Favorite Finds - International


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My International favorite find for April 2016 is the 242 Republican Roman Denars treasure 90-41 B.C., discovered by Anghel T. from Romania, with his AT Gold and AT Pro.

Anghel’s story: (edited) “Searching some old maps from 1800 we saw that some buildings from a hill do not exist anymore. So on 01.04.2016 me and two friends get in the car and search for them. After 5 steps with the AT Gold I get a strong signal 79-80...hmmm. Surprise: only 9-10 cm underground a very old Roman Denar. Could this be real? Don’t know. I yell to my friend with the AT Pro to come back and see the coin. Answer: Republican ROMAN DENAR. Can this Denar be alone around here ?!?!? Who knows, but how lucky can I be to get one? Anyway, we search the area…after 10 seconds, beep beep, signal 80-81on display, small hole, new coin! OK, let’s split, AT Pro on one side, AT Gold the other side, lots of signals, lots of holes, and YES lots of coins. End of day, let’s count 1,2,..,10,...100. We are lucky. 101, 102,... 242. Wow, google fast. One of the largest Roman Denars treasure ever found in our country. It’s probably beginners luck since I got my AT Gold about a month ago and I have only 20-25 detecting hours. Great job Garrett, we love AT Gold and AT Pro. Coins are at the National Museum of History from Bucharest.”

Anghel T. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second international favorite finds for April 2016 are the 6 Gold Nuggets, found by Glen B. from Queensland, Australia, with his ATX.

Glen has been prospecting for over 20 years with pan and sluice but has never dug a nugget with a detector despite owning various machines for all those years. He has owned his ATX standard package for around 18 months. The large nugget is a shade under 1.5 ounces dug at 9 inches with the standard DD coil. He is going to go back with both the 20" mono and 8" coils to clean up the patch. Glen is over the moon.

Glen B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for March 2016 is the 13.2 Gram Gold Aunslev Cross “Christ from Aunslev”, found by Dennis H. from Denmark, with his EuroAce.

Dennis’s story: “Friday, March 11. I have used my detector for three months now, and have mainly stuck to one particular field, as I often find objects from the Middle Ages. On a part of the field that was drying up, I had only just detected for 5 minutes when my detector gave a signal, a little shifty, but I had to dig! I was surprised of the Item before me, for suddenly there was a large gold jewelry lying on the ground flashing in the sun. It was a Birka crucifix, completely intact and in 13.2 grams of gold! I had now found the first (earliest) full complete crucifix in Denmark, and the third copy in the Nordic countries. I went completely nuts when I realised what I had found and barely slept for the next 5 days out of pure excitement.”

“The jewelry is older than the Jelling stone, meaning that the Danish history has to be changed in relation to when we became Christians. Until now the Jelling Stone has been the oldest Christian evidence in Denmark, but my crucifix has now amended that. My discovery has aroused enthusiasm among amateur and full-time archaeologists. Right now the history is everywhere, nationally and internationally, and since the museum broke the story, I have talked to and written with media from Denmark, USA and Canada. People from all over the world have contacted me on messenger and congratulated me with the item.”

“So it has really been a unique discovery and a crazy experience for me that I will never forget. I am very proud of my finding and think you also should have the story. I found it with my Garret EuroAce, but hope to upgrade to an AT Pro to find even more: o)”

Dennis, your crucifix find discovered and rewrote history. Congratulations!

Dennis H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My first international favorite finds for February 2016 are the Iron Age Fibulae and Ring Brooch, found by Rune N. from Norway with his AT Pro.

Rune’s story: “Hi. It’s winter in Norway and the ground is hard as rock most places, so I decided to take a trip to the beach together with a friend to see if we could find any rings or clad. We found nothing, so instead we tried the woods close to the sea in case the ground was “diggable” there. Three minutes into the search I got this iffy signal I thought was a button or bullet casing. It came as a shock when I saw what tumbled out of the ground. Two fibulae (iron age brooches) and one ring-brooch, all three about 1500 years old. I might have stumbled upon an ancient woman-grave. Archaeologists are deciding if it should be inspected further. A friend of mine managed to make a nice silver copy of the ring brooch as a memory of my discovery.“

Rune N. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!

