Favorite Finds - International


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My international favorite find for August 2019 is the Wax-Seal Matrix, found by Bjorn D. from Norway, with his Ace 400i.

Bjorn's story: I did not know what a wax-seal matrix was before I saw The Hoover Boys on one of their digs in The UK. Then my jaw just dropped!!

Editor's note: Wax seals date back to the middle ages.

Bjorn D. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for August 2019 is the Late Medieval/Tudor Seal Matrix, circa 13th-16th century, found by Gareth J. from the U.K. with his Ace 400i.

Gareth's story: Garrett brought me back from depression, from the brink of suicide! When I lost my dad I went down hill hadn't touched a detector since. When my mum fell ill I hit the bottom! But once you hit the bottom there's only one other way to go and that's up!

My best friend that owns some land bought me a detector and told me to get out there! I didn't want to hurt his feelings so after visiting and hugging mum I grabbed the Garrett and went for a swing with positive thoughts on my mind. Clear day, sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. And what a day it was, signals everywhere, and good signals! Coins, thimbles, buttons. But then the best signal was walking back to the car…Boom! A medieval seal matrix...wow what a find...so that's it! No more bad thoughts, no more illnesses I hope, but the Garrett has brought me home! I'm back in the field and best of all we got some good news! My mum will be along next time too.....thanks Garrett. I'll be true to you for ever!

This seal matrix is engraved with a Royal Crown, and was used for sealing important documents from the local castle.

Gareth J. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for August 2019 is the Gold Fortuna Pendant, found by Wayne H. from Alberta, Canada, with his AT Gold.

Wayne's story: As there are not a lot of historical areas where I live, I was out in a school soccer field one afternoon with my AT Gold Detector. I usually find coins, some rings, various other items. I suddenly picked up a strong but jumpy signal. Dropping down on my knees and using my pin-pointer, I started narrowing down the area. Something shiny was emerging. I thought oh another Loonie (Canadian $1.00 coin) but when I pulled it out it was a gold colored pendant with a female image on it. As I flipped it over I read, Suisse 5g Fine Gold 999.9. I was completely amazed, I had found a pure gold pendant. Upon researching the image I found out it was of the Roman goddess Fortuna (goddess of fortune). Fortunate for me, and by far my greatest find ever. Thanks Garrett for an incredible machine!

Wayne H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite finds for July 2019 are the Two Gold Coins in the Same Hole, found by Warren H. from the UK with his AT Max.

Warren's story: I was out in well-coiled fields on Friday the 19th of July, It had just started raining and I was making my way back to the gate and home for the day. I picked up a strong but jumpy signal on my trusty AT Max and decide to give it one more before the heavens opened.

I nearly fell over with shock when I saw a yellow gleam and shakily retrieved an amazing 1877 Half Sovereign with Victoria's head staring at me. Resisting the urge to clean it I carefully put it away and did what every good detectorist should 'check the hole'.

Imagine the look of shock on my face when I had another strong signal. A few seconds later I had in my hand an 1872 Full Sovereign! 2 golds, one hole. When does that EVER happen?

Here's hoping it happens again soon. Thanks Garrett! Amazing machine and crossed 2 items off my wish list in less than 12 months of detecting!

Warren H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for July 2019 is the New Zealand Ring, found by Leigh H. from New Zealand with his Ace 400i.

Leigh's story: My best find so far! I found it on a beach in New Zealand this month. I was using my Garrett Ace 400i. I was amazed how deep this was on the beach and when my wife and I dug it out it was unrecognisable as it was encrusted in a black type of rock like material. We took it home and carefully removed the crusty material to reveal this ring. It looks very old and hand made from some type of bronze or copper.

I intend to research its history if possible. It was so exiting to find something so unusual. We are relatively new to metal detecting and it has spurred us on to do more. I have just purchased a Garrett Sea Hunter as the beach is our favourite place to search and it works great.

Leigh H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the set of Three Roman Coin Pendants, found by Dmitry A. from Europe with his Ace 350.

Dmitry's story: One weeks ago, I found an amazing treasure. It was three gold coins converted into pendants. It dates from the Roman Empire era. It was one of the best day of my life!

Dmitry A. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the Antique Golden Ring with Stones Inlay, found by Frank K. from Europe with the AT Max.

Frank's story: Last night we went searching near an old mansion. Not much luck there so we moved on to the woods nearby to search the trails. When I was just about to give up and go home there it was...a loud beep with a 50 ID on the AT Max. Dug the hole and there it was!!

I found myself this amazing antique golden ring with stone inlays!!! We think it is shaped as edelweiss but that is still open for some discussion. This was one of those rare days that hopes, dreams and promises all came true in a blink of an eye!!!

Frank K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the 1885 Gold Sovereign, found by John M. from Australia with his AT Pro.

