Hallazgos Favoritos - Internacional


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My International Favorite Find for January 2021 is the 17th Century Silver Hoard, found by Denis P. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Denis’s success story: Hello dear Garrett company! I want to share with you my new find. Exactly on New Year’s Eve, my Garrett AT Pro found five 17th century silver coins. In the forest, the ground was a little frozen, but it was possible to dig. Hearing an interesting signal, I peeled off the top layer of the earth, and several coins appeared to me. I returned two days later, hoping to find more. And that day I was lucky! Digging a little deeper, I came across a pot filled with coins mixed with earth. There were a lot of them! A real treasure! Having done my best, I dug out 2,570 silver coins. And I hope there are more in that place! After cleaning, the coins with the pot will be transferred to the local city museum. He who seeks will find!!!

Yours faithfully,
Denis P.

Denis P. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My international Favorite Find for December 2020 is the Silver Georgian Cross Medal, found by Daria B. from Russia with her AT Gold.

Daria’s story: Hello!!! My name is Daria, I’m from Russia! I have been searching with the device for two years. My first device was a Garrett Ace 250. I was very pleased with it, there were many finds, but did not stop there. Half a year later, I bought a Garrett AT Gold, respectively, the scale of the search increased both on land and by water. I am very pleased with the device. In the fall of 2020, on another weekend, I went in search of one small village near my city, tried the new bigger coil from Garrett AT Pro, and the result amazed me.

The place has long been known to all treasure hunters and has been dug for many years, but THIS find was probably waiting for me! In a small foundation, or rather in the relief of an old house, with numerous debris, there were fragments of old dishes and various garbage that said, “YES, LIFE was in full swing in this house”.

After a while, I was already thinking of going home, a mixed but interesting signal sounded. In one bayonet, a shovel cut through the hard layer of earth and already in the ashes and dust of the old house, a small gray loop flashed ... Hands shook, emotions went off scale. “YES, THIS WAS MY FIRST DEGREE OF GEORGIAN CROSS, made of 999 silver, THE MOST REAL“. Joy knew no bounds ... this is not beach gold and not just antique objects, coins, this is a STORY OF THE UNKNOWN HERO ... now he has replenished my collection and I really hope that someday I will find relatives of the HERO and give them this value, THANKS.

Editor’s note: This Georgian Cross military medal was awarded between 1914-1917 during World War 1. The 4 at the bottom represents the class. It was produced with 99.9 percent silver.

Daria B. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector! You could be the next winner. Submit your story!


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My international Favorite Find for November 2020 is the cache of 5 French Silver Coins and Gemstones, discovered by Nicolas T. from Quebec, Canada, with his Ace 400i.

Nicolas’s story: This is best find ever... During a cold October morning in St-Francois-du-Lac, Quebec, on the border of the river, the metal detector started beeping. Approximately 8 inches below the surface, I found a small terra-cotta pot sealed with wax. Inside the pot, I found 5 large french silver coins dated between 1774 and 1776 and a small leather pouch containing a beautiful lot of gemstones (topaz, ruby, emerald and sapphire). The lot was given to the local museum because those artefacts are related to a local story. On November 9th, someone stole all my metal detecting equipment (my ACE 400i, my Pro-Pointer II and some little stuff)... I hope to get a new set for x-mas. :)

Nicolas’s update: The Abenaki (local native) museum dated the terra-cotta pot between 1800 and 1850; probably a local piece of pottery. During that period of time, the site was occupied by French and British military group. As you can see on the picture, there is a ‘’stamp’’ that can identify the artist: BYRD. I can’t find anything with that name on the internet.

Nicolas T. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector!!! You could be the next winner! Submit your story.


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My international Favorite Find for October 2020 is the 1729 Louis in Gold, found by Savary M. from Europe with his Apex.

Savary’s story:
It all started with a father and son afternoon in the great woods, with no roads. I find some room but always in my father’s footsteps with a lead over me. And the surprise, a clear sound impossible to miss it. I get down on my knees to dig and I scream ‘’daddy‘’ it’s my first!

Savary M. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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My second international Favorite Find for October 2020 is the 1777 Gold Guinea, found by Mark C. from the U.K. with his Ace 400i.