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My second international favorite find is the Silver Fibula, Viking 1000 - 1050 AD, found by Ole B. from Denmark with his AT Pro.

Ole’s story: “I was hunting a football field from an old school with a friend of mine, he had found a few ww2 nazi coins and some silver rings, I kept finding coins from the 1990’s arghh. So we just talked a bit while walking. I went outside the field, but we have not permission to hunt there, so I just hunted as close without stepping into the trees. When I hit the target, the sound was clear as crystal and the item was only 15cm down. I picked it up, but was a bit unclear what it was, I could see it was silver as it was black, but did not know what I had there, I put in a small plastic box and hunted some more. At night I put it in a detector group on FB and there was fast 50 comments and 250 likes. The next morning I had a message on my cellphone from a guy in the local museum, he was also pretty excited over this piece, its very rare to find this in silver, normally they are in bronze. It’s a urnes fibula from the Viking age, around 1000 - 1050.”

Ole B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third international favorite find is the 48th Regiment Redcoats Button, found by Jacob U. from New South Wales, Australia, with his AT Pro International.

Jacob’s story: “My name is Jacob. I’m 14 years old. I went out detecting one afternoon to see if I could find some old coins and relics but I found something amazing. I dug a few 1800’s British coins and a small button which at the time I thought was just a regular civilian button. Once I got home I cleaned my finds and on the bottom I could see “48”. I got in touch with an online friend, Andy from Victoria, who knows ALOT about military history and he showed me a photo of a button from the “48th regiment of foot”. This button was a match! The 48th regiment of foot was established in England in 1741 and discontinued in 1881. They came to Australia in 1817 and left in 1824. I found this in Australia’s second oldest city which was established in 1804!!! This is one of my best finds EVER!!! Thank you for letting me share my find.”

Jacob U. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My fourth international favorite find for February 2016 is the Constantin 1 Chlorus Roman Coin, found by Sinisa S. from Croatia with his Euro Ace detector.

Sinisa’s story: “Hi. This month I found a few silver Roman coins, one of which is a rare, Argenteus from Constantin I Chlorus, use Euro Ace detector, my recommendation to everyone Garrett is the best.”

Sinisa S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My International favorite find is the hoard of 50 silver coins from the Danish Monarch Christian IV, 1586-1656, discovered by Bjorn S., Heinrich O., Lars H., and Simon K. from Denmark with their AT Pro’s.

Bjorn’s story: “Hello, I just wanted to share this awesome story of how me and 3 friends found a 1500 and 1600 century silver coin treasure this Christmas with our Garrett AT Pro metal detectors. Thank you for great detectors!! :-D” (Translated and edited article). An elderly lady told one of the four men a centuries-old legend that there would be a silver treasure in a certain area of a field outside Herning. As the legend would prove true, the four men with metal detectors started looking on December 27th, and over 2 to 3 days they found 50 silver cons from the period 1586-1656. Initially one of the friends found a large silver coin, while the rest of the responses were aluminum waste. But as the team was looking on, more and more silver coins appeared in the muddy soil, which all exhibited Christian IV. The local museum was jubilant, and Guanteng Museum’s curator Martin Olesen believes the coins in the society had great value. Total weight found about 850 grams. (Original article by Jonas Hamidavi R. Moestrup. Photo of hands with coins: Martin Olesen. Museum photo: Lars Hebsgaard).

Bjorn S., Heinrich O., Lars H., and Simon K.  WIN a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second International favorite find is the Hoard of 7 Gold Coins: écu au soleil Louis XII, escudos Philipp II d’espagne, Demi-écu à la couronne, discovered by Harreau L. from France with his Ace 250.

