Favorite Finds - International


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My first Favorite International find for December 2012 is the Blue Enameled Fibula Head Stud Brooch. John W. from Rosyth, Scotland discovered his dream find using his Ace 250 which he received for Christmas from his wife last year. After many months of practice yielding over 500 coins, John was granted permission to hunt a large estate.

John shares his excitement. “I got a loud solid signal. Expecting another coin I dug down six inches to discover a stunning Roman fibula head stud brooch at least 1,500 years old! Despite its age it is stunning. I informed the treasure trove officer here as required by law, and they say the find is of major historical significance and the brooch is taken into their care for preservation and cleaning. It is now officially been declared ancient treasure and will be put on display in the museum of Scotland for all to see, with my name attached as finder. Never when I got the Garrett ten months ago did I think for a second I would soon be holding something so old and beautiful in my hands. Happy with my detector just doesn’t say enough!”

Excellent discovery John W! Thank you for submitting your story.

John W. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
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My second Favorite International find for December 2012 is the Ancient Czech Republic Copper Axe. Roman C. from the Czech Republic discovered a real trophy using his Euro Ace.

Roman states, “In the woods of Wallachia Region in Czech Republic, I found an ancient copper axe about 40 cm deep! The axe was donated to the regional Wallachian Museum in Vsetin. Archeologist Dr. Eva Cermakova examined this object and determined that is a copper axe, estimated 4,200 to 6,500 year old! This makes this the oldest metal tool found in the region and perhaps the Czech Republic! With this note I want to thank Garrett for enabling me to fulfill my dream about finding a real treasure.”

Great discovery Roman C! Thank you for submitting your story.

Roman C . WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for November 2012 is the collection of Olympic Metals-bronze, silver, and gold. Denis Jean Saint G. from Le Bouscat, France, followed the advice of his friends and bought an Ace 250.

After having some luck finding coins on the beach, Denis traveled with a friend to Salleboeuf to find greater treasures. He shares this amazing story and discovery with Garrett. "I found a door handle and a cartridge case. Then a Napoleon 5 cents -very worn bronze. Next a second, third, and a fourth-all bronze Napoleon. I hear a loud sound, a large piece, it is silver! A Napoleon silver 5 francs! I tremble while watching my friend!” Then Denis discovered gold, a Napoleon gold 20 francs! He exclaims, "It glows yellow! This is the first time I discovered gold! I cannot sleep for four days. I just had bronze, silver, and gold! Even in my wildest dream, I thought it was impossible. Bravo your metal detector, which gives me a joy so intense!"

To find the Olympic metal colors of bronze, silver, and gold is amazing, and to find them in that order is extraordinary. Denis, thanks for sharing this inspiring story.

Denis Jean Saint G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for October 2012 is the 14k Gold Hamilton Pocket Watch.

Mark E. from Bermuda discovered this gorgeous pocket watch with his Sea Hunter Mk II in the waters off Elbow Beach. Mark tells us some details. “With 3 feet of sand gone due to Mother Nature and low tide, I remember the depth of my dig being 7 to 8 inches while I was standing knee deep in the ocean. Of course with a large object like a watch, it gave off a healthy sound!” Mark dug deep with his scoop several coral sand stones, but the largest one about the size of a fist, gave a strong beep. He put it in his pouch and later dropped it into a bath of weak acid.

This is where it gets interesting. Mark elaborates, “Slowly a beautiful gold colored pocket watch was revealed in the shape of a shield with a large “B” inscribed on the back. There were no stamps or watch-maker’s marks anywhere to be found. I took it to my daughter Hannah, a goldsmith, to run tests on the metal. It was 14k gold!”

There was still the mystery of how such a beautiful and expensive watch found its way into the waters off Elbow Beach. One plausible idea was that the watch was from the wreck of the Pollokshields, a British steamer which met its fate on coral nearly ashore on September 7, 1915 during hurricane conditions off Elbow beach! All of the crew survived to tell about the disaster, but Captain Ernest Boothe was swept overboard and astern by tremendous waves, just ten feet from a sharp coral rock. The crew was powerless to help him. Captain Boothe sacrificed his life attempting to get a lifebelt for one of his crew.

Mark theorizes, “Could the “B” on the watch I found stand for Boothe? Was the watch in his pocket when he was swept overboard? Could this be the watch of a brave man who lost his life for the sake of another man?”

