Favorite Finds - U.S.


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My U.S. favorite find for July 2018 is the 47 Walking Liberty Coins Stash, found by Ian M. from Ohio with his AT Pro.

Ian's story: This is and probably will be these best find for me ever! I wanted to search my buddies property that has been in his family since 1874. I wanted to find old coins and relics that tied into his family. I let my buddy use the Ace 200 until he was feeling comfortable with it. We were digging wheats up left and right. So then I let him use my AT Pro and he started hitting silvers and more wheats deeper. So while he was digging a deep target, I took my AT Pro and started swinging it. I came across an extremely high multiple target sound. I almost didn't dig it because I was sure it was just a huge piece of iron. So I cut a plug and turned it over. I just sat there and stared at I don't know how many Walkers! My buddy asked me what I found. I just said "Come over here". We were very careful and picked out 47 Walking Liberties! It took us 2 hours just making sure we didn't damage them. We're only 10% done with his property. Coin count: 30 wheats, 3 barber dimes, 6 mercury dimes, 4 Roosevelt's, 4 Washington's, 2 Indian heads, 1 buffalo, and of course 47 walkers.

Ian M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second favorite U.S. favorite find for July 2018 is the WWII 101st Airborne Dog Tag, found by David A. with his AT Pro.

David's story (edited): I took my son to visit Europe for his college graduation to visit sites where we had family serve in the First and Second World Wars. It was a trip I promised him when he was little and those relatives were still around to tell him stories of their youth.

A local took us to visit some foxholes, deep in the woods where the 101st Airborne had dug in. We found a massive amount of shrapnel, some unexploded ordinance we had to phone in, and reset the machine to focus on higher readings. My boy brightened up with the beeps that revealed a few bullet casings from M1's, and a .50 caliber shell. With one especially high pitch over 80 reading, we found, about 6 inches below the surface in one fox hole, the dog tag of one Charles Keim. My son, who has teased me about my AT Pro said, "Dad, the metal detector just paid for itself!"

Keim was with the 101st Airborne, parachuted on D-day, was wounded and captured and escaped. He died two years ago. How he lost that tag we'll never know. But as far as the detector paying for itself? I did some research, found Keim's family, contacted them, and returned it. In that respect, yes, I think the detector paid for itself. And then some.

David A. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My United States favorite find for June 2018 is the 80th Regiment of Foot (Royal Edinburgh Volunteers) buckle, found by Thomas R. from New York with his AT Pro.

Thomas's story: I was detecting an old rock wall along the back of private property in Orange County N.Y. I was having no luck digging a lot of junk. Then I got a high pitch 83 to 85 on my AT Pro. Started to dig, saw a rectangular piece of metal, thought it was more junk till I turned it over and saw the REV in script on the front. I was so excited I couldn't speak! I wasn't sure what it was exactly but with a couple of calls turned out to be the 80th Regiment of Foot (Royal Edinburgh Volunteers) buckle! I couldn't believe what I have found and the rarity of it (2 or 3 known) and why I was digging it up in New York when they where captured in Yorktown, Virginia.

Thomas R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second United States favorite find for June 2018 is the Returned 1951 Gold Ring, found by by Scott C. from Texas with his AT Pro.

Scott's story: I can say this was one of my most memorable finds! I was scouting out some areas in town where a house had been torn down and had a sweet older woman ask me if I was finding anything good. I showed her a few wheats and a Merc I found and she was excited for me. She told me I could hunt her yard. She just wanted to see what I might find because her parents were the original owners of the house in 1924. I hunted for about an hour and found a couple old coins and some tokens. I was about to pack it up and I got a solid "52" hoping for a V Nick or a Buff, I dug down and out popped this beauty!

As I was leaving, I showed Nancy my finds and the moment that ring came out, she begin tearing up. I handed it to her, and her hands were trembling. She was telling me how she remembered losing that ring in 1951, the year she graduated, 67 years ago! She told me she was with some friends at her house in the evening and during dancing it flung off. She said that her dad had looked for it in the yard for years with no luck. She brought out her old ID where it shared the same initials.

I know this is a little chunk of gold to some of us, but seeing the reaction on her face is something I will never forget and will always motivate me to keep digging!

Scott C. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for May 2018 is the Pre Civil War Militia Plate 1830-40, found by Thomas E. from Massachusetts with his AT Pro and carrot.

Thomas's story: I was out bottle digging a few weeks ago at a civil war era cellar hole. I rounded up my goods to head on out. As you know calling it quits (for the day) in this hobby is one of the hardest things to do, so I dropped my pack and put my coil to the ground. Having marginal success finding a few buttons and a large bell until this happened. My first belt plate! Amazing. Enjoy.