Harreau’s story: “Hello to all. It was a moment on Sunday, 17 January, a winter sun motivated me. After a detection time a sound came. I make a hole with my Garrett digger and have the joy of discovering what a beautiful coin, a shield of the sun. I pass the detector and it still sounds, and find two other coins, gold escudos. Wanting to continue my path in this beautiful forest, I made my 2 meters and detector still yells at me “corners, corners.” Amazed I discover three escudos of crowns and a half crown. The sun goes down and the day ends with these great finds.”

Harreau L. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third International favorite find is the 500-460 BC Gold Electrum Stater, discovered by Taras S. from the Ukraine with his AT Pro International.

Taras’s story: “The stater was found by me personally by the aid of metal detector Garrett AT Pro International. The discovery was done in July 2015, in Ukraine, in the west part of the territory of Odessa region. The stater was found at the depth of 25-30 cm. The weight is 16.3 gm. The length is 20 mm.”

Taras S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite International favorite find is the U.S. Army Pvt. Anthony World War II Dog Tag, found and returned by Adam C. from the U.K. with his EuroAce.

Adam’s story: “Being somewhat of a newcomer to metal detecting I decided go purchase the Garrett Euroace as I’d heard fantastic reviews about the machine and loved the design and look to it. I wasn’t disappointed when it arrived and after a quick assembley I was out and about all over my new permissions. Yesterday, 22nd December, I detected a strong signal at a depth of 8 inches. As I dug excitedly I saw the tell-tale shine that so many people see when they unearth silver coins, although it wasn’t silver, it was better. It turned out to be a WW2 US Dog Tag belonging to Pvt. Henry C. Anthony who was stationed in the UK for a brief period prior to deployment to Normandy Beach. I was fascinated by the find and started researching immediately. My job was now to get this medal back where it belongs, with his family. Turns out he was traceable and although he passed away in 1995, he had a surviving neice who I was able to contact. When she heard the news of my find she was almost in tears as “He was an Uncle whom I loved so much. God Bless your heart”. One of the biggest draws to metal detecting for me isn’t just the hunt and the find, it’s the history of the object and how it got there. Coins/relics have value but memories of loved ones are priceless. Donna Anthony’s Christmas became a very special one.”

Adam C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second international favorite find is the Richard Danielson “Vintage Trouble” Ring, found by Mika V. from Finland with his Ace 250.

Mika’s Story: “This may not be the most valuable find ever, but it is the most exciting of all of my finds this year. A couple of days after the big rock concert with the Australian group AC/DC as the main act (55,000 tickets sold), I was detecting for coins and possibly jewelry in the park where the concert had taken place. Just before leaving I decided to check the area where the stage had been and got a very loud and clear high tone signal on my Ace 250. And there it was. A huge solid silver ring (25 grams)with the Vintage Trouble logo on it. Vintage Trouble was the American group that was supporting AC/DC on their “Rock or Bust” World Tour 2015. First I thought it was just a cheap fan ring as it did not have any hallmarks. Later at home I made a density weighing test and it was silver. Inside the ring there was engraved “Richard 3/5” and then it struck me: It was the ring of the drummer in the group, Richard Danielson. I also found a picture on Instagram where the group had just received their rings, one for each member. I believe the rings were a gift from Richard’s father. I tried to contact Mr. Danielson through Instagram and Facebook, but no luck. I would be happy to return the ring to him. I have enclosed two photos, one being the ring just when I found it and the other being a screenshot of Vintage Trouble's Instagram account. Maybe you at Garrett could help me with it?”

Mika V. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My 1st International favorite find for November 2015 is the Aureus of Severus Alexander Gold Coin, found by Bruce H. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Bruce’s story: "HI…Thought I’d share my second day ever with my AT Pro with you… after having had an Ace 250 before. I actually took a video of the whole thing as I didn’t know what I’d found at upturned sod stage! … I give you an Aureus of Severus Alexander (youth)… exceptionally rare I understand in England… dreams do come true… found 30/10/15… West Sussex… England."

