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My United States Favorite Find for May 2015 is the Union Civil War Belt Plate, found by Seth E. from Pennsylvania with his AT Pro.

It’s so exciting to see a young man discover history with a Garrett! Seth shared his story with Garrett, and so here I share it with our readers.

"I was metal detecting at a 1700’s Log Cabin Site that was used up until the late 1800’s and came across a solid 81 signal on the AT Pro. It was about 8 inches deep and had to dig through a ton of roots to get it, but I finally pulled it out of the hole and saw it was my very first U.S. Belt Plate from the Civil War! All the hooks are attached and has all the lead back filling! I just started metal detecting about a year ago, I am 15 now and plan on detecting forever!"

Great job Seth! May you be an inspiration to all treasure hunters.

Seth E. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!