John's story: This has been a real bucket list item for me. I was out in a small town site in the wheatbelt of Western Australia, relic hunting with my AT PRO. Not having much luck throughout the beginning of the day, finding lots of lead and modern bottle caps. My first promising signals producing one penny and a modern Australia $1 coin.

Then there it was not long after, my first Gold coin, an 1885 sovereign laying only 1" beneath the surface right next to an old foundation of what used to be the rural bank. Im definitely getting addicted to this hobby and loving my Garrett Detector!

John M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for May 2019 is the silver Roman coin (27 BC to 14 AD period), found by Marcel S. from Europe with his AT Max.

Marcel's story: I had received permission from a farmer to search his field on May 1 before sowing it in the evening. After a few coins, it came up as a tight 77, a beautiful sound on the Garrett AT Max. It was a Silver Roman coin, August Denarius, date 27 BC to 14 AD. After years of metal detecting with the Garrett, my first silver Roman coin who is now shining in the display cabinet. I am happy, happy, happy and I am proud to represent Garrett with the Garrett AT Max.

Now I can wait half a year until in October when it is plowed to walk again in that field with max hope to find even more.

Marcel S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find is the lot of seven silver coins from 1856, found by Yoann S. from Europe with his ACE 250.

Yoann's story: Today, 6am Sunday, 19 May 2019. I did not know where to go, so I went back to the great meadow and big forest one hour from the home that I adore. At the spot, I decided to go down to the forest's backyard, to go where no one is going. In a small place of grass, I picked up a beep, beep, beep, a signal and another signal, and again and again, so I think that it is the waste of hikers.

I searched the grass zone and found nothing else, so I went back closer to the area I called "polluted" and decided to make a hole. And a big piece came out of the ground! I started rubbing it, and said, "It's silver!" Right away, I made another hole and the sound of a big silver coin sounded everywhere; the detector howled. Seven pieces came from the ground altogether, all beautiful.

There was nobody to make my pictures, so I made them alone! Thanks to the Garrett team.

Yoann S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for April 2019 is the B.C. Coin Matrix, found by Paul S. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Paul's story: Hi all at Garrett. Day started like normal. About 2 hrs into a dig with a group of friends I got a really strong signal on my Garrett AT Pro about 5 inches down found a peace of bronze with strange markings on one end. As this is my first year of detecting I was unsure of what it was I put it into my bag and carried on searching. A bit later on I showed it to my friends that's when the day went a bit crazy.

It was explained to me as very rare object used to make casting molds for bronze coins dating from 20 to 60 years bc.The rest of the day was a bit of a daze. It has now been recorded by a Finds Liaison officer as a find of national importance and the only one ever found in the England. The next stage is to the British museum for further research. Thank you all at Garrett for making this very special day possible.

Kind regards Paul

Paul S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find is the 1st-2nd Century B.C. Roman Gold Ring with Gem, found by Andrew F. from Europe.

Andrew's story: Hello Garrett Company! My success story is related to my favorite metal detector, Garrett AT PRO. He brought me many good finds and unforgettable emotions. In March 2019, on a plowed field, Garrett AT PRO brought me a unique find. After three hours of searching, the numeric identifier on the display showed 63 - 65. A rather interesting target, I thought. The signal was clear in both directions, despite the fact that the goal lay quite deep. Finally, I turned the third lump of earth with a spade and rang the cottage over it. The goal was localized.

As it turned out later, it was a gold Roman ring with a gem, which could serve as an imprint of the seal. Perhaps he was worn by a Roman legionary or a wealthy merchant, around the 2nd - 1st century BC. And the depicted pictures on it have a clearly mythological interpretation. I cannot convey in words the feelings during the discovery. I was just happy.

With best regards, Andrew F. from Europe

Andrew F. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find is the pair of German WW2 binoculars made by Carl Zeiss, found by Bostjan V. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Bostjan's story: Hi. This is my best find of this month. German WW2 binoculars by Carl Zeiss. i find it near the road where Germans surrendered here. I hope you will like it.


Bostjan V. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for March 2019 is the Silver Prague Cache, found by Daniel P. from Europe with his Ace 400i.

Daniel's story: Hello dear Garrett company! In February 2019, Garrett 400i found for me a treasure of silver coins of the end of the XlV - the beginning of the 15th century. It consisted of 970 Prague groszy Charles l and Vaclav lV. As well as 10 silver hryvnia.

Even the pot in which they lay, perfectly preserved! This is a real miracle! It was one of the best days of my life! Thanks!

Daniel P.

Daniel P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for March 2019 is the Golden Aureus of the Roman Emperor Carus Coin, found by Sergey M. from Europe with his Ace 150.