Bruce H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 2nd international favorite find is the South Ferriby Gold Celtic Stater, 45 BC to 150 BC, found by Russell M. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

  Russell’s story: "I had a diggable signal and dug it on numbers rather than sound. I run at zero all metal 35 discrim, with one off the top on sens, and dig all above 40. This first signal was low 40 and as I was bored I turned over the clod and out popped an Edward 1st silver penny. My first hammered in nearly 12 months. This did perk me up and decided to do one more transverse of the field again. I indicated to my buddy I was heading back and the next sweep BOOM a great signal. I of course dug it as I was enthused by my Eddy find. As I turned of the clod I saw what looked like a squashed military. When I picked it up I knew instantly it was something special. I took out my tooth brush to clean the soil away. My heart nearly came out my chest Phew !!! I of course did a little jig and called over the club’s dig organiser. It was then it hit me I had found “The find of a life time”. I texted the wife about my good fortune but she didn’t believe me until I got home and placed the coin in her hand. The Garrett AT Pro certainly delivered on that sunny autumnal day in November."

Russell M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 3rd international favorite find is the 1894 Queen Victoria Gold Sovereign, found by Michael R. from the U.K. with his Ace 250.

MIchael’s story: "My find of the month and probably the year! A 1894 Queen Victoria full gold sovereign. Me and my detecting buddy braved the stormy weather to join our club on a dig in Lancashire England. 30 minutes into the day my Garrett Ace 250 gave a slamming hit at 4". I dug up the clod and seen a yellow coin fall out. At first I thought I had found a euro ten cents (these come out yellow/gold when found) but I picked it up and noticed queen Victoria. My heart stopped for a second as i realised what I’d found. My first ever gold coin!!!! Weighing 7.95grams. I was over the moon and I’m still smiling now. Thanks Garrett for such a great machine."

Michael R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 4th international favorite find is the Arabic Gold Coin, found by Raja K. from Malaysia with his AT Gold.

Raja’s story: (edited) "My hometown, Kota Tinggi (High Castle) is a capital of Johore state from year 1528 till 1760 before move to Johore Bahru, opposite Singapore. During the Sultanate time, many traders come and go and make business there. At that time, river is the only route to reach the destination. War also happens there, and many coins drop and other items fall into the river. Time makes the river change from wide to narrow. The only way to know is to dig at the base level of the soil. The coins are made from tin, silver and gold, and are round, hexagonal and octagonal shapes. Words are written in Arabic scripture. The honorable name of the king and his title. Sometimes we also found weapons and other metal objects of silver and gold. Every time we go for hunting, we will play with mud. The condition of the coins in the mud is better and clear looking. Me and my team are very happy when using Garrett’s products. Best performance and sharp to detect the objects. From 2011 till now, I already expert using my Garrett AT Gold. Last time I have Garrett pointer, but lost in action."

Raja K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 5th international favorite find is the 500 B.C. Celtiberian plate, found by Julen R. from Victoria, Spain, with his Ace 250.

Julen’s story: "My friend Josu and me were detecting close to the Ebro river in Basque Country, Spain. When we had been detecting 20 minutes, very close to the surface, 5 cm approx, appears this amazing and historical Iberian plate of Bronze and golded. The Celtiberians were the people who lived before the Romans here in Spain. The scene is some people working the lands, and the others fighting. The plate is 4x5cm, 40 gr of weight and many experts told us the origin of it. Celtiberian plate, 500 B.C."

Julen R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for October 2015 is the Gold Bronze Age Ring Money, discovered by Pete H. from the U.K. with his Ace 250.

Pete’s story: "Just thought I would share with you a picture of me and my son and the amazing gold bronze age ring money I found on a metal detecting rally in the UK with my 250. I have to take it to the Finds Liason Officer next week so it can be sent away to be authenticated and valued. I will be asking them to see if they can get the find published in one of the UK MD magazines. Great machine strikes again. Thanks. Pete."

Editor note: Gold Ring Money was used as currency by ancient Celtic tribes and often worn on clothing or tied together by ropes.

Pete H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite international find is the Half-Ounce Gold Nugget, discovered by David K. from Australia with his ATX with a 10 x 12 DD coil.

