Hallazgos Favoritos - Internacional


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My international favorite find for March 2020 is the 200 AD Gold and Amber Stone Roman Ring, found by Stig B. from Europe with his Ace 300i.

Stig’s story: Awesome. Historical find with Garrett 300i. I found the ring at the evening March 21st, after 2 hours of searching. The signal was good and clear so I expected a coin. I digged about 25cm and it popped right out of the chunk of soil. I got amazed, you can tell right away is gold in the dark soil! This was found with my 300i, but I had my AT Max in the car because I just bought it and haven't tried it out allot yet. :)

The ring itself is pure gold with amber stone, about 2cm in length. The archeologists in NTNU Trondheim dates it to year 200, age of Rome.

Regards, Stig

Stig B. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!

Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300i Metal Detector! You could be the next winner!


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My International favorite find for February 2020 is the Gold Celtic Stater, found by Bartlomiej O. from the U.K. with his AT Max.

Bartlomiej’s success story: Hello guys. :) I went on a dig with "Find a Field" group on 02/02/2020. This farm was done before and I wasn't expecting too much. After few hours of digging horse shoes I was a little bit broken. I was even thinking about going home but I decided not to give up and as you can see it was great decision. Never give up guys. All you need is one good signal. :)

Bartlomiej O. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!
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My second international favorite find for February 2020 is the Middle Ages Gold Ring, found by Martin N. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Martin’s success story: I found this gold ring when I was out and metal detecting an old castle. I couldn't believe my eyes when it came out of the dirt. It's a middle age gold ring. :) One of my best finds ever!

Martin N. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!
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My third international favorite find for February 2020 is the Iron Age Japod Bronze Fibula, found by Mario K. from Europe with his AT Max.

Mario’s success story: A large bronze fibula weighing 251 grams that belonged to the Japod tribe (one of the most combative Illyrian tribes that has inhabited the hilly area of central Croatia since 9th century BC until the fall of the Roman Empire and was defeated by Octavian 34. BC). I found her with a Garrett AT Max at about 50 cm deep, and this metal detector again proved to be a real killer for first-class and beautiful artifacts, which he finds more and more day by day...

Mario K. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300 and ACE 300i! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find is the Golden Antique Ring with a Human Face, found by Denis P. from Europe with his Ace 350.

Denis’s success story: Hello dear Garrett! Recently, with the Garrett Ace 350 metal detector, I picked up a golden antique ring with a human face! This amazing and unique ring was found on a plowed corn field. It's from about the 3rd century B.C. Thanks to the Garrett Ace 350, I have expanded my collection with the best find!

It was a delightful and wonderful day in my life! Garrett brings vivid colors to the life of a treasure hunter! Many thanks!
Denis P. WINS a ACE 300i Metal Detector!!!
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My second international favorite find is the 70 B.C. Roman Republic Silver Coin, found by Stephan R. from Europe with his Ace 400i.

Stephan’s success story: After convincing my wife that I needed some ‘me‘ time, I went out on a new patch of land to see what I could find. I knew from my research that a battle from the French Wars around the start of the 1800’s had taken place there.

As I started my prospecting, I was excited to find a musket bullet. After a couple of hours of collecting nothing but bullets, I got a good, clear signal, which I thought indicated an aluminum tab from a can. Always one to do my civic duty and clean what I thought was trash out of the ground, I started digging.

As I was digging, I lost the signal, so I tried to relocate it with the pin-point function from the ACE 400i. Then, I found and located the signal again, and used my Garrett Pro-Pointer AT to zone in on my object, which I then found. It was flat, round and silver, so I thought ‘Yeah, it’s a pull-tab‘. I wiped the dirt off, and I saw that it had no hole in the middle. Then I looked closer, and I recognized that it was a coin. After a closer look, I saw legs and a horse. I immediately stopped rubbing the coin, in order to avoid damage.

I brought it home, cleaned it properly, and did a little research. What I found was a Roman Republic silver coin from around 79 B.C.!! Definitely a once in a lifetime find!
Stephan R. WINS a ACE 300i Metal Detector
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My third international favorite find is the hoard of more than 1000 Medieval Coins, found by Florin B. from Europe, with his AT Pro International.

