История Garrett

Чарльз Гарретт записывается в Военно-Морской Флот США и посещает 6-месячную школу помощника электрика, с которой начинается его формальное образование в области электроники. Он быстро продвигается до звания помощника электрика 2-го класса, старшины и назначается ответственным за 14 человек отдела электрики на борту USS Bottineau (APA 235), штурмового десантного транспорта, во время Корейской войны.
После службы на флоте Чарльз Гарретт женится на Элеоноре Смит из Пеннингтона, штат Техас. Элеонора-учительница начальной школы в Недерленде, штат Техас. Гарретт поступает в университет Ламара в Бомонте, штат Техас, и начинает работать над получением степени бакалавра наук в области электротехники.
После окончания Чарльзом университета Ламара семья переезжает в Даллас, штат Техас, где Гарретт начинает работать в Texas Instruments. Он становится неотъемлемой частью подразделения космической техники и электроники компании и помогает проектировать твердотельные усилители и источники питания для кодировщика данных, который используется в космическом корабле Mars-bound Mariner II. Он также разрабатывает электронные шаблоны радиолокационного сканирования и элементы управления для самолета F111.
Гарретты переезжают в Гарленд, штат Техас, где Элеонора продолжает преподавать в школе, а Чарльз начинает работать над проектами, связанными с наукой о земле, в качестве инженера-проектировщика в геотехнической корпорации. Среди устройств, которые он помогает разрабатывать, - усовершенствованная схема сейсмографа, которая была установлена на Луне Нилом Армстронгом в 1969 году.
Чарльз Гаррет арендует коммерческие металлоискатели и находит их неудовлетворительными. Он начинает работать в гараже своего дома в Гарланде над созданием более интересных грунтовых поисковых металлоискателей.
Элеонора и Чарльз Гарретт основали свой бизнес 1 апреля 1964 года.

Гарретт представляет на рынке Hunter, свой первый металлоискатель с двумя катушками (розничная цена $145,00).
К 1967 году Garrett конкурирует с более чем 35 компаниями, которые имеют давнюю историю производства и продажи металлоискателей. Он рано осознает, что его детекторы должны предлагать лучшие возможности поиска, чем те, которые выпускают его конкуренты.
Гаррет продолжает совершенствовать свои металлоискатели, путешествуя с семьей, чтобы проверить свои изобретения в полевых условиях. Первый стенд Garrett на выставке –продаже по хобби в клубе старателей Южной Калифорнии привлекает внимание самого известного в стране охотника за сокровищами. Гарретт открывает первый дистрибьюторский магазин "Убежище Боуэна", принадлежащий Гарри и Люсиль Боуэн, в Спокане, штат Вашингтон. Гарретт начинает открывать дилерские центры по всей стране.

Гарретт становится первым производителем, исключившим уход частоты генератора. Его запатентованные, революционные, независимо управляемые поисковые катушки значительно повышают эффективность поиска. Гарретт запатентовал специальную технику намотки коаксиальной поисковой катушки и стал первым, кто преодолел нулевое смещение фазы поисковой катушки. Многие конкуренты закрылись, поскольку революция сдвига фазы, как ее теперь называют, навсегда меняет индустрию производства металлоискателей.
Революция Сдвига фазы инициирует общепромышленное движение по созданию технологии, конкурирующей с новыми детекторами Гарретта.

Garrett Metal Detectors переезжают на новое предприятие площадью 15 000 квадратных футов и начинают наращивать производство своей более сложной продукции. Гарретт представляет первый недорогой металлоискатель- Mini Hunter.
Garrett представляет свой первый TR (передатчик-приемник) металлоискатель. Модели Garrett TR в этот период включают в себя Competition Master, Master Hunter и Cache Hunter.
Лоток The Gravity Trap Gold Pan разработан и запатентован Роем Лагал Льюистон, штат Айдахо. Гарретт начинает международную дистрибуцию этих лотков Они до сих пор остаются самыми популярными лотками для промывания золота в мире.

Чарльз Гаррет издает свою первую книгу "Успешная охота за монетами", рождается издательство RAM.
Garrett разрабатывает свою первую схему кнопочного управления.