Davids story: "This half-ounce nugget is one of the most recent, and so far the largest, of thirty-five small gold nuggets taken from a productive patch that other PI detectors are apparently unable to work. The ATX is able to work the area successfully at full sensitivity, despite close proximity to power lines and a nearby booster transformer. The nugget was between 7 and 9 inches deep. Nugget number 36 comes next - if it is there somewhere in the midst of all that trash the ATX will find it!"

David K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third favorite international find is the set of Royal New Brunswick Regiment buttons, discovered by Brock P. from New Brunswick, Canada, with his AT Pro International.

Brock ’s story: "These buttons were found in a farm field that once saw early military activity. These belonged to the Royal New Brunswick Regiment in Canada. It was the first ever Provincial regiment, and existed from late 1700’s to 1803 when they were renamed to the Royal Fencibles. Thanks for looking!"

Brock P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for September 2015 is the 518 piece Roman Coin Hoard of the Gallic Empire and Britannica, discovered by Martin F. from the U.K. with his Ace 250.

Martin details the dig. (edited) “Due to secrecy, the British Museum has only just released the info to the public. Whilst searching a new field on July 25th, 2013 with my trusty 9 year-old Ace 250 with double D coil, I had been searching for over an hour with my friend Jeremy when I got a deep signal but good. I started digging and after 14 inches, nothing but the great signal. I called Jeremy over as he had a pinpoint probe and mine was broken. We scanned the hole and carried on digging. We hit a stone and on pulling it out we found 4 Roman coins stuck to it! I shouted stop! Upon examination we found coins loose and stuck in the soil, all bronze and in good condition. We knew it was a hoard, but how big? We stopped and contacted the museum finds officer and the land owner who both came out very excited. It was agreed to excavate the hoard in 3 days time, so we had to bury the find again and maintain complete secrecy to protect the site. We came back 3 days later with the finds officer and did a complete 8-hour excavation, documenting the dig in photos, drawings and video.”

Martin details the discovery. “When we lifted the find it was found to weigh about 2.5 Kg and was buried in a bag. Then the long wait began as the British museum began to clean and preserve the find. It was discovered that there were 518 coins, all from the period AD 260-295 of various Gallic and Britannic emperors. The coins were buried in 3 separate hessian bags stuffed with leaves to keep the coins from clinking, then buried in a leather bag. The leather and leaves were still intact in places! The coins were declared treasure and were valued at £1619. Three of the coins are very rare and will be held by the British Museum as they have not got them in the national collection. The story was reported on regional TV and in the press, and I can now let you know how well my trusty Garrett has served me. This find is not very valuable, but it has meant that the museums have learned more about the less common way of burying hoards in bags not pots, and I have added to the national collection in London, not a bad days work!”

Martin F. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite International favorite finds are the Two Gold Medieval Rings, discovered by Michal P. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Michal said, “Let’s go metal detecting to a friend from my Team of Nottinghamshire at work and we booked a half-day off. We went to our old permission that didn’t promise much. Started walking up into the bottom end. First signal – a bullet cartridge. The soil was rock-solid. Second signal 58-61 on my AT Pro!!! And BOOM!!!! My first Gold and not just one!! Two Gold medieval finger rings. Found together, one inside the other. c.1400 -1550. First is iconographic with depiction of St. Christopher and inscription. Second is inscribed. All objects were given to the local museum. I love my Garrett AT Pro!”

Michal P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!


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My first international Favorite Find for August 2015 is the Rare 40 A.D. Celtic Gold Stater, discovered by Jason M. from Chesterfield, U.K. with his AT Pro.

Jason wrote, “I was recently out on a club dig with the metal detecting Derby at Belper when right at the top of the field I got a signal jumping from 50-53. I didn’t have a pinpointer so I was grabbing handfuls of soil and waving them over the coil when all of a sudden I got the beep. At first I thought it was a button and had to ask a club leader what it was. She said oh my God do you realise what you have found? I said no. She said it’s a Celtic gold stater dating back to around 40 AD! She looked in the book and it is a Lincolnshire schyphate coin. My local museum has taken it away so it can be recorded and photographed. Although nobody has seen this design on a coin it is the only one found in my county and only 55 have ever been recorded in the UK. The coin came out the ground in perfect condition and everyone says what a beautiful coin it is. I now have papers and magazines wanting my story. I used to have an Ace 250 then upgraded to the AT Pro, both excellent machines and I haven't looked back.”