Florin’s success story: Hello Garrett. Very short story... On 11’th of January this year I discovered a hoard of more than 1000 Medieval silver coins dating 1500-1600 buried in the middle of a forest. It is a big thing here, and involved a lot of press & media. And yes your AT Pro machine is known for this job now:))) I'm happy to share this with you!
Florin B. WINS a ACE 300i Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300i Metal Detector! You could be the next winner!

December has TWO WINNERS!!!

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My favorite international favorite find for December 2019 is the Silver Drachma of Alexander the Great, found by Macedon P. from the UK with his AT Pro.

Hello dear Garrett. My find is a silver drachma of Alexander the Great, which is my favorite ancient coin. 2500 years old coin! I use an AT Pro detector.
Macedon P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite international favorite find for December 2019 is the Romulus and Remus Roman Coin, found by Mario M. from Europe with his Euro Ace.

Last week, after finishing todays work, I decided to go for a hunt with my Euro Ace. I had about one hour before the dark, so I was in a hurry. On my second signal I found this rare Roman coin, and on it is a wolf breastfeeding two boys, Romulus and Remus. They are the founders of Rome and Roman Empire, so this is a once in a lifetime find for me.
Mario M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
You could be the next winner!

November 2019 has 3 WINNERS!!!

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My first international favorite find for November 2019 is the Silver Hoard of 177 Coins, found by Co B. from Europe with his AT Max.

Co’s story: Finding a silver hoard. It all started when I got a call from a carpenter I sometimes work with. He told me he found a big silver coin in his garden. And he knew I was into metal detecting so he asked if I knew how to clean the coin. And if I wanted, I could go over the ground with my metal detector to see if I could find one for myself. The coin he found was a silver Dukaat from 1794.

So I started metal detecting in the garden and after 1 minute I found another big silver coin. It was a 3 Gulden from late 1700’s. I was already over the moon by this find and started detecting a bit more. One after another came out of the ground. It took me 4 evenings and one day in total to get all the coins out of the ground. And ended up with a load of silver coins. 177 coins in total. All 1600's and 1700's silver. I dug them all up with my Garrett AT MAX. Still can't believe it. It's something you always dream of finding. I feel very lucky to have found this silver hoard.

With kind regards, Co.
Co B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for November 2019 is the Bronze Cross with Diamonds, found by Patryk S. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Patryk’s story: Hey Garrett. Exactly one year ago I bought my first detector, Garrett AT Pro. Yesterday I make such a fantastic discovery, bronze cross with Diamonds. Happy Hunting friends from Cold and rainy Poland.

Patryk S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for November 2019 is the Teobaldos Gold Coin, found by Mario S. from Europe with his Ace 300i.

Mario’s story: I am writing again to tell you my new great find. It is a gold coin, belonging to the dynasty of the "Teobaldos" (Kings of French origin, who ruled the Kingdom of Navarre during the fourteenth century). The discovery was made a few kilometers from the Monjardin Castle, in a forest. I was very excited because I had been exploring the area for several days, and I had not found more than scrap metal. I used a GARRETT 300i detector.

Mario S. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!

October 2019

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My international favorite find for October 2019 is the Centenary of Colonisation Medallion 1888, found by Jacob B. from Australia with his AT Pro International.

Jacob's story: I found this medallion deep in the Australian bush at the homesite of an 1880's coal miner.

I only recently acquired the AT Pro International which means I am still getting used to all the tones and target ID's. However, I got a solid 80 signal only at 5cm. I brushed away the leaf litter to reveal the medallion sitting on the top of the dirt. The medallion was issued in 1888 and commemorates the centenary of the colonisation of Australia. The front features Captain Cook, who originally settled Australia in 1788, and the back shows an old map of Australia and its colonies, before federation. Nowadays places such as 'North Australia' no longer exist.

This is definitely one of my best finds to date!
Jacob B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for October 2019 is the Ancient Roman Republic Aes Grave coin 217 bc, found by Mario K. from Europe with his AT Max.

