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My favorite find for August 2014 is the group of 15 Civil War Cannonballs, discovered by Scott J. and his son, from Kennesaw, GA with their Ace 250 detectors.

Scott shares their story of discovery. "My son and I where going hunting with a couple of friends in Kennesaw, GA. It was our fourth time out hunting with our new Garrett detectors and Pro-Pointers. We found a couple Minnie balls, then all of a sudden we got a good hit and dug down and found a 12 pound civil war cannonball! We decided to search the area more and when it was all done we found 15 cannonballs total! Here is a picture of the first seven of them before we dug the rest."

Love the cannonballs, but also love that you and your son found them together.
Great job! Go back to the same site with your new AT Gold.

Scott WINS a Garrett AT Gold!
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My second favorite find for August 2014 is the Rare 1893-S Morgan Dollar, found by Dylan S. from Talladega, AL with his Ace 250.

Dylan tells us about this rare coin. “This is an 1893-S Morgan Dollar Coin, found at about a five inch depth. There were only about 100,000 ever made.” Dylan says that even 1893-S Morgans in average condition are worth thousands of dollars. “None of this would come true without the quality of my Garrett ACE 250 and Pro-Pointer!” he said. “Thank you so very much.“

Studying this coin, it has a mint mark of an S, which substantiates its rarity. Great job! Go back to the same location with your new AT Gold ! Good luck.

Dylan WINS a Garrett AT Gold!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett AT Gold! You could be the next winner!