Excellent find Jason! Go pinpoint some more gold with your new Pro-Pointer AT.

Jason M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second international Favorite Find for August 2015 is the 1795 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar (3 Leaf), discovered by Dan K. from New Brunswick, Canada, with his AT Pro and Pro-Pointer AT.

Dan wrote, “I thought I should share a once in a lifetime find, especially for here in Canada! I live in southern New Brunswick, Canada, and have been detecting for 4 years and have found awesome relics/coins dating back to the 1730’s. The history here dates back to 1611 when a trading post was built, not long after that the Acadians and Loyalists followed. A few days ago after a good rain I decided to go detecting at a public park by one of our river systems for a few hours. Using my AT Pro under some 200+ year old pine trees I had a solid awesome “91” signal. At first I thought pop can on end but it was screaming solid “91” under some roots 3” down. To my surprise/heart attack out came a 1795 beautiful Flowing Hair U.S. Silver dollar (3 leaf)! At the time I had no idea what I had other than a monster silver coin “wow”. With only running water and a Q-tip the coin is incredible, not to mention the great location it was found. Thanks Garrett for your excellent products and customer service.”

Great find Dan! Thank you for sharing your story and the history of the area.

Dan K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My first international favorite find for July 2015 is the Silver Roman Coin Denarius-Commodus, discovered by Frentescu L. from Romania with his EuroAce.

Frentescu’s story: "Let’s go metal detecting I said to a friend of mine and off we went to an area next to my city that didn’t promise much. Just walking up into the heart of the forest, a slight sound disturbed the silence of nature. The earth didn’t let us get too easily a bullet cartridge from WW1 1913. The soil was rock-solid. Afterwards, nonferrous music enchanted my senses. A little sparkle winked at us from approximately 35 cm in the earth. A silver denarius-Commodus in all its greatness! That was the beginning…and after that…pure pieces of history: roman brooches (silver and bronze), roman axe, bronze figurines, pieces of iron from smeltering, small sculpturing tools, bronze ring, pieces of silver, pottery and many more metal objects that filled my heart with joy and 2000 years of untouched history. All objects were given to the local museum."

Frentescu L. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second favorite international favorite find for July 2015 is the Silver Roman Coin Titus, Quinarius, discovered by Paulo P. from Portugal with his AT Pro.

Paulos story: "I’ve been using Garrett for more then four years. First an Ace 150, then an AT Pro. I like it so much that i can go anywhere with it. I use it in the ocean water, sand, rivers and fields. No detector that i know of compares to this one. I had great success with it. I found more than 150 grams in gold rings, loads of coins, and this month I found a rare roman coin. I couldn’t believe it! i heard a noise that could be something good. It was not loud because most roman coins are small. It was in the middle of the roots of grass. I couldn’t believe it, I am so happy with it, to find something almost 2000 years old! An archeologist helped me identify it: Titus (A.D. 79-81), quinarius. Obv. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, Laureate head right. Rev.VICTORIA AVGVST, Victory seated left holding wreath and palm. RIC (1st edition) 35a, A.D. 79-80. Very scarce coin. Thank you Garrett!!"

Paulo P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My third international favorite find for July 2015 is the "Two Hands, One Heart" Gold Ring, discovered by Luka H. from Slovenia.

Luka’s story: "Hello. My name is Luka. I found a very rare gold ring in Slovenia. My metal detector is Garrett Euro Ace. Garrett is the BEST!!! With best regards, Luka."

Luka H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!

Thanks Frentescu, Paulo, and Luka for submitting stories of your lovely finds. Enjoy your new Pro-Pointer AT’s!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!