Редактор Национального издания по поиску сокровищ, Ассоциации, связывается с Гарретом и предлагает продавать его детекторы и продукты для обработки золота. Он призывает Гаррета написать серию статей о его хобби, металлоискателях, поисковых советах и передовых электронных технологиях обнаружения ценных металлов.
Инженерная команда Garrett с Бобом Подхраски в качестве главного инженера, начинает работать над технологией низкочастотных (VLF)/TR грунтовых металлоискателей. Garrett монетизирует термин VLF.
Garrett представляет Fortune Hunter, двухконтурный детектор монет с кнопочной настройкой и регулируемой дискриминацией. Он продается за 149,95 доллара.
Когда цены на золото взлетают, возрастает спрос на металлоискатели Garrett в Соединенных Штатах и за рубежом. Garrett получает запросы на создание международных дилерских центров. В Лондоне открывается первый дилерский центр за пределами Соединенных Штатов. Питер Бридж открывает первый австралийский дилерский центр. К середине 1980-х годов Garrett Metal Detectors становится одним из крупнейших производителей металлоискателей с более чем 1800 дистрибьюторами по всему миру.

Garrett представляет Sea Hunter подводный импульсный индукционный металлоискатель.
Garrett establishes The International Treasure Hunting Society, formed to bring treasure hunters together. This society soon sponsors the largest international treasure hunt ever conducted.

The five-day treasure hunt takes place at the 120-acre Trader’s Village Market located in suburban Dallas. Over 2,000 treasure hunters attend and over $100,000 in prizes including a pick-up truck, are given away. Hundreds of ardent admirers visit Garrett’s factory in Garland that year.
A free newsletter is published, which is distributed throughout the treasure hunting world. Garrett’s article series, which focuses on his treasure hunting successes as well as personal search and recover techniques, greatly increases interest in Garrett detectors. He continues writing for the metal detecting and electronic gold prospecting industries. The Garrett Searcher Newsletter

Garrett introduces a motion discrimination metal detector.
Garrett conducts seminars to teach Utah Fish and Wildlife authorities how to find bullets in animals that had been killed by poachers. This seminar proves to be Garrett's first official law enforcement seminar, which has grown into The Garrett Academy of Metal Detection.

Garrett is awarded the first U.S. patent for the use of microprocessors in metal detectors.
In September, Garrett is invited to develop a walk-through metal detector for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles. The tragedy of the 1972 Munich Games created an intense movement for increased security at the Olympics.
Garrett engineers create the MagnaScanner, the company’s first walk-through metal detector. Olympic Games Head of Security Ed Best visits Garrett to test and approve the new detector in April. The Los Angeles Games mark the first extensive metal detection screening in the history of the Olympic Games. 60 walk-through detectors and 1,000 of Garrett’s Pocket Probe hand-held detectors, as well as training, are supplied to the Olympic Games. The hand-held SuperScanner was also used at this event.

Garrett supplies 1984 National Republican Convention in Dallas, Texas, with security metal detectors.
Garrett provides security training and products for the Egyptian Ramses Exhibit.

Garrett releases the Freedom 1, Freedom 2, and Freedom ACE Coin Commander VLF metal detectors.
Garrett provides security training and products for the PanAm Games in Indiana.

Vaughan Garrett begins utilizing his video production expertise to create educational treasure-hunting and security videos.
Garrett provides security walk-through and hand-held metal detectors for the Seoul, Korea, Olympic Games.

The Grand Master Hunter is introduced as Garrett’s first microprocessor detector.

Garrett provides security equipment for the Republican GOP Convention in Houston, Texas, where future President George H. W. Bush is nominated.
Garrett introduces the first Graphic Target Analyzing (GTA) microprocessor-driven detector with multiple notch discrimination for treasure hunting. This notch is still the most efficient and desirable metal detector target discriminating method.

Garrett provides security training and products for the U.S. armed forces in Kuwait during the Persian Gulf conflict known as Desert Storm.
Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Barcelona, Spain, Olympic Games.

Garrett moves company headquarters and detector manufacturing to its current location on 1881 West State Street in Garland, Texas.

Garrett introduces the world’s first talking metal detector.
Garrett introduces the Graphic Target Imaging (GTI) metal detector with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and true target size and depth for treasure hunting.

Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Atlanta, Georgia, Olympic Games.
The Garrett Academy of Metal Detection is formally established to offer certification in the use of metal detection equipment in checkpoint screening applications such as airports and special events.
Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Nagano, Japan, Olympic Games.
Garrett introduces the PD 6500 Pinpoint walk-through detector, with multi-zone detection.
Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Sydney, Australia, Summer Olympic Games.
Garrett introduces the SuperWand hand-held metal detector. It becomes the standard hand-held used by Canadian airports.
Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Salt Lake City, Utah, Winter Olympic Games.

Garrett supplies the SuperWand to all U.S. airports.
Garrett introduces the PD 6500i walk-through metal detector with 33 distinct pinpoint zones including left, right, and center detection. Garrett becomes the only U.S. manufacturer to meet TSA guidelines for walk-through and held-held metal detectors. Garrett supplies walkthroughs to one-third of America’s airports and to many overseas airports. Garrett introduces the Infinium metal detector, for prospecting in heavily mineralized soil and for use in water to depths of 200 feet.
Garrett celebrates its 40th anniversary on April 1.

Garrett introduces the Graphic Target Profiling (GTP) 1350 metal detector.

Garrett introduces the ACE series, the most advanced, low-cost metal detectors in the world.
Garrett’s ACE 150 and ACE 250 detectors become top sellers in the United States hobby industry and successfully debut in European markets.

Garrett is featured on John Ratzenberger’s hit TV series Made in America, which airs on the Discovery Network’s Travel Channel.

Garrett installs 450 PD 6500i walk-through and 900 SuperScanner metal detectors at Olympic venues throughout Torino, Italy, for the 2006 Olympic Winter Games.

Robert Podhrasky, Garrett Director of Engineering, joins TMAC board

Garrett Metal Detectors is honored with the Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) Award of Excellence.

Texas Congressman Sam Johnson joins Charles Garrett and company officials for the groundbreaking ceremonies for the company’s expansion.

Construction begins at 1881 W. State Street in Garland to expand Garrett’s facilities to 100,000 square feet. The new Garrett home office houses an enlarged treasure hunting museum, a formal conference/training center for The Garrett Academy of Metal Detection training, and enlarged production and warehouse facilities.

Garrett Named Outstanding Employer in Dallas County

Garrett provides walk-through detectors, hand-held detectors and training to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China.

Garrett introduces the popular new PRO-POINTER pinpointing metal detector.

Garrett Releases CSI PRO-POINTER for Security

Garrett is named the official security metal detector supplier for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada.

Discovery Channel Discovers Garrett


Garrett launches a new Countermine/ERW division and introduces the RECON-PRO AML (All Metal Locator) 1000.

Charles Garrett and a team of Garrett detectorists work with Texas Parks and Wildlife to recover and preserve artifacts from the San Jacinto battlegrounds where Texas independence was won.

Charles, Eleanor and Vaughan Garrett and Vice President Bob Podhrasky serve as early Olympic torch runners during the countdown to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games.

Garrett Metal Detectors Supports Irving Police Department


Garrett provides security metal detector training and products for the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson visits Garrett’s headquarters to present a copy of the Congressional Record in which Garrett was recently recognized.

Garrett provides security detectors for the 2010 FIFA World Cup championship soccer tournament in South Africa.

Garrett releases new hobby detectors for the ACE series, as the ACE 350 in America and as the EuroACE for its overseas version.

Garrett introduces the versatile AT Pro, an all-terrain hobby detector which can be used for shallow water hunting. It becomes a best seller.

Garrett releases the new Super Scanner V security hand-held screening detector, featuring both audible and vibrating alarm options.

Garrett releases the new AT Gold metal detector. It is fully waterproof to 10 feet (3 meters) and is ideal for locating gold nuggets, coins, relics, caches, and jewelry, even in highly mineralized ground.

Charles Garrett is presented with an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Lamar University.

In April, the Charles and Eleanor Garrett Engineering Center is dedicated at Lamar University.

Garrett’s YouTube channel reaches its first one million views in June.

The Garrett CSI Pro, a security crime scene investigation detector, is released.

Fox Business News features the Garrett factory in a segment called “Manufacturing Marvels.”

Video: Garrett Featured on Fox Business Network

Garrett releases the fully waterproof ATX pulse-induction metal detector. It is highly sensitive on tiny gold and extends detection depth in the most extreme mineralized soils.
Garrett celebrates 50 years in business! More than 250 employees gather to enjoy the anniversary of their company and the birth of founder Charles Garrett.