Thomas E. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find for May 2018 is the Early Militia Button, found by Robert B. from Virginia with his AT Max.

Robert's story: I got an invitation to hunt a union campsite. Bullets, period coins and other buttons were found on previous hunts by the fellow who invited me. I was impressed at the finds, especially the Rhode Island button. Along with the usual junk, I managed a thimble, an old P.O. box ID tag, and a 1919 wheat penny.

But the best find for me was the militia button. The AT Max proved its worth, sniffing it out amongst the iron by giving that high tone in those irony grunts. The Max is definitely a keeper!

Robert B. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for April 2018 is the Gold Ring with Garnet Birth Stones, found by Bryan G. from Tennessee with his AT Pro.

Bryan's story: The day started off with me racking my brain, trying to find a place to hunt for the day. I decided to use google maps to find a local creek to delve into. Lucky me, I found one just a few miles from my house I hadn't noticed before. Packing up, I hoped for the best. With civil war activity in my area, I hoped for a lone three ringer at the least. A few feet into the water, I began to find the signs of my fellow country boys. Shot .22 bullets riddled the cracks and crevices, not excluding the lost rooster tail from a fisher man or two.

A few yards up the creek I saw a small water fall ledge no taller than six inches at best. I checked it and got a solid "46" tone. (.22 caliber bullets ring up on my machine between 42-47 with some fluctuations.) But this was the solid steady and tight pattern that gets a metal detector's heart racing.

There was a small circular hole in the bed rock, about the size of a hockey puck, only 2 inches deep. I felt around and could barely feel the edge of something stuck in the circle, but under the tiny ledge rim that formed the circle. Curiosity peaked, I took out my hand trowel and chipped the ledge away just enough to allow my finger nail to hang the rim of the ring. With amazement, I just held it. Instantly started to snap pictures and sending my find to the people in my life.

It was the very first ring I had ever found. My girlfriend staked claim to the little golden ring. Again to my amazement the ring held little red heart garnets, which happen to be her birthstones, set in 14k gold. The ring was a perfect fit as well. This was a Cinderella story to tell about. A year later I'm marrying that girl! I knew Garrett Metal detectors where the best detectors in the world, in my opinion, but I didn't know they could find me a wife as well!!

Bryan G. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
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My second U.S. favorite find for April 2018 is the Confederate Tongue Buckle, found by Kimmie P. from North Carolina with her AT Pro.

Kimmie's story: There is something magical about detecting a Civil War camp area. Everything that comes out of the ground has possible ties to a Civil War soldier. Some things are pure speculation, like horse tack and grommets, others are more certain, such as three ringers and buttons. But there is nothing more definitive than what I recently recovered from a known camp location.

The day was getting short and the temperatures were dropping. My team and I decided to look around one more section before calling it a day. Kirk, my friend and local historian, was in the middle of regaling us with his vast knowledge of the area when I heard a faint blip on my AT Pro. Knowing not to take any tones for granted at a Civil War site, I stopped in my tracks and studied the target. I wasn't getting a read on it, just a very short, clipped, high repeatable blip. Whatever it was, it was deep!

I suddenly became oblivious of my friend's tale as I began digging in the sandy soil: six inches, eight inches, ten inches. I got down to around twelve inches when my Pro Pointer AT picked up the signal. The coin shaped target was end to end as I plucked it from the ground. I initially thought it was a "flattened largie" with its dark, copper- like patina. I gently ran my finger across the object, flipping it over in my hand. Expecting a "mystery coin" I was thrown into a state of shock at what I saw. Only in my wildest dreams did I hope to one day dig something containing the letters "CS". I did not expect this would be that day. I dropped the find like it was on fire!

"No way…" I stated in a stunned tone. Kirk, who had been talking to himself by this point, thought I was responding to his history lesson. "No, it's true…" he replied as he carried on with his story. "No way!" I firmly interrupted. "Oh yes…" he replied, seemingly perplexed as to why I was questioning his expertise. "No! No WAY!" I shouted. "Oh man," he said, realizing I was no longer in his conversation. "She's got something!" he yelled towards Gerald who was digging on the other side of the field.

I could barely breathe as I sat on the ground looking up at the guys inspecting my find. In utter disbelief, I eked out the words, "I dug CS!" "It's a tongue isn't it?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Yes it is!" they exclaimed. "A confederate tongue buckle!"

Kimmie P. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk™ and Garrett® MS-3 Wireless Kit! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for March 2018 is the 1970 University of Tennessee Gold Class Ring, found by Barbara B. with her AT Pro.

