beginning of May, on a very torrid day, I went to my favorite detection area and I caught a hilltop that could be used as a landmark for someone who was going to conceal something in case of danger. The area was unfortunately very infested with metallic waste but my detector hit the treasure made up of 63 republican and imperial coins of silver more than 2000 years old.

I love you Pro.

Moraru C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international favorite find for May 2018 is the Medieval silver Klippe Coin, 8 Ore, 1564, discovered by James M. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

James's story: Hello fellow Garrett Fans! I have been detecting for nearly two years and have had a lot of success! I first started out with the EuroAce and loved it but now I'm currently using the AT Pro and LOVING it even more!!! I recently found one of my greatest treasures and somewhere I least expected it! I was in the forest and had been detecting for nearly two hours and had very few signals and those that I had were either shotgun cartridges or bottle caps…as you can imagine. After a while I decided it was time to go home and started walking back. I thought a few more swings along the way couldn't hurt.

A few swings later and just before I was about to leave the forest, I heard a loud clear beautiful signal. I thought to myself it's probably nothing special, however, you don't know until you dig it. So that's exactly what I decided to do, and I'm so glad I did! Because about 8 inches down in the forest of all places was a very old looking square object… I took it home and cleaned it carefully to discover not only was it a square coin but it was in fact a Medieval silver Klippe coin and it was in a beautiful condition!

This coin has a very interesting history, as it was only made during the time of the Nordic Seven Years' War (1563-1570) and was a way of quickly paying the soldiers. The minting factories would send large bars of silver to the soldier camps where the bars would be cut into squares and stamped as it was a quicker and an easier method to do so. I can just imagine that the last person who held this coin could have been a soldier riding back from a battle with his last pay in his pocket and dropped it over 450 years ago! Now whenever I go out I always remember that experience and think to myself you can find the most amazing pieces of history and treasure in the most unlikeliest of places. You just never know what could be beneath your next swing. So a 'few more swings couldn't hurt!'

James M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for May 2018 is the 83 B.C. Gauloises Roman Coin, discovered by Guiliani from Europe with his AT Gold.

Guiliani's story: Hello. I practice detection for 3 years. I found a lot of currency. My most beautiful for me the one where I had made a turn and found this little Roman silver on a path. A denier serratus Antonia struck around 83 B.C. in Rome. Victoria (Victory) standing in a quadriga galloping to the right, holding a crown of the right hand, a palm and the reins. This remains for me one of my most beautiful discovery.

Guiliani WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for May 2018 is the WWII Dog Tag from 101st Airborne, found by Pierre G. from Europe with his GTI 2500.

Pierre's story: Hello Folks of the GARRETT Corporation. I'm the proud owner of a GTI 2500, and put your excellent detector to good use on a regular basis to find relics of a world famous battle. Recently, I probably made my best find ever, since I found the dog tag of a man of the 101st Airborne who fought in an historical battle. I wouldn't ever change for another detector. With it I actually manage to save great historical artefacts on a day to day basis. Thanks for your time. Best regards. Pierre G.

Pierre G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for April 2018 is the Coin Table, found by Stephen G. from Ireland with his AT Max.

Stephen's story: Hi all. I have been detecting for 4 years now, started with the Ace and currently loving the Max. I've had some amazing finds and some worn out ones. I've recycled over 100 kg of lead taken mostly from the local estuary but also a lot of well worn coins. It's a shame that these little gems should go unloved so I made a little table out of mostly recycled materials and I'm very happy with the results. Not only do I have a fantastic hobby but I'm reusing and recycling, creating new from old. What an amazing hobby! Thanks guys. Regards Stephen

Stephen G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international favorite find for March 2018 is the Item(s) Found: Found a MEROVINGIANS, Canac. Circa 585-675. AV Tremissis Coin, found by Hamza A., from the U.K. with his AT Gold.