Mark’s story:
Hi Garrett team, I recently suggested to a friend that we try detecting on some pasture land near his home but he suggested that we ought to try his permission on our local golf club land instead. SO glad he did! After about 3 hours detecting and finding a few Georgian buttons and barely-distinguishable halfpennies, we decided to go back to our vehicles to go home. I searched next to the hedge nearest to the road with my socks soaked from the wet grass (I forgot to take my boots),

I got a really clear signal from my trusty 400i and couldn’t believe what was under the turf when I lifted it. It was this beautiful gold guinea of George 3rd era staring up at me! What a find! It took my friend and I a long time to calm down from the excitement over finding my first ever gold coin. It’s taken me 7 years to find a gold item but I think you’ll agree it was worth the patience.

Mark C. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex Metal Detector. You could be the next winner!!!! Submit your story.


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My International Favorite Find for September 2020 is the 18k. Gold Claddagh Ring, discovered by Jasja H. from Europe with her AT Max.

Jasja’s success story: It was a wet and windy day 2 weeks ago. Still suffering from the summer heat of the weeks before when it was simply too hot to go out with Max, we decided to go out and enjoy this cooler weather and hope for some nice finds. To make a long story short....after about 40 holes with just junk in it...and being ambushed by the heavy rain and wind, I gave up and started making my way back. Still swinging Max around because, who knows, maybe one more signal...maybe one more shot to clear my mood.

You would not believe it, but it came! A loud and clear signal (thinking it would probably be another bottle cap) and then this beauty showed itself!!! An amazing 18K gold Claddagh ring!!! For a moment I could not breathe or even think, but the feeling it gave me....my precious!!! And yes, it absolutely changed my mood! Rain? Wind? Who cares, I found my treasure!!!

Jasja H. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector! Congratulations!!!
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My second international Favorite Find for September 2020 is the Edward III Half Noble, 1369-1377, discovered by Emma R. from the U.K. with her Ace 300i.

Emma’s success story: Ever since I was a little girl I’ve collected coins. I dreamt of finding my own coins and I asked Santa Claus for a metal detector. I was lucky enough to get my first metal detector when I was 10, but it couldn’t even find the silver sixpence hidden in the Christmas pudding (it definitely wasn’t a Garrett).

26 years later, my husband-to-be bought me a Garrett Ace 300i with a Nel Tornado Coil for my birthday (May 20th this year). In the last 3 months we’ve spent most of our days off, out detecting on our permissions together. I love my Garrett. It’s simple to use and it’s a real coin monster. There’s barely a day when I don’t come home with a coin.

We were out detecting yesterday (August 31 2020) when my Garrett (on the Jewellery mode) indicated a target of 80-82. I thought it was going to be a bottle top as I’d dug up lots that morning with the same target ID. My heart skipped a beat when this beautiful gold coin appeared 10 to 15cms deep in the hole. Isn’t it gorgeous? I’m at the start of my metal detecting journey and I’ve had my first Gold Coin already. It’s been identified as an Edward III post-treaty period Half Noble from between 1369-1377. Minted in London.

I won’t ever detect with anything other than a Garrett. Here’s to many more amazing finds! Thank you for making it possible with your awesome metal detectors.

Emma R. WINS an ACE Apex Metal Detector! Congratulations!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex™ Metal Detector! You could be the next winner! Submit your story


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My International Favorite Find for August 2020 is the Roman Silver Ring, found by Samo T. from Europe with his AT Max International.

Samo’s success story: Hello! It is a Roman silver ring with a stone and an engraving, weighing 13.45 g. My faithful companion found him in the woods in a field near a small cave.

Samo T. WINS an ACE Apex metal detector! Congratulations!!!

Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE Apex metal detector. You could be the next winner. Submit your story!


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My international favorite find for July 2020 is the Bag with Medieval Coins, found by Mario S. from Europe with his Ace 300i.

Mario’s story: I sent you a great discovery that I have made. For a few days I have been exploring with my Garrett Ace 300i metal detector. The bed of a dry river, which during the Middle Ages was part of the Camino de Santiago, was crossed by pilgrims on their way to Santiago.

It is a leather bag with coins. It must have fallen from the belt of some pilgrim when crossing the river. When falling to the bottom it was buried in the mud, which has protected it from decomposition.
Inside, 32 coins of medieval origin have appeared.