Barbara's story: I attended the recent Charles Garrett hunt in Jefferson, Texas and was inspired by Vaughan's talk to submit a recent exciting find.

I was detecting a subdivision that had been torn down. I came across a nice solid signal and was shocked to dig up a HUGE gold class of 1970 University of Tennessee class ring about 4-5 inches deep. As my husband was calculating the price of gold, I was already composing an email to the University of Tennessee Alumni Association to help me find the owner. After a few emails back and forth, the ring owner was identified as a local surgeon, Stephan S. Coincidentally, he had actually done surgery on my arm about 25 years earlier! I excitedly contacted him and made arrangements to re-unite him with his long lost ring. A reward was offered, and quickly turned down... returning the ring to its rightful owner was a far greater reward than any amount of money!

Much to my surprise, my Facebook started blowing up a couple of weeks later, and I found that the story had been reported on multiple news stations and in newspapers as far away as Denmark and Brazil. I was quite speechless, and I won't be forgetting the experience for a long while. Thank you, Barbara

Barbara B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second U.S. favorite find for March 2018 is the 12 Mark, Denmark, 1761 Gold Coin, found by Jason B. from Connecticut with his AT Pro.

Jason's story: I recently bought my Garrett AT Pro about three weeks ago. Most of my finds have been pocket change, bottle tabs, bottle caps, and tin foil. You wouldn't believe how many times I thought tin foil was gold! But there was one day that I rang up a 49-50 on the display. The tone was very solid and I had never seen those numbers before in that succession. In the back of mind I'm thinking, it's gold, it's gold, but the logical part of my brain started kicking in saying, it's just another piece of foil or a pop tab.

So I grabbed my trusty trowel and started digging a plug. After I popped the plug out I saw something really shiny. To myself I said, oh great, another gold colored pop tab. But as soon as I brought it closer to my face its shape rounded out and I saw a man's head. I very carefully brushed some dirt away. My heart started pounding. I truly couldn't believe it. After racing home I further inspected the coin. It was a 12 Mark gold piece from Denmark. The date, 1761, still legible. It is far from being in good shape, and someone soldered a frame around it, but to me it is my first great discovery, the true diamond in the rough.

Jason B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for February 2018 is the Scottish Jacobite Disc, found by Chip K. from Florida with his AT Pro.

Chip's story (edited): I was hunting with my ATP near the Georgia State Line and got a nice 88-89 signal but was surprised when I found what appeared to be a can lid. The thick dried muck slowly came away and I saw the line "I MAK SICKER (Siccar)" which is the original Kirkpatrick Family Motto which means "I Make Sure." This belonged to one of my ancestors! How did it end up in NE Florida? In 1740, Oglethorpe was governor of the new colony of Georgia. He pulled many prisoners out of Scottish prisons and sent them to SE Georgia to block the Spanish in St Augustine from advancing on South Carolina. Many of these prisoners were Jacobites who had lost a short lived rebellion. It appears one of them lost this. The bail indicates this had a ribbon or leather strap.

The disc inscriptions: (obverse) Touch and I Pierce, Aug 23, 1299, W.W., and (reverse) None shall Provoke me with impunity, I make sicker. It is a flat thin silver disc covered with Scottish iconic engravings. There is a lion, thistle, heather, hourglass, a heart pierced by an arrow (means a Jacobite) and a hand wielding a sword stabbing a rose (means Striking at England which is often represented by a rose. This item actually looks like a metal detector.)

I recognized the slogan "I MAKE SICKER (Siccar)" means I MAKE SURE. In 1306 Robert the Bruce was chasing the Scottish crown but he had a strong opponent John "Red" Comyn who was the favorite of most of the nobility. Bruce suggested they have a meeting in the church in Dumfries. Churches were considered safe sanctuary but during the meeting, Bruce pulled his dagger and stabbed Cornyn and fled. Outside was his best friend and third cousin, Sir Roger (Roget) Kirkpatrick. When told what happened Kirkpatrick asked if Comyn was dead and Bruce admitted he did not know. Kirkpatrick pulled HIS dagger and said the now famous phrase and went inside and finished Comyn which allowed Bruce to take the throne. This is all well documented. There is also the line TOUCH AND I PEARCE. (Pierce ie stab). This was the original Kirkpatrick Family motto before the Comyn incident.

Chip K. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second U.S. favorite find for February 2018 is the Pair of 1773 Virginia Halfpenny Coins, found by Ed H. from Tennessee with his AT Max.

