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Automating Security with Garrett

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Walk-Through Detector

The metal detection workhorse that houses the iC Module and Relay Module.

For more info see "Walk-Through Metal Detectors"
iC Module The product integration device that allows monitoring, recording, and adjusting of walkthrough outputs.
PN: 1171600

For more info see "Networking / Monitoring Accessories"

Relay Module

The systems integration device that allows walkthrough outputs to trigger actions from other technologies.
PN: 1171200

For more info see "Networking / Monitoring Accessories"

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…And Get Creative with Your Security

Explore Integration with Garrett

There are nearly limitless ways to integrate your security technology with Garrett.

Here are just a few examples.
Integrate Security Stadium Graphics

Stadiums & Arena

1.  The walkthrough screens the patron, sending a signal to the ticketing machine that clears them for ticket scanning if no potential threat objects are detected. the ticket is scanned, and successful scans send a signal to the walkthrough.
2.  Simultaneously, screening staff can observe both the metal screening process and the bag check results of the x-ray machine, ensuring total visibility.
3.   When a ticket is scanned, the turnstile receives a signal and unlocks, allowing the patron through.

Build Thoughtful Solutions

Intergrate graphic

Loss Prevention

1.   As the employee leaves the facility, they are detected by facial recognition cameras. If the face matches one in the company database, a signal is sent to the walkthrough.
2.   The walkthrough receives the confirmed signal from the cameras, and the walkthrough indicator turns from red to green.
4.   The turnstile receives the no metal signal and unlocks.
3.   If no metal is detected when the patron passes through the walkthrough, the walkthrough sends a signal to the turnstile.

Adapt to Your Environment



1.   As the prisoner approaches the checkpoint, they are detected by facial recognition cameras. If the face matches one in the prison database, a signal is sent to the walkthrough and an image with timestamps is recorded on the camera.
2.   The walkthrough receives the confirmed signal from the cameras, and the walkthrough indicator turns from red to green.
3.   If no metal is detected when the prisoner passes through the walkthrough, the walkthrough sends a signal to the checkpoint door.
4.   The door lock receives the no metal signal and unlocks.
5.   Note that with adequate CCTV coverage, this checkpoint may be monitored remotely.