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My favorite find for October 2011 is the Sheriff’s badge, found by Matthew J. of Winterville, N.C. In a field he had searched for years, Matthew was hunting along a trashy ditch bank with his AT Pro and came across a good deep signal. Matthew stated, “Since I decided to dig, out came a green badge. First thought it was a child’s play badge as I have found cap guns and toys in this field. So when I got home I cleaned it up and saw the name L.B. Williamson on the top and Caswell County on the bottom.

”Matthew posted a photo of it on Facebook to help determine its legacy. It belonged to Lynn Banks Williamson who served as Sheriff of Caswell County, N. C. from 1953-1958. Matthew made contact with the former Sheriff’s son and his reaction was simply, “Well I’ll be damned.” His son mentioned his father probably lost it quail hunting and that his mother had looked everywhere for it. Matthew returned the 50 + year old Sheriff’s badge to his grateful family.

Good job Matthew J. for finding and returning this family treasure.

Matthew J. WINS a Garrett PRO-POINTER®!
Next month Vaughan will give away a Garrett Pro-Pointer®! You could be the next winner!