Ed's story: I must admit, Williamsburg, VA is one of my favorite places to metal detect due to the Colonial and Civil War history! Within the first 2 hours of detecting, I recovered a 1773 Virginia Halfpenny! Believe it or not within the next 45 minutes I recovered another 1773 Virginia Halfpenny! This is why I love detecting in Virginia because even though we were detecting for Civil War artifacts, I was finding Colonial artifacts. After further investigation of the terrain and geological clues we could tell that this area had Colonial time period home-sites at one time. And I finally found the Civil War encampment that I had originally researched and ended up finding an assortment of bullets and minie balls. I must say this was an epic day of metal detecting with my Garrett AT MAX Metal Detector! All areas that I metal detected and recovered artifacts from were private property that I had permission to be on!

Ed H. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third U.S. favorite find for February 2018 is the Heavily Engraved Railroad Pocket Watch, found by Justin H. from Indian with his AT Pro.

Justin's story: This is one of my all time favorite finds and was a great way to start 2018! I bought a new, larger coil for my AT Pro and decided to test it out at a buddy's 1820s home that I've hunted a few times before. We've never found anything real great there, but I figured it would be a good test for the new coil. I got a faint, but repeatable signal that was reading 8" deep. After digging a deep plug, I unearthed a very large and muddy pocket watch. My gloves were too caked in mud to see any details, so I put it in my pouch to clean off later. After getting it home, I took it to the sink to wash it off. The water revealed that this pocket watch was VERY heavily engraved! Even better is that it's engraved with a very ornate train scene on both sides! It appears to be gold plated, but it could be a low karat gold (10k?). I researched the property a bit and found that the large "ditch" nearby is actually an old railroad track that once ran through the area. It was in use from the late 1850s until the 1950s. It's interesting to think that this watch might have belonged to someone who worked for the railroad that ran through their property. It now sits as a centerpiece in my collection!

Justin H. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for January 2018 is the 1845 $10 Liberty Gold Coin Pendant, found by Greg M. from Texas with his AT Gold.

Greg's story: I got a call from a member of our metal detector club THAP, Treasure Hunters Association of Pasadena (TX), who said an asphalt worker named Rowdy from Beaumont lost his 1845 $10 Liberty gold coin pendant while paving a parking lot. I met Rowdy and his crew that next morning at a chemical plant where the parking lot was laid. He and crew had 3 gold rings between them, so we laid them on the asphalt to get a reading on my AT Gold. 76-77. The top layer of asphalt is 2 inches thick so every target I hit was marked with a quarter. On The 3rd target, we melted and scraped asphalt and found it between the 2 layers of asphalt. There was Rowdy, his 2 crew and myself there and high fives and fist bumps happened big time! His mother wore that pedant for years and gave it to him so there was sentimental value. I was really happy and proud to be a part of this. What a great experience!

Greg M. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second U.S. favorite find for January 2018 is the 1851 Federal Sword Plate, found by Bradley D. from North Carolina with his AT Pro.

Bradley's story: I just found my first Civil War Federal Sword plate on the last day of 2017! This 1851 model buckle was worn by Union Officers on a sword belt! I had no idea I would find such a cool relic when I set out to find property corners. I finished finding my stobs and decided to dig around the old chimney on the property and this turns up! There were only about 30 minutes of light, so I was only able to dig 14 targets. The plate was the last! I don't get to dig much anymore so this is AWESOME! I can't wait to research the old cabin site further! I own it, so it is not going anywhere! My Garrett AT-Pro and Pro-pointer are seven years old and still raking in the goods! Thank you for premium machines, Garrett!

Bradley D. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for December 2017 is the Alabama Confederate Sword Plate, found by Stone K. from Alabama with his AT Pro.

Stone's story: While detecting a very small permission from a house built in the 1920s, I made an incredible recovery! After digging a few wheaties and whatever else I got a silver quarter type signal. After popping my plug I realized the target was deep and much larger than a quarter. It was an Alabama State Seal Sword Plate! A very rare Confederate plate that I never could have anticipated. Turns out the ground I was hunting has some history. The AT Pro does it again! Woohooo!

Stone K. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My U.S. favorite find for November 2017 is the Confederate Buckle, found by Andy B. from Texas with his Ace 250.

Andy's story: Hunting on private property near the Chickamauga battlefield, this Army of Tennessee Confederate buckle was dug in about 3 inches of dirt last week. This is my first ever Confederate buckle. When my 250 hit it, I knew right away it was something sweet. I didn't know it would be my best find to date!

The buckle was found in an area that was used as a staging area for Nathan Bedford Forrest and his men before the battle of Chickamauga and knowing that his men wore this style of buckle, there is a high probability it was from one of his men. All 3 prongs are intact and there is no apparent damage to the plate. Some of the black lacquer is still in place!