Mario's story: Obverse: Bronze cast laureate bust of bearded Roman God Janus. Reverse: Bronze cast prow of ship galley to the left, mark of value above. Great terrain, great detector and great finds…there's more…
Mario K WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!

September 2019

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My international favorite find for September 2019 is the Viking Sword Pommel from 875-950ad, found by Andy G. from the U.K. with his Ace 300i.

Andy's story: On my 6th dig in the UK, having previously only found a few minor relics (leather mounts or 17th century furniture mounts), I found a Viking sword pommel type Petersen O made in silver with gold inlaid panels! With some research I found this design was only made between 875 and 950ad!

Over a thousand years old and in stunning condition!!! Not at all bad for a complete newbie!
Andy G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for September 2019 is the Celtic Gold Quarter Stater around 100bc, found by Leon B. from Europe with his ACE 250.

Leon's story: Let me start by telling you my story of how I got into detecting. I was walking with my father on his land when he stopped and noticed a coin on top of a mole hill. It was Napoleon 3rd. So I had to buy myself a metal detector and see what other treasures might be lurking. I looked online and bought myself a Garrett ACE 250.

Immediately i started finding many cool finds. After three years of detecting on my father's land and many cool finds later (ww1, ww2 medals, 13th century coins and templar jetons/tokens), I found this stunning Celtic gold quarter stater around 100bc. The best find so far! My heart stopped and couldn't believe what I had just found.
Leon B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for September 2019 is the Carlos y Juana Series 1536 Coin, found by Miguel B. from Mexico with his ACE 250.

Miguel's story: Today was cloudy and very comfortable for hunting so I said "here I go again" and headed to a cornfield that has not been used for a long time. Starting with some current coins and tons of aluminum beer cans and some more trash, then suddenly I heard a clear and strong signal of my old and loyal buddy Ace 250 that every metal detectorist recognizes. So I started to dig and there It was… A 1535 to 1536 silver 1 Real, known as Carlos y Juana series. The history says that Its family were the first coins made by "La casa de moneda de Mexico", that means "The house of the coin of Mexico", the oldest in the whole America. And I said wow!!! I'm very happy to be with my partner 250 again and very excited for participating in The Find of the Month and belong to this big Garrett Metal Detectors family.
Miguel B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My fourth international favorite find for September 2019 is the Medal for Wives & Mothers of Soldiers who served in WW1, found by Sam Z. from Australia with his AT Pro.

I was out detecting a 5 km beach track not far from my house with my AT Pro when I dug up this little beauty. It was only a couple of inches deep in sandy soil. It's a medal issued in 1917 to wives & mothers of soldiers who served in WW1. Made by Stokes & Sons, who produced many of Australia's medals & medallions. Sterling silver & such a stunning piece.

One of my favorite finds to date.
Sam Z. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for August 2019 is the Wax-Seal Matrix, found by Bjorn D. from Norway, with his Ace 400i.

Bjorn's story: I did not know what a wax-seal matrix was before I saw The Hoover Boys on one of their digs in The UK. Then my jaw just dropped!!

Editor's note: Wax seals date back to the middle ages.

Bjorn D. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for August 2019 is the Late Medieval/Tudor Seal Matrix, circa 13th-16th century, found by Gareth J. from the U.K. with his Ace 400i.

Gareth's story: Garrett brought me back from depression, from the brink of suicide! When I lost my dad I went down hill hadn't touched a detector since. When my mum fell ill I hit the bottom! But once you hit the bottom there's only one other way to go and that's up!

My best friend that owns some land bought me a detector and told me to get out there! I didn't want to hurt his feelings so after visiting and hugging mum I grabbed the Garrett and went for a swing with positive thoughts on my mind. Clear day, sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. And what a day it was, signals everywhere, and good signals! Coins, thimbles, buttons. But then the best signal was walking back to the car…Boom! A medieval seal matrix...wow what a find...so that's it! No more bad thoughts, no more illnesses I hope, but the Garrett has brought me home! I'm back in the field and best of all we got some good news! My mum will be along next time too.....thanks Garrett. I'll be true to you for ever!

