
Courthouse Metal Detectors

The security of government facilities is more critical than ever. Metal detectors are important tools that enhance safety by ensuring that only authorized personnel and items enter these sensitive environments. By screening for weapons, contraband electronics, and other prohibited items, this equipment provides a comprehensive layer of security that protects all courthouse visitors and staff. The presence of metal detectors deters potential threats and instills peace of mind.

Protecting Government Facilities

Walk Through Metal Detectors

Garrett walk-through metal detectors

Walk-through metal detectors are a first line of defense at public entrances. They scan each visitor as they enter, identifying objects like guns, knives, razor blades, pepper spray, and electronic devices. Their comprehensive screening process ensures that everyone entering the courthouse is checked thoroughly, maintaining a safe environment for court proceedings.

  • Zero Touch NFC for consistent settings and touchless adjustment (Paragon exclusive)
  • Ambiscan Directional Screening (Paragon Exclusive)
  • Multi-Zone Detection
  • Easy to Install
  • Comprehensive Security Search
  • Audio & Visual Alarms
  • Fully Mobile

Courthouse scanning

Handheld Metal Detectors

Hand-held wands are often used by courthouse security officers for secondary screening. They allow security personnel to conduct detailed checks on individual visitors or specific personal items. They pinpoint the location of metal objects identified by walk-through detectors or for inspecting individuals when a more detailed search is necessary. They are easy to operate and add an extra layer of security.

  • Self-Calibrating
  • Ultimate Sensitivity
  • Audio & Visual Alarms
  • Pinpoint Threats & Metallic Objects
  • Mobile Scanners

    What We Offer

    At Garrett, we offer unique security solutions that ensure a secure, streamlined, and reliable operation in courthouse environments. Our metal detectors don’t just detect threats; they also integrate into the existing security protocols of any court facility, such as surveillance cameras and x-ray machines. With our equipment, courthouses benefit from constant protection against potential threats, optimized checkpoints that facilitate smooth traffic flow, and the accuracy needed to detect and isolate security risks.

    Constant Security

    Having metal detectors at courthouse entrances offers a continuous and visible layer of security that is crucial for maintaining public safety. We make sure that every individual entering the premises is thoroughly screened, helping deter potential threats before they can enter the courthouse. This present security measure reassures all visitors and court personnel that their safety is a top priority, which creates an environment that allows court activities to proceed without disruption or fear.

    Streamlined Processes

    Implementing metal detectors at courthouse entrances improves the efficiency of security screenings. These devices are designed for quick operation, facilitating a smoother flow of people without compromising security. By optimizing the security screening process, we ensure that courthouses can maintain high safety standards while also respecting the time and convenience of anyone entering the facility.

    Pinpointing Threats

    Our metal detectors provide precise detection capabilities, crucial for the security demands of courthouses. Our technology identifies specific threats like knives, firearms, and metal weapons, and minimizes false alarms, which can disrupt operations and cause unnecessary concern. By accurately pinpointing the location of metal objects, court security officers can quickly and effectively address potential threats.

    Reliable Equipment

    Our metal detectors undergo strict quality control measures to ensure they operate correctly, and each unit is tested to adhere to all relevant regulations and standards. We ensure that our equipment is always ready to provide the highest level of security, reducing downtime and maintaining constant protection.

    Ultimate Protection with Garrett Metal Detectors

    At Garrett, we understand the unique challenges and high stakes involved in keeping courthouses and other government facilities safe. That’s why we design a comprehensive range of metal detection equipment to meet these challenges head-on. We design and manufacture various hand-held and walk-through models to meet the specific needs of these facilities. With our equipment, courthouses can mitigate the risk of individuals entering with potentially dangerous items.

    Our ultimate goal is to create a safe and secure environment, ensuring that all courtroom operations and activities can go on without making any compromises to people’s safety. Trust Garrett and take the next step in making your courthouse complex even safer!