MAY 2013 WINNER!!!

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My Favorite International find for May 2013 is the Hoard of 200 Bronze Roman Coins, discovered by Gary S. from Dorset, England with his Garrett Euro Ace.

Gary tells the beginning of a successful discovery. “I started out on one of my permissions. It was cold but dry. I wasn’t getting many signals all day, so I decided to head back as it was getting late. As I walked across a couple of fields to get to the car I decided to turn the machine back on and have one last try whilst walking back. Wait one minute! It was a lovely little sound coming through my headphones… I dug it and to my amazement it was a little bronze roman coin. I was well happy. After that I dug another 4 coins all being Roman bronze in a little area.”

It gets better. Gary states, “The next day I hurried back to the same spot and found they were coming out from everywhere! I made myself a little square so I could determine as to where they were most concentrated. I phoned my FLO (Finds Liaison Officer) and asked for advice as by this point as I had about 50 roman bronze coins! I got advised to only dig down in the top soil until my FLO and archaeologist could arrive the next day.”

Gary shares the exciting conclusion. “Over the course of the three days I dug just over 200 Roman bronze coins ranging mostly of Radiates and ranging between mid to end of the 2nd century! As these were found on ploughed land, the ploughing over years had disturbed the vessel or bag of some kind holding these coins, which caused it to disperse over a little area of the field. Very happy with the result and so chuffed with my Garrett Euro Ace! The coins are off with my FLO and to the museum. LOL”

What an exciting discovery Gary! You told the story so well I felt like I was right there!

Gary WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett PRO-POINTER®! You could be the next winner!