Garrett provides security metal detectors for the 2014 FIFA World Cup tournament in Brazil.

Garrett’s Hobby Division evolves into the Sport Division. Outdoor enthusiasts join “The Sport of Metal Detecting” to find new adventure, get exercise, and to escape from routine. Garrett detectors are featured in the National Geographic Channel’s “Diggers” reality TV show.

The Pro-Pointer AT, an all-terrain fully waterproof version of Garrett's popular pinpointer, is released.

Founder Charles L. Garrett passes away on April 3, 2015. Click here to read more about Mr. Garrett.

Garrett is the Official Metal Detectors Supplier for the 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games in Toronto, Canada. More than 1,200 security detectors are utilized to protect the various sports venues.

Garrett's best-selling ACE detector line is expanded with the introduction of improved models with new features such as Digital Target ID. International and U.S. versions of ACE 200, ACE 300, and ACE 400 are released.

Garrett provides mobile walkthrough detector solutions that are widely adopted into stadium security for professional baseball, basketball, hockey, and football arenas in the U.S. and Canadian markets.
Garrett releases Z-Lynk Wireless Technology in a family of Z-Lynk products that allow almost any metal detector to be used without wires from the detector to the headphones.

The first Charles Garrett Memorial Hunt is held in Jefferson, Texas, during the weekend of April 1, to honor the memory of Garrett co-founder Charles Garrett. Hundreds of detectorists from around the country and even from other countries attend the full weekend for detecting, fun, and prizes.

Garrett releases the new AT Max metal detector, a fully wireless model that features maximum detection depth. The AT Max includes many new features and it can be used fully submerged for shallow water hunting.

Significant Garrett security installations include: major metro transit security installations in Turkey, India, Thailand, and Egypt; venue security for the "Tomorrowland" festivals (more than 400,000 attendees) near Brussels, Belgium; and metal detector installation into stadiums preparing for the 2018 Moscow World Cup Games.

Garrett Metal Detectors becomes an official security partner of AT&T Stadium and the Dallas Cowboys, the most recognized and highly successful sports franchise in the world.

Steve Novakovich Joins Garrett Metal Detectors as CEO

Garrett Countermine/ERW Division releases new Recon Pro AML-750 all metals locator detector.

Garrett provides security detectors for use in the 2018 FIFA World Cup football (soccer) tournament in Russia.

Garrett Security Division releases new MZ 6100 multi-zone walk-through metal detector for use in security screening at schools, stadiums, government buildings, special events, and other applications.

Garrett provides security products and services for the 2019 Pan Am Games in Lima, Peru.

The Rugby World Cup is protected by Garrett Metal Detectors security products in October.

Garrett announces new ACE Apex multi-frequency metal detector

Garrett acquires certain assets of Oregon-based White’s Electronics, including trademarks, intellectual property, and tooling, after the metal detector manufacturer announced the closure of its business.


The Garrett PD-6500i walk-through metal detector is certified to comply with Standard 2 European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) requirements, a rigorous performance standard for security equipment used in European Union (EU) airports.

An updated and improved model of the former White’s GoldMaster 24k prospecting metal detector is released by Garrett with a new look and enhanced performance. White’s Electronics, a former Sport Division product competitor, was acquired by Garrett in 2021.

Garrett releases the Multi-Zone walk-through metal detector, a powerful yet affordable security solution for schools, government buildings, and large public arenas.

SmartScan Thermal Imaging System is introduced by Garrett in early 2021. SmartScan allows body temperature measurements to be taken simultaneously with metal detector security screening.


Company co-founder Eleanor Paxton Smith Garrett passes away on March 2, 2022.

Click here to read more about Mrs. Garrett.

Axiom, a new high-performance pulse induction gold prospecting detector, is released in July.


Garrett releases new best-in-class 66-zone Paragon walk-through detector with revolutionary new features like Zero Touch NFC capability and Ambiscan™ directional sensitivity.

Garrett announces that its standard manufacturer’s warranty on metal detecting products has been extended to three years (36 months).

Garrett celebrates 60 years in business!

Garrett was honored by its new Paragon walk-through metal detector receiving a prestigious security industry award at the 25th Annual Intersec tradeshow in Dubai.

Video: Paragon Introduction