Hallazgos Favoritos - EE. UU.


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My favorite find for July 2012 is the beautiful Gold Angel Locket. Curtis M. from Lexington, MA searched an old sledding hill that he enjoyed as a kid. With his Garrett AT Pro in Pro mode, Curtis tells us about his discovery. "I was finding lots of coins and a couple of pull tabs when suddenly I got a strange number on my display of 57 and thought it was going to be another pull tab. Well I dug anyway and saw what was in the hole and couldn't believe it. "It was a beautiful gold locket that I could see, and when I opened it there was a lovely angel looking back at me!" Curtis added, "The AT Pro is deadly on gold and silver, and heaven help me when I finally take it in the water."

Great job Curtis on this inspiring discovery! Seems you have a guardian angel.

Curtis M. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!

JULY 2013 winner!!!

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My favorite find for July 2013 is the Purple Heart Medal, found by Mark L. from Ft. Worth, TX, with his ACE 350.

Mark shares his find and story. “I was detecting a lot when I came across the medal but it was so dirty I thought it was a large piece of jewelry. I then detected the area some more and found a small piece of metal that looked to be the bust of a person. Still, nothing clicked in my brain. A purple heart is the last thing I would expect to find. It wasn’t until I got home and was showing it to my wife that I flipped it over and we saw the purple part on the front. We both went, “It’s a purple heart!”

Mark concludes, “The Commander at the VFW Post 8235 Hall where we have our Cowtown Treasure Hunters Club meeting is in the process of locating family of the name on the back. This was a fun find, and it will be great to get it back to where it belongs.”

Great story and I’m proud that you have the heart to return it to its rightful family.

Mark WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for June 2013 is the 1834 2 1/2 dollar gold piece. Michael G. from Ingleside, Texas wrote, “Thank you Garrett Metal Detectors. You changed my life! I love metal detecting with a passion.”

Michael and his cousin spent time and footwork to get permission to hunt a mid 19th century home. On their third visit back Michael first finds an 1898 barber dime at 6”. Suddenly he and his AT Pro encounter greatness. “I get a faint signal not registering on my machine, with a flash of a number here and there. I’m so stoked about that silver I had found, I’m gonna dig everything I can, so I start digging deeper. I get down to about 12 inches, and OMG I see a magnificent color of golden yellow smothered in dirt. I reach down and grab the clump of wonderfulness and with the biggest smile on my face I call my cousin over. It is still clinched in my hand for both of us to see. I had not peeked yet, and he keeps saying, “What is It? What is it? You found more silver?” I was just trying to keep my cool and I couldn’t take it any longer. I opened my hand and there it is…Gold! My first ever gold anything! We both look at each other and with eyes bulging out of our heads, I cannot explain the feeling that came over me…it felt better than sex! It tingled from my head all the way to my toes…and I could not quit smiling!”

Michael describes it. “It is an 1834 2 1/2 dollar gold piece, beautiful condition, looks as if it were dropped the day it came from the bank. I have had a few local coin dealers look at it and they all stated it is in amazing condition, at least extra fine. This is truly a once in a detectorist’s lifetime find…and I could have not done it without my AT Pro!

Congratulations Michael. Way to Go! Thanks for choosing Garrett.

Michael WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
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My second favorite find for June 2013 is the 1775 British Half-Cent found in a stone well with an AT Pro. Steve F. from Chillicothe, Ohio, is a Veteran who is passionate about treasure hunting and tells us it has done wonders for his PTSD condition.

Steve states that 3/4 of a mile in the woods there is an old foundation which still has its old stone well that’s still intact but filled in mostly. The well has at least a 10 foot drop before you hit the bottom fill. Steve relives the challenging moment. “I went to the well and adjusted my coil so I could scan the side of it as far as I could reach down without falling. After 10 minutes of going around the inside wall, I got a really nice sound which was reading copper, which I have dug plenty over the last few months. I leaned over as far as I could to see anything but had no luck. I pulled out my pocket knife and started to riddle in the crack where the signal was hitting…about 3 to 4 feet down…while I’m extended as far as I could reach without hurting myself. I finally got the moss off this area and I can see the rim of a coin and my blood just starts pumping! Now I’m really excited because I found something cool. I hold my knife in one hand, and straddle the well with one leg in, and one leg out for balance so I don’t fall. I take the knife behind this coin and I take my other hand and try to cover the area so it doesn’t fall, and popped this thing out! Now I can breath again from the adrenaline rush trying so hard to get this.”

Steve describes the coin. “I see 1775 on the back and it’s a coin I’m not familiar with at all. I go home and after research I find that it’s a 1775 British Half-Cent that someone hid along the edge of the well many years ago. THIS is the craziest way I have ever had to recover a coin that my AT Pro found, but I give all the credit to Garrett’s fine machine for finding this for me. Thank you Garrett!”

Congratulations Steve! “Well” done!

Steve WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!

Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for May 2013 is the Civil War Era Lighting Rod Finial used atop a tavern flag pole, discovered by Wayne E. from Fredericksburg, Virginia with his Ace 350. Wayne lives in an area rich in Colonial and Civil War history, and even dates back to the 1600’s and the founding of our country. He says these discoveries are meaningful because of their history and importance to the people they belonged to.