Hamza's story: "Find of the life". I was so lucky today as I was on a dig arranged by a club and in the first 30 minutes my Garrett AT Gold done it again and gave me a lovely MEROVINGIANS, Canac. Circa 585-675. AV Tremissis. I dug a bit of trash and I was thinking what a field is that one full of junk!! Then, my favourite and the only machine I have, went through all this trash and got me that little tiny gold coin. Even most of other detectorists own another make machine and they all proud with it, but when they saw which machine I was using they all said that is a good machine (AT Gold) with that little coil. Honestly they were surprised. Well done to my Garrett AT Gold! I love my machine and I will never exchange it with another make. I was thinking to try the AT Max and when I get a chance I will definitely get it.

Hamza A. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite finds for February 2018 are the Five Golden Roman Coins, found by Miralem B. from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with his AT Pro.

Miralem's story: I am using Garrett AT Pro since 2014 and I had great finds but last August I have found a small stone wall on one hill deep in the woods. Rains made a small ditch and water wash down a lot of material.

I have start from the top and walk down and swing my AT Pro. First signal hit about 2-3 meters from the small wall and that was golden coin of Emperor Gratian. I couldn't believe to my eyes but I didn't wait… I've push down and found a lot of pottery and iron nails. After I came down on the bottom of the hill I got great signal, and one more and more… 4 Valentinian golden coins on 2 square meters. It was muddy and yellow sticky dirt get on my search coil, my hands and my Pro-Pointer. I was dirty as a pig but in one hour I have found 5 golden Romans! I was happy and exited.

I research rest of the site and found just 2 arrow heads and bunch of nails. That site gave me a lot of coins but most of them are coppers and heavily damaged because the soil. This is still my best coins I've ever found. I hope you'll like it. Cheers

Miralem B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for February 2018 is the German WWII Ring, found by Guta D. from Romania with his Ace 250.

Guta's story: Hello. My find for this month it is a ring that I found in a WWII area. I think that is the most beautiful ring that I ever found and it is my first silver one. Inside it is engraved 'Warschau 1941' and in the front are engraved the initials 'H.K'. I searched on the internet and discussed with some colleagues and we agreed that it is possible that the ring was from a German officer from some special troops that between 1941 and 1942 were responsible with "cleaning" the jewish camps in Poland.

Also, off the record, in 1943 and 1944 they came in Romania to do the same thing. The ring was found near Ploiesti (10 km away from a camp full of Russian prisoners).

Guta D. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for January 2018 is the 4,500 kg Silver Russian Treasure, found by Potapov E. from Russia with his Ace 250 (he called his workhorse).

Potapov's story: It was in late August 2017. The month was rainy, it was an ordinary day, far to go didn't want, but take heart wanted. Decided to go to a place known to me for a long time…at first very many finds, and sometimes very worthy. When we reached the place, collecting gear, as luck would have it, it began to rain and nasty cold, but since it was a wooded area, it was tolerated and we decided to stay and continue. Took about 2-3 hours and decided to move to the exit, and the findings were, as they say, the soul took. There at the exit, on the slope of a hill, resting on the bench, it was possible to imagine the way things were in those days because this place is very rich in its history. It is possible to feel the Korean special forces.

Dig out about a bayonet spade, and to my eyes appeared unseen coins (later revealed to be the Dirhams and different Khans: Tahtamysha, Khan Uzbek, Khan, Gulistan, Berdibek Culpa, Tokta. Also met Dirhams with the Tamgha of House of Batu.) The treasure turned out to be 160 PCs. And then I saw the stick (Novgorod Hryvnia and Poltina, one half was with the Tamgha of House of Batu). Then turned 36 bars (5 Hryvnia and 31 Poltina). Treasure weighs 4,500 kg! I hope you enjoy my story!!!!

Potapov E. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second international favorite find for January 2018 is the 40 BC Commios "Lawrence" Gold Stater, found by Martin B. from the UK with his Ace 400i.

Martin's story: I have been detecting for about 2 years now with not a lot of success, only 2 coins found. Having had my Garrett Ace 400i for almost a year now upgraded from the ACE 250. I attended a rally in Chichester with my local club "midweek searchers" on 6th jan this year, first of the year for me. We all lined up at the given start point ready for the off. I had only walked 7 paces when I had my first signal…boom a 40BC Commios "Lawrence" Gold Stater! My joy at finding my first gold coin was awesome and could not wait to show the rest of the group. The rest of the days detecting was a blur. Many thanks Garrett.

Martin B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!! You could be the next winner!