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My 1st International favorite find for November 2015 is the Aureus of Severus Alexander Gold Coin, found by Bruce H. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

Bruce’s story: "HI…Thought I’d share my second day ever with my AT Pro with you… after having had an Ace 250 before. I actually took a video of the whole thing as I didn’t know what I’d found at upturned sod stage! … I give you an Aureus of Severus Alexander (youth)… exceptionally rare I understand in England… dreams do come true… found 30/10/15… West Sussex… England."

Bruce H. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 2nd international favorite find is the South Ferriby Gold Celtic Stater, 45 BC to 150 BC, found by Russell M. from the U.K. with his AT Pro.

  Russell’s story: "I had a diggable signal and dug it on numbers rather than sound. I run at zero all metal 35 discrim, with one off the top on sens, and dig all above 40. This first signal was low 40 and as I was bored I turned over the clod and out popped an Edward 1st silver penny. My first hammered in nearly 12 months. This did perk me up and decided to do one more transverse of the field again. I indicated to my buddy I was heading back and the next sweep BOOM a great signal. I of course dug it as I was enthused by my Eddy find. As I turned of the clod I saw what looked like a squashed military. When I picked it up I knew instantly it was something special. I took out my tooth brush to clean the soil away. My heart nearly came out my chest Phew !!! I of course did a little jig and called over the club’s dig organiser. It was then it hit me I had found “The find of a life time”. I texted the wife about my good fortune but she didn’t believe me until I got home and placed the coin in her hand. The Garrett AT Pro certainly delivered on that sunny autumnal day in November."

Russell M. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 3rd international favorite find is the 1894 Queen Victoria Gold Sovereign, found by Michael R. from the U.K. with his Ace 250.

MIchael’s story: "My find of the month and probably the year! A 1894 Queen Victoria full gold sovereign. Me and my detecting buddy braved the stormy weather to join our club on a dig in Lancashire England. 30 minutes into the day my Garrett Ace 250 gave a slamming hit at 4". I dug up the clod and seen a yellow coin fall out. At first I thought I had found a euro ten cents (these come out yellow/gold when found) but I picked it up and noticed queen Victoria. My heart stopped for a second as i realised what I’d found. My first ever gold coin!!!! Weighing 7.95grams. I was over the moon and I’m still smiling now. Thanks Garrett for such a great machine."

Michael R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 4th international favorite find is the Arabic Gold Coin, found by Raja K. from Malaysia with his AT Gold.

Raja’s story: (edited) "My hometown, Kota Tinggi (High Castle) is a capital of Johore state from year 1528 till 1760 before move to Johore Bahru, opposite Singapore. During the Sultanate time, many traders come and go and make business there. At that time, river is the only route to reach the destination. War also happens there, and many coins drop and other items fall into the river. Time makes the river change from wide to narrow. The only way to know is to dig at the base level of the soil. The coins are made from tin, silver and gold, and are round, hexagonal and octagonal shapes. Words are written in Arabic scripture. The honorable name of the king and his title. Sometimes we also found weapons and other metal objects of silver and gold. Every time we go for hunting, we will play with mud. The condition of the coins in the mud is better and clear looking. Me and my team are very happy when using Garrett’s products. Best performance and sharp to detect the objects. From 2011 till now, I already expert using my Garrett AT Gold. Last time I have Garrett pointer, but lost in action."

Raja K. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
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My 5th international favorite find is the 500 B.C. Celtiberian plate, found by Julen R. from Victoria, Spain, with his Ace 250.

Julen’s story: "My friend Josu and me were detecting close to the Ebro river in Basque Country, Spain. When we had been detecting 20 minutes, very close to the surface, 5 cm approx, appears this amazing and historical Iberian plate of Bronze and golded. The Celtiberians were the people who lived before the Romans here in Spain. The scene is some people working the lands, and the others fighting. The plate is 4x5cm, 40 gr of weight and many experts told us the origin of it. Celtiberian plate, 500 B.C."

Julen R. WINS a Pro-Pointer AT!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Pro-Pointer AT! You could be the next winner!