Wayne tells us about the discovery of the civil war era finial. “The top was found about 8 inches down with some other items. It was behind a row of large stones which were the remains of an early 19th century tavern. I had seen some pictures of it and the description in a relic I.D. book and was thrilled to know it was rare and Confederate. It’s about 7 inches in length, made of bronze and was gold gilded. There is a very small amount of gold plating left. I’m not sure if the gold wore over time from being buried so long, or if it had seen some serious travel, battle, and usage.”

Wayne talks about detectors. “I have had and used 2 other name brand metal detectors over the years. But I have found many more desirable artifacts quicker and easier working with the Ace 350. Less batteries, less weight. It has been a welcome change.

Thanks Garrett very much for a great product and the support you give.”

Wayne WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
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My second favorite find winner for May 2013 is the Jewelry Locket with Photo, found by Garren K. from Ft. Worth, Texas with his Garrett GTA 1000. Below, Garren tells us about this find and what makes it a favorite.

“This will go down as one of my favorite finds of all time. When I dug this locket from the front yard of an old home site it was corroded shut. As I wiped the dirt from it, I could immediately tell it was costume or gold plated at best. I figured it was destined for the junk drawer.

After returning home and cleaning the locket I decided to pry it open. I was astonished to find one of the photos perfectly preserved. I assume that, because the locket was buried face down, moisture seeped in and completely faded the front photo away. The back photo, however, remained dry. Over the years the outer corrosion built up sealing the locket and preserving the photo until I dug it.

We may never know the story of the boy, nor the girl whose photo has faded forever.

Just putting a face to a find is an incredible feeling. That was a feeling I will never forget, making this an all time favorite.”

Great job Garren. Putting a face to a find is rare, and connects us with the past. If any treasure hunter can identify the face in the locket, please let us know at Garrett.

Garren WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for April 2013 is the 45.8g Gold Nugget found by John and Reaghan O. from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

John and Reaghan had cabin fever, so they grabbed their AT Pro and headed out to Portsmouth at low tide where there would be some ground. After an hour John finds a mercury dime, but they were getting cold and began working their way back to the car. John shares some history. "We came across a sign that told the history of where we were and it turns out it's a colonial ferry landing where farmers and tradesmen waited for the ferry to Bristol, R.I. to trade their goods and barter for supplies, so we tried around for a while."

John shares their good fortune. "Then my wife took a turn and she gets a repeatable 81 (Target I.D.). She pushed the rocks aside to see a yellowish orange rock as she called it. Then when she handed it to me I noticed it was way too heavy for a rock that size. Then I started to polish it and it started to shine. We knew right then it could be gold! We jumped up and ran around. I did the Curly Three Stooges ground spin. We hugged and both had tears in our eyes! We had it tested and it was 93% gold and the rest was silver, platinum, and copper!"

John concludes, "We just want to say thank you Garrett! Now my wife is getting her own AT Pro. This sports/hobby really brings us close and erases all the problems of the day like a day spa massage."

Congrats John and Reaghan. It's refreshing to see a couple enjoy this wonderful hobby and share the rewards that come with it.

John and Reaghan O. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for March 2013 is the b class="red">Father’s 1962 Class Ring.

Last spring Brian K. took the suggestion from his father and moved to the old home front which had their 100 year old farm house sitting on 65 acres in Jonesborough, TN. Looking for a new hobby, he watched the show “Diggers” and researched the best and affordable detectors, then picked up the Ace 250.

His father told Brian he had lost his 1962 class ring somewhere around a 2 acre radius and had searched for a long time with a 15 year old kids detector, but gave up. The day his father told him of the ring, the search was on. Brian tells it the best. “My father went to work. I searched for about 4 hours straight. Found some wheat pennies and newer coins and was about to give up for the day. I decided to check the mail and go around the pond and search that area on the way back to the house. Halfway down I got a good hit and started my dig. When I turned it over my dad was pulling in from work to see if I had done any good. As he got right over top of me I flipped over the dig and there it was...nice and shiny. He about flipped out, he kept saying “finally, finally” as he was picking me off the ground like I was a coach that just won the big title game! I never seen my dad so happy. He immediately called everyone he could think of to tell them the good news.”

Brian tells more. “Sadly my dad passed away with stage 4 lung cancer 5 months later. But before he went he begged for me to keep his ring. I was crying with joy. I told him that I will always keep it and promised him I wouldn’t lose it.”

Brian concludes, “Thank you Garrett for giving me that memory with my dad. I will keep on detecting and hopefully find the next best treasure.”

Brian, I express my sympathy of your father’s passing. Thank you for sharing your touching story.

Brian K. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite international find for February 2013 is the John Mecke Clock and Watch Maker Plate, discovered by Grant H. from Ridgefield, New Jersey.