Mario S. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!!! Congratulations!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300i! Submit your story, and you could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for June 2020 is the University of North Dakota Class Ring, found by Jason B. from Ontario, Canada with his AT Pro.

Jason's story: Good morning, I would like to submit a story on behalf of my husband, Jason. My husband and I both metal detect and have been for almost 5 years. We often go on hunts together. This past May, I found an old baseball diamond only 10 minutes from our house. I knew it was old because across the street is an 1800’s schoolhouse. We couldn’t wait to go check it out. The next day we loaded our machines into the car and headed over. I stayed on the perimeter of the property and he decided to do the outfield of the baseball diamond with his Garrett AT Pro. Within 30 minutes he was waving me down and I could tell he had a good find. By the time I made it over to him he was shaking with excitement. When I looked into the hole I saw a HUGE gold University class ring! It was crazy seeing that big chunk of gold in the hole and we were both stunned! We got home and washed it up to find that the ring was from the University of North Dakota's graduating class of 1969 and that it was engraved with initials.

I immediately emailed the university alumni team and the hunt for the owner began. A month later we got an email that they found the owner and they provided his contact information. My husband phoned him right away and told him that he had found his class ring. The man was completely shocked and emotional. He told my husband he lost the ring 50 years ago and explained that he had lost it in Des Moines, Iowa and not in Ontario, Canada where it was found by my husband. Whomever found it originally obviously never bothered to find the owner.

We have since mailed the ring back to him where he now lives in Florida. Even though it is very worn compared to when he wore it last, he was still extremely grateful to have it back after so many years. This was definitely a bucket list find for my husband and it was truly amazing to be able to find and return the ring to its rightful owner.

Thank you Garrett for taking the time to hear our story about the lost ring and its happy ending.

Jason B. WINS a Garrett ACE® 300i Metal Detector!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett® ACE 300i Metal Detector! You could be the next winner!

MAY 2020 WINNER!!!

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My international favorite find for May 2020 is the Pope Julius II Papal Bull Seal, found by Jean-Philippe L. from Europe with his AT Pro.

Jean-Philippe’s story: Hello Garrett family! I left that day with my AT Pro to make a meadow along a river. About 200 meters away, according to the history of my village, was a strong castle which completely disappeared in the 1800s. The finds are there, some musket balls and some old used coins... suddenly a good sound as we like! I dig, I dig and at 30cm at the end, the target! At the time, I saw immediately that it was a piece of very muddy lead… I take it anyway. I will see the cleaning, and this magnificent papal seal appeared! A very very rare object to find which at the time announced news or a papal order!

Pope JULIUS II, elected November 1, 1503, died February 21, 1513.

I did research on this pope who in his time made a lot of talk about him! He showed himself the generous and intelligent protector of letters and the arts. He entrusted construction of the Basilica of Saint Peter to Bramante (architect). It gave the city of Rome a new and magnificent appearance, and history associates its name with the works of Bramante, Michelangelo and Raphael. Thank you for reading, and strongly the new GARRETT APEX !!!

Jean-Philippe L. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector! CONGRATULATION!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300i! You could be the next winner!


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My international favorite find for April 2020 is the 1800's French Gold Coins Hoard, found by Davide F. from Europe with his Ace 250.

Davide’s success story: It was a cold Sunday afternoon, I was prospecting a small forest located near a road and a residential complex. It started to rain, and besides endless pull tabs, nothing was happening. I was about to leave for home and decided to detect back towards the car. While scanning a small slope, I was alerted by a shower of very clear signals. Already after the first hole, I saw something round and yellow. I also noticed some very clean round impressions in the dirt. It was clear that those were coins. I had that idea in my mind for several long seconds, until I put my hand on one of them. They were 3 gold coins: 20 Francs. My mouth was dry, time stopped still.

I remember digging and seeing gold coming out of the ground. I ended the day in total shock, with a grand total of 148 Gold 20 Francs coins, issued between 1870 to 1897. It was just another, random day of metal detecting when my life changed forever. The emotions I felt, the story I hold in my heart is priceless. Thanks to my yellow friend the ACE 250 and to Garrett.

Davide F. WINS an ACE 300i Metal Detector!!!
Next month Vaughan will give away an ACE 300i Metal Detector! You could be the next winner!