
Stadium Metal Detectors

In today’s dynamic landscape of entertainment and sports, the security of stadiums hosting concerts and athletic events is crucial. These settings face unique security challenges where they must prioritize the safety and security of every fan and attendee. Utilizing advanced weapon detection systems at entry points is essential to create secure environments that allow everyone to enjoy events without concern. Metal detecting equipment is a key component in preventing the entry of prohibited items, enhancing safety measures, and providing peace of mind to visitors.

Keeping Stadiums Safe

Walk Through Metal Detectors

Garrett walk-through metal detectors

At stadium entrances, walk-through metal detectors screen attendees efficiently. Models equipped with Quick-Q technology speed up the metal detector screening process, allowing large volumes of patrons to enter the stadium more quickly and reducing line queues outside the entrance. This specialized program allows patrons to keep cell phones and other small objects in their pockets, streamlining the entry process while still detecting critical threats to stadium security.

  • Zero Touch NFC for consistent settings and touchless adjustment (Paragon exclusive)
  • Ambiscan Directional Screening (Paragon exclusive)
  • Quick-Q (PD 6500i upgrade, Paragon standard)
  • All-Weather IP 65 Dust and Liquid Protection
  • Easy to Install
  • Fully Mobile (casters and 10 hour battery accessories available)
  • Multiple Detection Zones

Garrett checkpoint

Handheld Metal Detectors

Hand-held wands are often used for secondary screening, allowing security personnel to perform focused checks at secondary screening stations when an alarm is triggered or for detailed spot checks. They quickly resolve potential threats, making them invaluable at stadium entrances. Checkpoints without proper secondary screening are forced to either compromise security by not rescanning alarms or disrupt throughput by sending those patrons back through the primary screening device.

  • Self-Calibrating
  • Enhanced Sensitivity
  • Audio & Visual Alarms
  • Pinpoint Threats & Metallic Objects
  • Secondary Screening, supports walk-through detectors

Our Commitment to Customers

At Garrett, we provide flexible weapon detection systems that support and enhance stadium clear bag policies and other safety measures. With the help of security guards, they ensure quick verification of clear bags and thorough screening of non-clear bags, upholding high safety standards in the industry. Stadiums benefit from constant protection against potential threats, optimized entry points to facilitate smooth crowd flow, and the precision needed to detect security risks effectively.

Enhanced Public Safety

Metal detectors are crucial for preventing prohibited items from entering stadiums. Quick-Q metal detection technology helps expedite the screening process while ensuring thorough checks. This capability allows security personnel to efficiently manage large crowds at events and maintain a safe environment for everyone.

Efficient Entry Processes

Metal-detecting equipment streamlines the entry process at stadiums, allowing guests to pass through and get to their seats quickly. Advanced technology enhances throughput, reducing wait times and minimizing queues near the stadium gates and parking lot. They also handle large volumes of attendees, ensuring that everyone enters smoothly and on time.


Our weapon detection systems are designed for durability and long-lasting performance, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing maintenance costs. The reliability of our detectors ensures continuous operation during critical events, offering a high return on security investment. Garrett detectors can provide superior detection capability at half the cost or less of popular weapons detectors.

Pinpointing Threats

Our technology is designed to pinpoint small and large ferrous and non-ferrous metal objects, ensuring that dangerous items don’t pass through the stadium gates. They distinguish between harmless personal items like smartphones and potential weapons like knives and guns, and their precision helps prevent false alarms, ensuring a more reliable security process.

Integration with Security Systems

These metal detectors integrate with existing security procedures at stadiums, enhancing the overall security ecosystem. This creates a multi-layered security strategy that is more effective at identifying and mitigating threats, ensuring a safer environment for all.

Enhanced Security Screening with Garrett Metal Detectors

At Garrett, we design and manufacture top-tier security metal detectors that meet the specific needs of stadiums. We understand the critical role of effective weapon detection systems in these settings. That’s why our products not only comply with security regulations but also integrate seamlessly with existing measures like approved clear bag policies. Our goal is to create a secure environment where threats are deterred and every participant feels safe. Trust Garrett to help you enhance your stadium’s security and provide peace of mind for everyone involved.

A crowd of people inside a stadium