Grant and his detecting buddy returned to a productive property in Mount Holly, NJ. His Ace 350 was producing a solid hit in the quarter/dime range. After finding two nails in the same hole, Grant remembered to recheck the hole. Ding! He dug another 15-20 minutes and shares the discovery. "A little more digging and my Pro-Pointer finally started to signal. I was very careful digging all around the target, and then finally saw a piece of metal glaring back at me. I pulled it out with great relief, only tofind myself holding a rectangular, flat piece of metal. Then I flipped it over.The other side had a raised round area. I wiped some dirt away to see engraving. Woah! What is this?" Grant poured bottled water over the heavy piece which revealed backwards text surrounded by a decorative leaf pattern. It read, "John Mecke, Clock and Watch Maker & Jeweler, No 359 North 2nd St., Philad."

After two weeks of extensive research and assistance from helpful detecting forum members, he was able to identify the piece as a plate used to make watch papers, which are very rare. He reached out to the American Antiquarian Society, who wanted images of the piece in their national archives. Grant tells more. "A week or so after reaching out to them, I got a return call from the National Watch & Clock Museum in PA, who asked if I wouldn't mind donating the plate to the museum to be part of their jewelry store display. My first museum piece! I was very excited and happy to donate it."

Grant concludes, "So the Garrett Ace 350 and Pro-Pointer helped me to unearth a wonderful piece of history that is now both part of a national antiquarian archive and a museum collection. This has been a thrilling experience for me! I unearthed something cool; something historical. Even better, thanks to my discovery, John Mecke, a watch and clock maker from the 1800's, perhaps forgotten altogether, will now live on amongst his peers as a distinguished part of his craft's history.

Congratulations Grant! Historic find and a wonderful donation in kind. May your name be placed next to your discovery in the museum.

Grant H. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for January 2013 is the 1792 Silver Spanish Real Coin. Christopher E. from Providence, Rhode Island was searching with his brother in New England where a colonial house once stood. Christopher had been told that the site had been previously hunted out, but that didn't stop his desire to check it out with his new Garrett AT Pro. Christopher elaborates, "When deciding what machine to buy for my first detector I tested many machines from various manufacturers. I can say in all honesty the Garrett AT Pro is a very simple to use and is extremely effective."

Christopher shares his discovery. "I heard the slightest ping from the detector and swung over it again and got closer to the ground until I got a nice high ping. I started digging and popped the plug out and checked the hole with the detector. Nothing was ringing on the AT Pro whatsoever. I turned to check the plug and saw a shining silver Spanish Real coin staring me in the face. I am perplexed at how such an old coin could be in such beautiful shape! I carefully pulled it out of the plug. My heart was racing and I was speechless. The date read 1792!"

Christopher shares personal thoughts. "My brother asked what is it worth? To me, the value is in the finding of it, the story that I will tell the rest of my life. That coin physically represents history and that is as close as I will ever get to life in the 1700's. Now that is what I call cool. Without the AT Pro, I may have never found my greatest find, and for that I am truly grateful."

Thank you Christopher for sharing your wonderful experience with Garrett.

Christopher E. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite find for December 2012 is 1964 WKU Class Ring belonging to Mr. Terry Jones. Avid Arkansas treasure hunter Bill F. was detecting with his AT Pro on a lake in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas and found a WKU (Western Kentucky University) class ring from 1964 in beautiful condition! With the initials TGJ engraved on the side and a B.S. logo, Bill F. contacted the WKU Alumni Association.

The WKU Class Notes Newsletter states, “After an in-depth search by the WKU research team, we were able to find that the ring belonged to Terry Jones (’64) of Bowling Green, KY. After contacting Jones, we discovered that he had lost the ring while fishing at the same lake more than 44 years ago! Thanks to Mr. F.’s honesty and integrity, we were able to reunite the ring with its owner after four decades."

Commendable deed Bill for reuniting a class ring with its owner after 44 years.

Bill F. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!


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My Favorite find for Nov 2012 is the 10k Gold Tri-Colored Diamond Masonic Ring.

This stately ring was found by Charles G. from Woodland Park, Colorado near Cripple Creek. Charles shares his story of discovery. “On my second day there, our friends let us detect their empty city lots. After about an hour, my GTI 2500 gives out a solid repeating signal that stayed right in between foil and nickel. Well I dug it and out comes this 10k tri-colored gold Masonic ring with a diamond! Needless to say my pacemaker was put to the test that day! I took it to a local jeweler and he said it dated to the early 1900’s, and appraised it at around $700 to $800 in its present dug condition, and with a little TLC from a jeweler the price would double.”

Charles shares something more personal about the ring. “The ring has more worth to me than money. My grandfather, his father, and his father were all Masons. I offered it to my friends as it was found on their property, and they said NO it is yours, you found it. Now my new ring is with my grandfather's Masonic ring that he always had on as long as I can remember. My grandmother gave it to me when he passed away. If he was still with us, I would have given it to him.”

Charles has a closing comment. “I just love my GTI 2500. It has helped me find many treasures throughout the years. Always dig those low end signals. You never know when gold will come out!”

Thank you for sharing your story Charles. My grandfather Smith was also a Mason.

Charles G. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!