Fascinating story Mark. Thank you so much for sharing your discovery with us. This is one of my all time favorite finds!

Mark E. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for September 2012 is the Gold Medieval Crown Cufflink.

Tamas H. from Hungary has been treasure hunting since 2005 with various Garrett detectors, including the GTI 2500, EuroAce, and the AT Pro. He travels to many European countries looking for ancient and Medieval artifacts. He recently discovered this very articulate hand-made gold Medieval cufflink with his EuroAce.

This fine piece of jewelry stirs my mind, wondering what person wore such ornate cufflinks? Was he adorned with more golden jewelry on the day he lost this item?

Lovely find Tamas. Thank you for using Garrett detectors. Good luck on your next European venture!

Tamas H. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for August 2012 is the 9th Century Brooch, discovered with a Garrett EuroAce.

Ian R. from Milton Keynes, England, shares his treasure with us. “I found this broach on the 8th of July in a pasture field. It was roughly 12 inches (30cm) deep. It was featured on the recent Britain’s Greatest Treasures programme on itv.” The brooch was evaluated to be 9th century and could even be of Viking origin.

Congratulations Ian on this very nice and rare treasure.

Ian R. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for July 2012 is the Heart-Shaped Silver Matchbox. Peter G. from Westonaria, South Africa spent a day at a South African Boer war site from the 1890’s between the Boers and the British. There were numerous losses but no winner.

Armed with his Garrett Ace 250, Peter found some remnants of war at a tollhouse on the main Johannesburg road when he came upon his discovery. He recalls, "I then got a signal that showed up in the silver range and when I dug down I saw a heart shape! Lots of excitement as I thought I had found a locket. After examination it turned out to be a silver matchbox with a striker serration on the side. On research, it was found that the heart-shaped matchbox is often preferred by the British. I suppose a British soldier’s sweetheart gave it to him. It must of been a great loss. I am blessed to have found it and brought it back to life again."

Thanks Peter for the great history lesson and a great find!

Peter G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for June 2012 is the collection of French military medals.

Sylvain B. from Lux, France found a nice collection of French military medals and items with his Garrett EuroAce. Sylvain wrote, “I found these medals in a French military road near an old mill on the banks of a stream.” One medal is the Combat Cross (Croix du Combattant), and the other medal is the Cross of Military Valour (Croix de la Valeur Militaire). The badge bears the name Maroc. These medals are likely World War II.

Congratulations Sylvain on your French Military Medals (Medailles Militaire Francaise).

Sylvain B. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!

MAY 2012 WINNER!!!

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My Favorite International find for May 2012 is the Gold Guinea 1775 George III coin. Carl G. from Whitchurch, Shropshire, UK, was searching a very small field with his Garrett Ace 150. It was raining, yet he read that that wet ground gives better conductivity than when dry.

Carl shares his excitement. “I got an iffy signal and dug. Well what I saw made my eyes light up. It was still in the ground, but knew straight away it looked gold. I got my camcorder out and gently took the coin out of the ground. It glistened in the daylight. It was my first gold coin, my first gold anything! I was gob smacked...it turned out to be a Gold Guinea from 1775 George III. It couldn’t wait to go home and tell the wife, or anyone else that would listen!!! Thanks Garrett, you made my day.”

Congratulations Carl on your first gold discovery! Thanks for sharing your story.

Carl G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find of the month for April 2012 is the 1672 Charles II Religious Reformation medallion.

Simon B. from Melbourne, Australia, tells us about this discovery. “I’m a proud owner of a Garrett GTI 2500 which to date has found my oldest medallion. It is dated back to 1672 and I still can’t understand how it got all the way here. It was found near a blue stone structure dating back to 1835 where a British family migrated here to Australia. Was it their’s? Or had it got lost somehow? We’ll never know, and that’s what makes this hobby so great and how else to find it but with a Garrett!”

Congrats to Simon B. for sharing this great discovery with Garrett!

Simon B. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite International find for March 2012 is the “Aemilia” 62 B.C. Roman Coin. This beautiful and rare silver coin was discovered by Jean-Philippe L. from Chagny, France with his Garrett GTP 1350 detector. The inscription reads Aemilia Lepidus Paullus Concordia. Weight is 3.87 grams. Size is 18.5 mm. Condition appears to be excellent.

Congrats to Jean-Philipe for sharing this ancient and amazing coin discovery with Garrett.

Jean-Philipe WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!