This seal matrix is engraved with a Royal Crown, and was used for sealing important documents from the local castle.

Gareth J. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third international favorite find for August 2019 is the Gold Fortuna Pendant, found by Wayne H. from Alberta, Canada, with his AT Gold.

Wayne's story: As there are not a lot of historical areas where I live, I was out in a school soccer field one afternoon with my AT Gold Detector. I usually find coins, some rings, various other items. I suddenly picked up a strong but jumpy signal. Dropping down on my knees and using my pin-pointer, I started narrowing down the area. Something shiny was emerging. I thought oh another Loonie (Canadian $1.00 coin) but when I pulled it out it was a gold colored pendant with a female image on it. As I flipped it over I read, Suisse 5g Fine Gold 999.9. I was completely amazed, I had found a pure gold pendant. Upon researching the image I found out it was of the Roman goddess Fortuna (goddess of fortune). Fortunate for me, and by far my greatest find ever. Thanks Garrett for an incredible machine!

Wayne H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite finds for July 2019 are the Two Gold Coins in the Same Hole, found by Warren H. from the UK with his AT Max.

Warren's story: I was out in well-coiled fields on Friday the 19th of July, It had just started raining and I was making my way back to the gate and home for the day. I picked up a strong but jumpy signal on my trusty AT Max and decide to give it one more before the heavens opened.

I nearly fell over with shock when I saw a yellow gleam and shakily retrieved an amazing 1877 Half Sovereign with Victoria's head staring at me. Resisting the urge to clean it I carefully put it away and did what every good detectorist should 'check the hole'.

Imagine the look of shock on my face when I had another strong signal. A few seconds later I had in my hand an 1872 Full Sovereign! 2 golds, one hole. When does that EVER happen?

Here's hoping it happens again soon. Thanks Garrett! Amazing machine and crossed 2 items off my wish list in less than 12 months of detecting!

Warren H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second international favorite find for July 2019 is the New Zealand Ring, found by Leigh H. from New Zealand with his Ace 400i.

Leigh's story: My best find so far! I found it on a beach in New Zealand this month. I was using my Garrett Ace 400i. I was amazed how deep this was on the beach and when my wife and I dug it out it was unrecognisable as it was encrusted in a black type of rock like material. We took it home and carefully removed the crusty material to reveal this ring. It looks very old and hand made from some type of bronze or copper.

I intend to research its history if possible. It was so exiting to find something so unusual. We are relatively new to metal detecting and it has spurred us on to do more. I have just purchased a Garrett Sea Hunter as the beach is our favourite place to search and it works great.

Leigh H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the set of Three Roman Coin Pendants, found by Dmitry A. from Europe with his Ace 350.

Dmitry's story: One weeks ago, I found an amazing treasure. It was three gold coins converted into pendants. It dates from the Roman Empire era. It was one of the best day of my life!

Dmitry A. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the Antique Golden Ring with Stones Inlay, found by Frank K. from Europe with the AT Max.

Frank's story: Last night we went searching near an old mansion. Not much luck there so we moved on to the woods nearby to search the trails. When I was just about to give up and go home there it was...a loud beep with a 50 ID on the AT Max. Dug the hole and there it was!!

I found myself this amazing antique golden ring with stone inlays!!! We think it is shaped as edelweiss but that is still open for some discussion. This was one of those rare days that hopes, dreams and promises all came true in a blink of an eye!!!

Frank K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My third International Favorite Find for June 2019 is the 1885 Gold Sovereign, found by John M. from Australia with his AT Pro.

John's story: This has been a real bucket list item for me. I was out in a small town site in the wheatbelt of Western Australia, relic hunting with my AT PRO. Not having much luck throughout the beginning of the day, finding lots of lead and modern bottle caps. My first promising signals producing one penny and a modern Australia $1 coin.

Then there it was not long after, my first Gold coin, an 1885 sovereign laying only 1" beneath the surface right next to an old foundation of what used to be the rural bank. Im definitely getting addicted to this hobby and loving my Garrett Detector!

John M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!