Sergey's story: I remember the beginning of spring 2017 especially. It was a warm sunny day. The snow has already melted. The forest smelled of freshness and first flowers. I smoothly waved the garrett Ace 150 metal detector from side to side and enjoyed the awakening of nature. Suddenly I heard an acquaintance, such a pleasant ear signal - ding! Once again ding - ding! I started digging. Carefully turned out a lump of earth with a shovel. Pinpoint pinpointed the target under the coil. It was a gold coin! The Golden Aureus of the Roman Emperor Carus (AD 282- 283).

I was a bit shocked! Joy filled the soul! Even the simplest metal detector is capable of a miracle! Thanks to the company Garrett!

Sergey M.

Sergey M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for February 2019 is the 15.92 gram Golden Ring, discovered by Velentine B. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Hello, I want to tell my success story, as I found a valuable find using a detector. I went to an abandoned beach in the countryside, so to speak, to hunt for artifacts. I did not expect that I would find something like this! My detector detected a signal and I began to diligently drip. When I dug a hole, I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw a golden ring!!! I was filled with emotions! I danced from happiness!!! The weight of this ring is 15.92 grams.

Presumably by one version the ring belonged to a group of Thracian tribes and dates back to 1-3 centuries AD. According to another version, the golden ring of Rome, 9th century. In any case, the find is super!!!

Velentine B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for February 2019 is the Gold Roman Aureus Gordian III Coin, discovered by Leonid L. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Hello, Garrett! I want to thank you and tell about my emotions which I experienced when I found my first gold coin thanks to Garrett AT Pro. This Roman Aureus Gordian III Coin. I found it in spacious field. This field has given a lot of joy and impressions. This day will never forget, the whole world froze before my eyes and stopped for a minute when the detector discovered this wonderful find. I could not sleep at night after that, admired my own treasure all night. Thank you for the wonderful invention.

Leonid L. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for February 2019 is the King Vladislav IV (1595-1648) Polish Coin, discovered by Nicolay K. from Europe with his Ace 350.

Hello dear Garrett! Here is my incredible find story. I feel without Garrett Ace 350 as without hands, so I often take him with me to nature. And once I was lucky one fine day to go on a outing that was the most memorable one in my life! In a spruce forest after several hours of searching, I found a path that led to a big old oak tree. There I found my treasure thanks to my detector Garrett Ace 350. Catching a signal by determining the exact location of the target, I started digging, looking forward to getting to the goal, I saw the shine of metal.

It was a silver Thaler. On the obverse depicts King Vladislav IV (1595-1648). Polish coin of 1635, diameter: 46mm., weight: 28.52 grams. Rare and beautiful artifact of the currency of the Cossack era in Ukraine. I was happy that beautiful day when I found a rare coin!!! My pupils of the eyes extended from euphoria!!! I am happy that I have a friend like Garrett, which doesn't let me down!

Nicolay K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for January 2019 is the Silver and Gold Glass Jar Cache, found by Oleksandr I. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Oleksandr's story: I dig with Garrett for 5 years. This winter (26 January 2019) I was lucky to find a glass jar. In the jar was: 24 silver 50 kopecks, one silver ruble, 7 gold wedding rings, and one gold chain. This dates to: 1920-1930s! Total weight silver: 234 grams (8.25 oz); Total weight gold: 35.5 grams (1.25 oz). I found them only thanks to Garrett AT Pro! Thank you for such a great metal detector. :)

Oleksandr I. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for January 2019 is the Byzantine Golden Cross, found by Novozhilov P. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Novozhilov's story: Hi, Garrett! I want to share with you a story of the rarest Byzantine Golden Cross! For me, this find is the most valuable one I found with a Garrett AT PRO. When I drove last fall to one interesting place, I did not even think that I would find something, but Garrett and my perseverance got this valuable find. This Byzantine cross is dated to the end of the 6th- beginning of the 7th century. I was shocked when I found such an old and rare thing. I thank you Garrett!

Novozhilov P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for January 2019 is the Golden Roman Aureus of Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian, found by Max R. from Europe with his Ace 350.

Max's story: I express my gratitude to the company Garrett for the fact that for more than 50 years it has been developing new metal detectors, which give treasure hunters all over the world unforgettable emotions, making people happy.

Thousands of miles traveled by me with reliable Garrett Ace 350.

This story is about my first gold coin, which I searched for four years. A golden aureus of Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian 284-305, minted in the city of Antioch. He was waiting for me one fine hot summer day, in the roots of an old, rotten stump. Barely audible deep signal, reminiscent of the sound of foil. Under the rays of the sun, breaking through the centuries-old treetops, the gold coin gleamed. My heart began to beat faster! Breathing increased. I felt euphoric! It was a real buzz!

The found coin was later sold to a collector. And with the money I bought my friends two new Garrett Ace 350's.

Respectfully, Max R. from Europe.

Max R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for December 2018 is the Gold Byzantine Coin of Emperor Justinian 1, 518-519, found by Vadim I. from Europe with his AT Pro International.

