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My first international Favorite Find for August 2015 is the Rare 40 A.D. Celtic Gold Stater, discovered by Jason M. from Chesterfield, U.K. with his AT Pro.

Jason wrote, “I was recently out on a club dig with the metal detecting Derby at Belper when right at the top of the field I got a signal jumping from 50-53. I didn’t have a pinpointer so I was grabbing handfuls of soil and waving them over the coil when all of a sudden I got the beep. At first I thought it was a button and had to ask a club leader what it was. She said oh my God do you realise what you have found? I said no. She said it’s a Celtic gold stater dating back to around 40 AD! She looked in the book and it is a Lincolnshire schyphate coin. My local museum has taken it away so it can be recorded and photographed. Although nobody has seen this design on a coin it is the only one found in my county and only 55 have ever been recorded in the UK. The coin came out the ground in perfect condition and everyone says what a beautiful coin it is. I now have papers and magazines wanting my story. I used to have an Ace 250 then upgraded to the AT Pro, both excellent machines and I haven't looked back.”

Excellent find Jason! Go pinpoint some more gold with your new Pro-Pointer AT.

Jason M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My second international Favorite Find for August 2015 is the 1795 Flowing Hair Silver Dollar (3 Leaf), discovered by Dan K. from New Brunswick, Canada, with his AT Pro and Pro-Pointer AT.

Dan wrote, “I thought I should share a once in a lifetime find, especially for here in Canada! I live in southern New Brunswick, Canada, and have been detecting for 4 years and have found awesome relics/coins dating back to the 1730’s. The history here dates back to 1611 when a trading post was built, not long after that the Acadians and Loyalists followed. A few days ago after a good rain I decided to go detecting at a public park by one of our river systems for a few hours. Using my AT Pro under some 200+ year old pine trees I had a solid awesome “91” signal. At first I thought pop can on end but it was screaming solid “91” under some roots 3” down. To my surprise/heart attack out came a 1795 beautiful Flowing Hair U.S. Silver dollar (3 leaf)! At the time I had no idea what I had other than a monster silver coin “wow”. With only running water and a Q-tip the coin is incredible, not to mention the great location it was found. Thanks Garrett for your excellent products and customer service.”

Great find Dan! Thank you for sharing your story and the history of the area.

Dan K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!