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My favorite international find for February 2015 is the Gold Celtic Quarter Stater, discovered by Chris B. from Fareham, England.

Chris gives us his story. “I have just started metal detecting, approx. 6 months now, with my trusty Ace 250. I have gained a small permission in Hampshire, England. I have found quite a few old coins and interesting items, but on my last outing I found a very rare Celtic gold quarter stater! Only 13 recorded examples, 14 now he he. The coin dates to 50 BC and comes from a tribe called the Atrebates. They ruled southern England with a king named Commios, who was a friend of Ceasar. Thank you so much for opening me up to England’s wonderful history. Happy Hunting Everyone."

Way to go Chris! Lovely gold.

Chris B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!