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My favorite find for March 2013 is the b class="red">Father’s 1962 Class Ring.

Last spring Brian K. took the suggestion from his father and moved to the old home front which had their 100 year old farm house sitting on 65 acres in Jonesborough, TN. Looking for a new hobby, he watched the show “Diggers” and researched the best and affordable detectors, then picked up the Ace 250.

His father told Brian he had lost his 1962 class ring somewhere around a 2 acre radius and had searched for a long time with a 15 year old kids detector, but gave up. The day his father told him of the ring, the search was on. Brian tells it the best. “My father went to work. I searched for about 4 hours straight. Found some wheat pennies and newer coins and was about to give up for the day. I decided to check the mail and go around the pond and search that area on the way back to the house. Halfway down I got a good hit and started my dig. When I turned it over my dad was pulling in from work to see if I had done any good. As he got right over top of me I flipped over the dig and there it was...nice and shiny. He about flipped out, he kept saying “finally, finally” as he was picking me off the ground like I was a coach that just won the big title game! I never seen my dad so happy. He immediately called everyone he could think of to tell them the good news.”

Brian tells more. “Sadly my dad passed away with stage 4 lung cancer 5 months later. But before he went he begged for me to keep his ring. I was crying with joy. I told him that I will always keep it and promised him I wouldn’t lose it.”

Brian concludes, “Thank you Garrett for giving me that memory with my dad. I will keep on detecting and hopefully find the next best treasure.”

Brian, I express my sympathy of your father’s passing. Thank you for sharing your touching story.

Brian K. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!