The feeling of seeing the "reveal" when the plug was lifted was surreal to say the least. Best way I can describe the feeling when I first saw the buckle was a sense of being in a movie! Only a few feet away were bullets and a few other relics.

The 250 is a simple to use and easy to learn machine. Thanks Garrett!

Andy B. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second U.S. favorite find for November 2017 is the Sterling Elks Fob, found by Bob F. from Texas with his AT Pro.

Bob's story: While detecting a stream in the Hill Country, I noticed a clear area along the banks. There was a group of large trees up the slope. So, I had to go check them out. I went slowly around the largest tree and got a nice high tone, using my AT PRO with 5" X 8" DD coil. I thought it might be a piece of junk tin, but it turned out to be a marked Sterling Elks Watch Fob. After looking closer, I found the owners name E. T. Josey Huntsville, Tex. After searching the internet, with the help of our club president, we found his obituary. He was born in 1843 and died 1925. He served in the Civil War, in the Confederate Army from 1861 to 1865. He served in Company K, Brown's Regiment, under Capts. Rountree and Tom Hamilton, both of Huntsville. He settled in Huntsville, Texas in 1870 and lived there until his death in 1925.

Bob F. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third U.S. favorite find for November 2017 is the 1787 Vermont Copper variety ryder 15, extremely rare, found by Cody D. from Vermont with his AT Pro.

Cody's story: Was using my AT Pro in southern Vermont. Was at the last site of the day. My first signal into this site was a 70-71 signal. It read 2 inches deep. I called indian but was very surprised when i saw a big copper sitting in the hole. My first Vermont. I took it home to research the variety and found out it was the rare ryder 15. Only 19 or 20 others known to exist!

I was and am still in awestruck. The find was made Sunday, November 5, 2017.

Cody D. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My fourth U.S. favorite find for November 2017 is the 1902 Liberty Head U.S. $10 Dollar Gold Coin, found by Ronny R. from Texas with his AT Pro.

Ronny's story (edited): After our Annual MCARC (Montgomery County Artifact Recovery Club) Seeded Hunt & Barbecue Luncheon this fall, a fellow avid detectorist asked me to hunt a local park with him. I had just packed up my Garrett AT PRO, digging tool, Garrett Pro Pointer II, web belt, and finds pouch. This park is very old and has been hunted many years including me. But to keep my friend from hunting alone, I followed him to the site, unpacked my gear and started swinging. This turned out to be the best metal detecting decision of my life. We were joined by a couple more friends/club members.

My friend found a Sterling Bracelet. In less than 30 minutes, my AT PRO spoke up with a good sounding, slightly faint signal. Showing a solid, repeatable "75" at 6 to 8 inches on the display. "Another Zinc, Lincoln Memorial Cent", I thought to myself!

I stepped on my trusty trenching tool, pushing it about 7 or 8 inches into the sandy soil and pried out a plug, leaving a relatively neat hole about 4" across and 7" deep. I saw, centered in the bottom of the hole, a shiny gold colored coin. I immediately thought, "What's one of those chocolate, gold foil covered, candy coins doing buried 7" in the outfield of a baseball field?" Upon kneeling and reaching for it, I suddenly realized it was a real GOLD COIN! My friends tell me I stood up and loudly mumbled something about GOLD. I really don't quite remember. It is a 1902 Liberty Head U.S. $10 dollar gold coin. This doesn't just complete my Bucket List, it IS my Bucket List!

Ronny R. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!


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My favorite U.S. find for October 2017 is the War of 1812 Artillery Belt Plate, found by Brian P. from New York with his AT Pro.

Brian's story: While detecting a cellar hole in upstate NY I received a signal right in the foundation ruins. After moving a foundation stone and a little digging I was rewarded with this beauty! I'm so lucky to have found it and still in disbelief. Thanks Garrett for making a machine that really gets through the iron.

Brian P. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My second U.S. favorite find is the Colorado Nugget, found by William M. from Colorado with his AT Gold.

William's story: It was a nice August afternoon 2017. I was coming down a hillside when the AT Gold started to make that sweet sound. About a foot down pulled out the best nugget I found that day.

William M. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
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My third U.S. favorite find is the Rose Gold Diamond Ring, found by Ray H. from Oklahoma with his AT Max.

Ray's story: Sunday hunt with Max. I found a coin first, a little later a Sterling Silver Cross. a token, some clad, and my best find of the day a Rose Gold 23 Diamond stone ring. Simply amazed at the depth of the Max vs My AT Pro which is a fine Machine. Thanks Garrett for coming with many improvements to a machine that makes swinging it all day to be real pleasure.

Ray H. WINS a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Z-Lynk™ Wireless System! You could be the next winner!