Vadim's story: Greetings to Garrett! In April 2018, we decided to go with a friend to one interesting place, where we already used a lot of search engines. We took our metal detectors with us and drove to the intended place. Upon arrival, we saw a plowed field. We decided to scatter in different directions to cover more territory for search. 8 hours of search went like one instant, and at the end some coin fell out. Wiping it from the ground, I screamed with happiness. I called a friend and we both rejoiced at the find. It was the golden Byzantine solid of Emperor Justinian 1, 518-519. That was such a wonderful day.

Vadim I. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find is the Medieval Gold Ring with Maltese Cross, found by Gabriele F. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Gabriele's story: I recently found this medieval gold ring while I was metal detecting near the walls of an old abandoned house. It's amazing if you think it could have been lost by a member of the order of saint John. The Maltese cross is so beautifully enameled and the white match perfectly with the golden yellow. The ring style is so classical and elegant that I suppose the owner was a rich priest or a nobleman. Who knows? That's the special thing about our hobby: the mysterious story behind each object. One of my best finding so far and I'm really happy.

Gabriele F. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find is the 1652 New England Pine Tree Silver Shilling, found by Edward T. from Canada with his AT Pro International.

Edward's story: I was out with a few friends and ankle deep in soft mud when i received a great sound. To my shock, I pulled out a silver coin and my buddy told me it was a 1652 New England pine tree silver shilling, something I have never seen before. A rare coin to find in the USA and even rarer to be discovered in Eastern Canada. It was a great day of detecting that I will never forget.

Edward T. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for November 2018 is the hoard of 3rd Century B.C. Roman Coins, found by Roman Y. from Europe with his Ace 400i.

Roman's story: Hello dear company Garrett! Most recently, I got acquainted with your magnificent metal detector Garrett ACE 400i, which was given to me by relatives for my birthday. On the first weekend I went out of town to the old forest. Autumn day was wonderful. Yellow leaves rustled underfoot. I listened to the signals of my new electronic friend Garrett 400i. Towards noon I heard the first clear color signal. And at a depth of about 7 - 8 inches, the shovel took out a whole handful of Roman coins from the 3rd century BC. Amazing Just magical! Adrenaline rolls over! And when I saw among the 18 silver denarii, two gold aureus of Aurelian, I realized that the newcomers were really lucky!

May God bless the development of your company over the years.

Roman Y. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for November 2018 is the WW2 Nazis Paratroopers Badge, found by Maurice from Italy with his Ace 250.

Maurice's story: This is a rare WW2 Nazis paratroopers badge called in German: "Fallschirmschützenabzeichen". It's an unusual find because that kind of troops aren't used so much in the Italian campaign so they operated only in several spots. I found it in the woods where back in 1943, Germans and Americans fought cruelly during the liberation of Rome. I discovered it behind a rock so I imagined the soldier running away trying to save his life instead of his uniform. The area has plenty of visible trenches and bunkers made by the German soldiers to protect themselves from the hard American bombing. It was a huge, shivering surprise and I felt an amazing sensation when I dug it up. My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't even believe I had it in my hands. it was one of the best satisfactions in my whole life, for sure.

Maurice WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for November 2018 is the 17th Century Gold Posy Ring, found by Dexter N. from the U.K. with his Ace 300i.

Dexter's story: I have been detecting since I was 9. I'm 12 now. My first proper detector was a Garrett Ace 150 and I found loads of stuff including silver milled coins and 3 silver hammereds! It was a great machine. Earlier this year I sold my video games and console so I could upgrade. I got an Ace 300i, it's great!

On Saturday, November 3rd after Halloween, my Dad drove me up to a permission in the Sussex countryside. It was a nice sunny day and I decided to start detecting beside the old barn where we parked the car. I only went a few steps and got my first signal, it was in the high 60s so I decided to dig it. I lifted the clump and saw a glint of gold, the usual bit of can or ringpull I thought. I couldn't believe it when I pulled it out and it was a gold ring!! I was so excited, this was the first gold I'd ever found and I thought I'd never ever find any. When I poked out the mud from the ring I saw the old fashioned writing and spelling inside and knew it was a posy ring. I was even more excited, I'd found a really old gold ring!

The writing inside the ring says 'Rather dy then fayth to deny' and it turned out to be from the 17th Century so it's classed as treasure! We told the farmer about the ring and he couldn't believe we'd found treasure on his land. He was born on the farm and must have walked over it loads of times.

My Dad reported my find to the Coroner and we took the ring to the Finds Liaison Officer at the British Museum in London. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

I love my Garrett and the feeling you get when you find something and know you're the first person to touch it since it was lost all those years ago. This gold ring is my best find yet. but who knows what I'll find in the future.

Dexter N. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!